Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 393 Long Haoran Chapter [12]

"Hey, why are you beating my maid? As the saying goes, it depends on the owner when beating a dog. If you dare to beat my maid, you are courting death!"

Zuo Lingxi glared at He Lanyi, let go of her hand holding her clothes, and said angrily: "Look, I won't beat you up today!" down--

He Lanyi's eyes turned cold; if she didn't take the initiative to find trouble, it didn't mean she would let others bully her; she was originally in Xiaofu, and she didn't want to find out about these struggles, but if Zuo Lingxi dared to touch her, then she would Give her ten times the pain—


With a loud shout, Zuo Lingxi's unmoved hand was abruptly stunned, and he turned his head to look--

It's my cousin!

Xiaoran strode forward, stretched out his hand and pulled Zuo Lingxi away, then hugged He Lanyi tightly into his arms, checked and found no scars, then looked up at Zuo Lingxi, and said in a cold voice : "You are so brave, you actually want to beat her!"

Zuo Lingxi panicked, she was actually seen by her cousin, she was not reconciled, "Cousin, you, you misunderstood me, she was the one who hit my maid first!" Xiao Luo dragged her to Xiao Ran, letting her reddened face appear in front of Xiao Ran, and said: "Look, she is so unfilial, my servant girl's face is even reddened!"

Xiao Ran saw that the girl's face was really red, and nervously grabbed He Lanyi's hand, looked at it, and asked nervously: "Yiyi, does your hand hurt? Tell me if you want to hit someone later, I told the servants to say no, so why do you do it yourself!"

As soon as these words came out, the people present almost fainted, this... What is this and what is it!

"Cousin, you...huh!" Zuo Lingxi couldn't bear the shame and indignation on the spot, grabbed Xiao Luo's hand, turned around and left, and of course went to find the aunt who loved her!

Zuo Lingxi thought that Xiaoran said those words to them on purpose, but he didn't know that they were really Xiaoran's sincere words.

Because he knew He Lanyi well.

She is just a kind "weak" woman, if someone else hadn't completely pissed her off first, with her temperament, she wouldn't even bother to move her mouth, let alone her hands.

"Does your hand still hurt?" She looked at her red palm with distress, gently kissed her palm gently, hugged her into her arms, and said, "Yiyi, I'm sorry for making you wronged, I Send that girl away tomorrow!"

He knew that the two masters and servants must have said some nasty things to her again, otherwise, she wouldn't be so angry; besides, he also knew Zuo Lingxi's vicious mouth.

"Xiao, I want to go home!" He Lanyi said softly.

In fact, she really wanted to go back. In the past two days, she slapped two people in the face.

It seems that recently, either someone provoked her or she unintentionally provoked someone.

It doesn't matter who she hits, she never talks about the word "fear", but hitting an emperor... She thinks it's okay, but Xiaoran must be a courtier, she is worried that if the emperor holds a grudge... it will bring trouble to Xiaoran .

Thinking about it now, she still feels a little scared. She doesn't want to meet that abnormal emperor again.


After knowing it, I discovered a broken egg... The male lead and male 2 are both called [Ran]... Fuck it, I don't want to change it, continue to make mistakes, this is also a kind of pk~~~~~~ Let the heroine call the male 2 [Xiao] in the future~~~

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