"Where's the snow fox?!" His body trembled a little because of worry, and his eyes were frighteningly cold!

The maids and eunuchs guarding the Panlong Palace shook their heads one after another. The emperor said that he wanted Xuehu to be free, so they would not always follow Xuehu. book>

"Your Majesty, Xuehu may have gone out to play again. Isn't this fun, and he will probably come back later." A eunuch said boldly.

I don't know why the emperor suddenly wanted to find Xuehu, and what's more, his expression was so frightening!

"Look for me, find her! Even if you turn the whole palace upside down, find her!" After giving an order, Long Chenyan left quickly like the wind. [

The first place that Long Chenyan thought of was of course the Jingzhu Garden.

However, after entering the Jingzhuyuan, the two guards guarding the Jingzhuyuan said that Xuehu left about three hours ago.

Without saying a word, Long Chenyan turned and left again.

When he came out of Panlong Hall and rushed to Jingzhuyuan, he came along the main road, but now, for some reason, his footsteps seemed to be uncontrollable, and he went to the small road that he rarely walked.

On the trail, you can get to the Panlong Palace very quickly, isn't that little guy lazy again, he doesn't even bother to walk, so he can choose to take the trail?

However, when he saw the mass of white snow falling in the rain from a distance, his heart felt like it was splitting open instantly!

He ran towards her and hugged Xuebai who had fallen into the rain into his arms.

"Little guy, what's wrong with you? Wake up, wake up for me!" His hands trembled, shaking her body that seemed to have lost the breath of life.

The rain fell from her body and from his body, and it was no longer possible to tell whose body it was dripping from. Perhaps, from the moment it dripped, it became one.

Can no longer be divided!

Holding her in his arms, he ran towards the Panlong Palace.

"Recruit Xiao Luo to enter the palace right away!" He ignored his dripping clothes, and after he ran into the palace, he ordered the maid to bring a clean towel and try on her wet body with his own hands.

Her hair was wiped dry by him, and she, who was originally silent, groaned in pain as he wiped her.

He was very puzzled, stopped the movement of his hands, and then became quiet again; when he wiped again, she groaned in pain again.

He put down the towel and brushed her hair aside with his hand, what caught his eyes was the shocking redness on her skin...

bit by bit...

What exactly happened here?

Why does this kind of injury look a little strange?What was she hurt by?

It is almost impossible to find the wound. If he hadn't discovered it like this, he might not have been able to find it if he pushed the hair aside. [

Such tiny wounds seem to be covered all over his body!

How did she get hurt?

Did you hurt yourself or was someone else hurt you?

If he was injured by someone, he swears that when he finds out, he will definitely tear this person into pieces!

In the phoenix eyes, the jade-like pupils narrowed, and then he gently dried her hair, and then covered her with a blanket.

After dismissing the maid, he changed himself into clean clothes and sat on the bed watching her.

Xiao Luo was also surprised, as if he knew that the emperor was going to invite him into the palace. By the time the palace people went, he had already put on his clothes and was waiting there.

As soon as the palace servants arrived, he immediately picked up the medicine box and followed them into the palace.

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