Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 388 Long Haoran Chapter [7]

In Xiaofu.

On the path paved with stones, under two rows of plum trees, scattered petals.

Walking along this path, it is a relatively spacious avenue, and the center of the avenue is divided into several small paths.

The prime minister's mansion is spacious and luxurious, with a large pavilion carved with eagles. On the side of the pavilion is a rockery, and under the rockery is a lake with many lotus flowers.

The water in the lake is particularly clear, and the swimming figures of fish can be seen flickeringly, and the aquatic plants at the bottom of the lake look more green in this clear water.

"The emperor came to the humble house, and the humble servant was very flattered." In the pavilion, Xiao Ran poured a cup of tea for the person in front of him, with a slight smile on his lips, it could be seen that he was in a good mood.

Opposite Xiaoran, sat a man.

The man was impeccably handsome, with a noble temperament, but he was as cold as ice, but he couldn't conceal the domineering aura of the king all over his body.

He turned around and walked to the pavilion, picked up the food that was usually used to feed fish and threw it into the lake.

When the fish see the food, they scramble for it, and those who can get it first

Seeing this, Xiaoran came with him, and when he saw this scene, he smiled lightly and said: "You only lose this, how can it be enough, Yiyi will feed them big and big every time!"

"Heh!" Long Haoran snorted coldly, pouring down all the remaining predictions in his hands.

Attract those fish to attack and scramble for food.

"Fish, like people, are insatiable; only when their appetite is slowly whetted, will they follow their own orders."

There is no expression on Long Haoran's handsome face; his eyes are also cold, as if he has no soul; what a heartless person this is!

Xiaoran heard the words, his expression darkened, and he thought to himself: What the emperor said seems to be implying something.

"My humble minister is stupid and doesn't know the holy will. I hope the emperor will clarify." Although he is familiar with the books of sages and sages, he is full of knowledge, but he can't guess Long Haoran's mind.

The emperor is an elusive person, not to mention that he can guess the thoughts in his heart, and his emotions and sorrows are not allowed to be prying.

The so-called "observing words and observing colors" was completely overshadowed in front of Long Haoran.

A person who has no emotion and no expression, it is difficult for you to guess what is in his heart!

Long Haoran didn't explain, but just pointed at the fish in the water, "They are fighting for food, some are watching the battle, saving their strength, and defeating the enemy with a sudden blow... But, he still doesn't want to You should be too greedy, look, something has happened!"

The fish kept attacking, not knowing how to advance or retreat, greedy, and finally attacked by a group of fish...

Xiao Ran nodded, with a smile on his lips, "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I am neither the latter nor the former!"

Xiaoran's attitude is neither humble nor overbearing.

He is who he is, able to obey others but not be controlled by others.

Recently, the second prince has been disturbed, and since he is in a high position, it is inevitable that the emperor will be a little uneasy; but his sincerity to the imperial court is a lesson from heaven and earth!

After Long Haoran heard his words, his sexy thin lips rose slightly, outlining a glamorous arc, his eyes covered with ice, "Xiao Aiqing just said that the person who feeds the fish is called Yiyi?"


Why does this name sound familiar to me, but I can't remember where I heard it.

"Haha!" Xiao Ran laughed out loud, as if the person mentioned made him very happy.

When he smiled, it touched the small red mole under the left eyelid, making the already feminine face even more charming and soft, "Back to the emperor, Yiyi is not a fish feeder, she is my fiancée, her name is..."

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