Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 463 Long Haoran Chapter [82]

He Lanyi spoiled the entire harem.

This has become a kind of legend in the palace.

As a result, she also became a thorn in the eyes of women in the harem.

However, due to Long Haoran's strength and dominance, what He Lanyi sees can only be sunshine and beauty.

Long Haoran was worried that He Lanyi would be suffocated if he stayed in the palace for a long time, so he often took her around...except for going to court.

Today, Long Haoran was dragged away by Long Haoxuan who was returning to the palace in the imperial study.

It turned out that the Queen Mother suddenly fell ill.

As a result, Long Haoran didn't care about other things, he hurriedly ordered Qingzhu to take good care of He Lanyi and left in a hurry.

At this moment, He Lanyi stayed alone in the imperial study, waiting and waiting, but still did not see Long Haoran coming back.

Originally wanted to go with him to visit the Empress Dowager, but before Haoran opened his mouth, her kindness was rejected by King Ming Long Haoxuan.

It is said that the queen mother is ill and it is inconvenient to be disturbed, and she cannot visit casually without summoning someone.

Amid boredom and laziness, He Lanyi decided to sit down and read some books.

She went to the table in the main hall of the imperial study and sat on the large chair with flying dragon sculptures. She searched for the books on the table, but she didn't find any books, but there were quite a few small books.

He Lanyi's eyes lit up immediately, thinking: Could this be the legendary memorial?

Why is it said to be legendary?

Because He Lanyi has only heard of it, and has only seen it with her own eyes until now.

I saw it and touched it again, so let's play it thoroughly!

She casually opened one of the memorials.

The content above probably meant that there was a drought in some place or something, so I put it down after reading it.

However, I felt that something was wrong. Generally speaking, after reading it, you have to give a sign.

Thinking of this, she grabbed the large jade seal that Long Haoran used just now that could print red patterns, and put a cover on the memorial!

Sure enough, she was covered so beautifully!

Watch this and watch the next one...

He continued to open the other one, browsing the content with eyes shining like water.

He Lanyi didn't know that when she picked up this memorial in her hand, her love with Long Haoran had already fallen to an irreversible end.

No matter whose fault it is, it is still wrong after all!

"...He Lanyi is the wife of the rebel minister Xiaoran. Although the crime is not worthy of death, the criminal woman can neither be a concubine nor a queen. I hope the emperor thinks twice. shame……"

He Lanyi read slowly, and finally the memorial slipped from her hands...

He Lanyi is the wife of the traitor Xiaoran...

Traitor?Next cousin?

It turns out that she is really Xiaoran's wife.

I don't understand why it is the next wife, but was Xiaoran executed by the emperor's order?

How could this be?

Why is this happening?

Who will tell her all this? !

He Lanyi felt that her mind gradually became chaotic along with the pain in her heart.

She patted her head, grabbed her hair fiercely, and repeated a sentence in her mind at this moment: Xiaoran is a traitor, executed by the emperor...

"Ah..." Many unclear images flashed in his mind, and He Lanyi rolled down from the chair with a headache.

There were too many blurred pictures in her mind that she couldn't bear it for an instant, and her brain was so painful that she wanted to burst.

It felt like something was slowly moving in her blood, getting slower and slower, but her head was getting more and more painful!

The two Qingzhu who were waiting outside the door heard the sound of the main hall, and ran in quickly, only to see He Lanyi rolling on the ground holding her head and crying in pain.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Yuqing stepped forward and hugged He Lanyi, but was pushed away by He Lanyi's brute force from nowhere, and continued to hold her head and howl.

Seeing this, Yu Zhu straightly clicked on He Lanyi's sleeping point.

In an instant, everything was quiet.

She hugged He Lanyi's thin body, and said to Yuzhu: "You go to the emperor quickly, I will take the empress back to the palace first!"

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