Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 467 Long Haoran Chapter [86]

In desperation, He Lanyi wandered around.

On the night of the tenth day after leaving the palace, she was suddenly hunted down!

Fortunately, after she regained her memory, her lightness skills were good, and with a little fisting kung fu, she was able to escape and block.

Those men in black were slaying towards her, and the leader stabbed towards her with a sword...

He Lanyi closed her eyes and planned to bear the sword.

"Odine!" The sound of metal colliding came to mind, He Lanyi didn't feel the pain that he should have felt, and opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that there was already one more person beside him.

When she raised her eyes and saw the person, she was completely stunned, her eyes suddenly widened, as if she had seen a ghost!

Xiao Ran? !

"Yiyi, be careful!" Xiao Ran saw that He Lanyi was staring at her in a daze, and the man in black suddenly attacked her again, and he quickly pulled her away; He Lanyi had already recovered from shock , staring blankly at Xiaoran Xiaoran used to be a civil servant, but his martial arts were surprisingly strong, even with He Lanyi who had no martial arts, he still didn't let those men in black benefit.

What puzzled Xiao Ran was why would someone hire so many killers to kill He Lanyi?

None of these people's martial arts were weak, and he might not be able to stand up to it if he went on like this; at this time, more than a dozen men in black surrounded Xiao Ran and He Lanyi.

"Hmph, it turned out to be the traitor Xiaoran!" The leader of the man in black suddenly looked at Xiaoran and said, "I didn't expect you to be alive, but your life and death have nothing to do with me. If you are smart, hand over He Lanyi, and I can let you go for now." You have a way out!"

Xiao Ran's eyes narrowed, his whole body became more vigilant, and he asked in a calm voice: "Are you from the imperial court?"

The leader laughed triumphantly when he heard this, and said: "You are smart, I will come to arrest the criminal concubine He Lanyi according to the order!"

He Lanyi, who was standing beside Xiaoran, thumped in his heart, it turned out that it was really someone sent by Long Haoran; but Xiaoran snorted coldly and said, "Abstain? I thought it was hunting!"

"Haha!" The man in black laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Xiao Ran, you are right, you are also a criminal minister anyway, I heard that He Lanyi is your wife, I will fulfill you tonight, it doesn't hurt to tell you , the emperor issued a secret decree to find He Lanyi, kill, kill, pardon!"


If He Lanyi still had a glimmer of expectation for Long Haoran, then his heart turned cold at this moment; it turns out that those sweet words that were once sworn to were no match for the resentment of being stabbed by her?

But that's good too, Xiaoran didn't die, and the one who owed it was her, He Lanyi.

If one person has to die to end this relationship, to explain this wrong acquaintance, then once again use her bright red blood to wash away all the mistakes and wash away the resentment and unwillingness in Long Haoran's heart!

"Kill me!" Following the command of the man in black who took the lead, the air suddenly turned chilly. I wonder if there is a smell of death in it?

The men in black around them swarmed up, but He Lanyi no longer wanted to dodge, the wind blew through her long satin hair, and felt a slight pain when it slammed on her delicate cheeks.

Once, she thought that Xiaoran had been killed by Long Haoran, so with the bravery of a warrior, she took a dagger and slashed at her slender wrist, thinking that with her blood she could swear their love was as wide as the sea and as solid as a rock. , but now I find that everything seems so ridiculous!

In the past, she thought that Long Haoran was the one who committed the most crimes, so that time she stabbed him fiercely with the determination of Monkey King beating a bone spirit; now she finds out that the person who deserves the most damnation is actually her.

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