Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 424 Long Haoran Chapter [43]

The sky suddenly began to drizzle, and a gust of cold air hit.

The sleeping person in the carriage slowly opened his eyes, and a somewhat hot gaze focused on her face.

"Awake, are you hungry?" He asked softly, took out dry food from his side, and prepared to feed it to her, but she shook her head.

He paused, remembering that a rich lady in Helanyi had been a vegetarian for several days and ate non-nutritious dry food, maybe she was tired of it.

There was an apologetic smile on his beautiful face, he hugged her tightly, and said, "I'm sorry for making you suffer with me. When we get to the small town ahead, we'll go have dinner, okay? Eat your favorite meat, the most The green vegetables you like to eat, and the lobster you like to eat..."

"Xiaoran, I'm not hungry!"

She lay on his shoulders, stretched out her arms and hugged his straight and strong waist tightly, "As long as I can be with you, I don't care if it's meat, vegetables, or lobster... Xiaoran, what I care about is The person who is by my side and hugs me is you!"

Xiaoran's heart was once again deeply moved by the woman in his arms.

However, he still felt guilty.

"Yiyi, as long as we wait for the southernmost point, let's find a small forest and live the life of men farming and women weaving, okay?"

"it is good!"

In He Lanyi's mind, he pictured that they lived a life where they only envied mandarin ducks but not immortals.

Sweetness and anticipation slowly filled her heart, she was originally an indifferent woman, she didn't have much passion for anything, but she was particularly persistent in love.

"This life." She read.

"Afterlife." He continued.

"Life after life." She looked at him with a beautiful smile.

He looked at her with tenderness on his face, and said, "Never separate!"

Two people, in a small space, looked at each other affectionately, their lips getting closer...

Suddenly, the carriage swayed violently and stopped.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Ran lifted the curtain of the carriage, took a look, and felt cold in his heart!

He Lanyi also opened the curtain on the other side, and looked...

scare!So many officers and soldiers!

"Xiaoran..." She frowned and shouted worriedly.

"Yiyi, don't panic, I won't let anything happen to you." Xiao Ran smiled comfortingly, "Stay in the carriage obediently and don't come out."

There was a layer of mist in He Lanyi's worried eyes, and she nodded lightly.

Xiao Ran got out of the carriage, but when she got off the carriage, she glanced at the groom suggestively.

"Xiaoran, I've been ordered to arrest you as a traitor, why don't you just catch me without a fight?"

The clamoring one was a rank-five official who had been severely beaten by Xiao Ran once in Chaoshang.

Seeing Xiaoran in such a mess at this time, I am very proud!

Xiao Ran raised a proud smile, looked at the two rows of officers and soldiers standing neatly and said, "Just you? Wang Hui, you underestimate me too!"

When Wang Hui heard this, he became angry and shouted: "Come on, catch this traitor!"

At this moment, dozens of men in black appeared from nowhere, surrounded by Xiaoran,

The two parties fought like this.

Xiao Ran stared at the chaos with cold eyes, turned around and returned to the carriage for a while.

"Xiaoran..." He Lanyi heard the sound of swords colliding and fighting outside, and her heart went up to her throat.

At this moment, seeing Xiaoran getting into the carriage, he hurriedly stepped forward and looked around him nervously. After seeing that he was fine, he was relieved, but his brows frowned again.

Xiaoran stretched out her hand, eased her frowning eyebrows, and smiled softly, "Yiyi can't frown, she will get wrinkles; don't worry, they can't stop us, as long as we pass a few more towns, we will be safe !"

At this time, the carriage rattled forward.

Those officers and soldiers were all intercepted by those men in black. Xiao Ran was not as harmless as he appeared on the surface.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when He Lanyi was sleepy, the carriage stopped again!

After fleeing for nearly half a month, this happened twice today. Could it be that they really couldn't escape?

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