Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 345 [End Chapter] Reborn

Long Chenyan's eyes darkened, and he remained silent.

At this moment, Murong Piaoxue felt her heart tremble, and those bad premonitions reappeared in her heart again.

She doesn't want to get too excited.

I was afraid that she would show too much concern, Ziye Jiangli too much, but, it was as if the person closest to her once was in danger, so those worries!

"Yan, what happened to Ziye?"

Long Chenyan just looked at her deeply, and saw the madness gradually appearing in her eyes... yes, it was madness.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. In the past, he could confidently say that he won Ziye Jiangli, because he won the treasure in this world and her exquisite heart.

But now what?

Ziye Jiangli, how could you be so insidious, why did you have to die?

A dead person won a position that Long Chenyan could never replace in his whole life.

This position may be placed below love, above friendship, outside of family affection...Ziye Jiangli, you are the special person in her mind.


Really high!

If the rival in love is too good, it will be a tragedy.

I would rather have a love rival who is scum to the bottom, than Ziye Jiangli, a good rival. God, you are too good at making arrangements, right?

If there is flame, how can there be night!

"Tell me, what's wrong with him?" Murong Piaoxue stepped forward, holding Long Chenyan's arm tightly with one hand.

Pulled back his wandering thoughts.

"Don't ask him, let Benzong tell you all this!"

As the ancestor exited, Murong Piaoxue was stunned.

In fact, she didn't want to hear it, but she also wanted to know where she was.

In fact, what she wanted to avoid...but she had to face it, because she knew that no matter how cruel it was, she had to face it.

In the sharp and beautiful eyes, there is some crystal liquid holding back.

"Actually, this sect discussed all this with Ziye Jiangli a long time ago. He didn't know these things about you until you suffered the first demon bone pain at the bottom of Xuechi."

At that time, the ancestor asked Ziye Jiangli to think about it. Not long after, she also wanted Ziye Jiangli to confess that the matter had become a foregone conclusion. Ziye Jiangli had already made plans. If he really came to this point, he would definitely help Murong Piaoxue.

"After knowing these things, we have thought about all the consequences for me, and today's consequences are also expected. Murong Piaoxue, do you think you can survive the pain of being reborn? No, there are very few people in this world who survive to the end. Those who make it to the end will die."

Murong Piaoxue clenched her fists tightly, her face became paler and paler.

Looking at her slightly trembling body, Long Chenyan hugged her son, stretched out his hand, and wrapped her little hand with a warm palm.

"If one's demon nature is completely eradicated, and the other becomes an adult, then the one who looks like a demon or a fairy has to be sacrificed. Xue'er, isn't it worth it for Ziye Jiangli to exchange his life for another? What he wants is to look at you." Happily continue the life you chose, and living well is the reward for him."

"Not good!" Murong Piaoxue finally yelled, all emotions rushed out.

All the pain piled up and tears flowed like a river.

"Not good! How I live my life is my choice. There is no need for him to make such sacrifices. Why does he do this every time? Why does he never ask my opinion and choose the so-called good for me?"

A hundred years ago and a hundred years later, Ziye Jiangli, you still haven't changed at all!

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