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Chapter 471 Long Haoran Chapter [90]

The reason why He Lanyi returned to the palace overnight was to stay away from Xiaoran's sight. No matter what, she and him would never go back to the past, and he would figure it out when he calmed down; It was caused by her own hands, and she had to admit that her heart was full of guilt.

On the way back, she also flinched. Not to mention the handsome emperor in the palace was stabbed by her, and she also burned down the imperial study. Now if she can go back to pass the test of Long Haoran, but she can pass the test of the Queen Mother and the ministers ?She will never forget how many ministers in the court have criticized her!

He Lanyi really doesn't deserve to be with Long Haoran, this is the threshold that he can't cross, "Stop!"

The carriage stopped immediately, and Yu Qing, who was driving, asked respectfully, "Ma'am, what's wrong with you?"

He Lanyi lifted the curtain on the carriage door, got out of the carriage with Yuqing's support, turned to look at Yuqing and Yuzhu and said, "Go back, thank you for saving me, from now on there will be no Concubine Lan in Aoyang Kingdom, As for the emperor... He Lanyi will go back and apologize to him one day, but not yet."

After saying that, she turned around and walked in the opposite direction. At this moment, the sky had shimmered, but she still couldn't see the future that belonged to her.

Yuqing just stood there, looking at the woman who was walking away from them step by step, and finally said slowly: "Your Majesty, the Emperor once told Ambassador Linglong that no matter what your Majesty does wrong, she is someone we will protect to the death; The imperial doctor said that the emperor has not woken up yet, because he lacks a medicine; perhaps, the emperor has been unconscious all this time because he is waiting for the empress to return to the palace."

Long Haoran is indeed an expert, and the people he cultivated are really elites, just like this Yuqing, she is not only strong in martial arts, but also has a keen mind, and at this moment, she can even grasp the guilt that He Lanyi feels towards Long Haoran, and put The facts and reasons of "the emperor has not woken up yet" were stated in a tone so calm that it was impossible to doubt whether it was true or not.

It's not that He Lanyi is not smart, it's just that she was caught in her heart. She knew that Yuqing's remark was to arouse the guilt and intolerance towards Long Haoran in her heart and return to the palace, but she really couldn't bear it anymore!

Looking up at the red sky, the sun is slowly crawling out from the gap in the sky; she can walk, but Long Haoran, as the king of Aoyang, is like the sun in this world, he can't stay in a daze don't wake up!

"He Lanyi, you can't leave, go back, even if it's just to take a look!" Her left heart was trembling, as if she could hear her own voice saying so.

The carriage rattled forward, and since He Lanyi fled the imperial city far away, it took him a day and a night to go back to the palace day and night; Dare to go too far, but hide in another place to protect secretly.

At this time, it was late at night again, and the carriage had just entered the gate of Aoyang City, driving towards the palace.

Changing Yuzhu to drive the carriage, Yuqing stepped into the carriage, glanced at He Lanyi who looked a little tired, and asked with deep eyes: "Ma'am, are you tired?"

"A little bit, Yuqing, you can say whatever you want." She must have something to say when she came in, He Lanyi thought to herself, even if she was arrested and tortured to death after returning to the palace, it doesn't matter, she deserved it!

Yuqing thoughtfully stepped forward and gently massaged He Lanyi's back with moderate strength to relieve her physical fatigue from the long journey, "Your Majesty, just remember that you were not in the dry bedroom that night, but in the Amethyst Palace." , On the way to accompany you to relieve yourself, the servant was knocked out by the man in black, and you were also knocked out by the man in black and took you away."

As soon as Yuqing said this, He Lanyi immediately turned her head and looked at her with wide eyes, then nodded cautiously; she had to remember Yuqing's words, so how could she escape after being taken away by the man in black? She has to make it up herself.

Could it be that the Empress Dowager once suspected her, so she interrogated the two of them with Qingzhu?

A flash of clarity flashed across the beautiful eyes, only at this moment did she understand how much the two of Qingzhu protected her, and wasn't all of these instructions from Long Haoran?But, she was the one who stabbed the emperor, isn't Yu Linglong one of the emperor's?She is an assassin...

Even if He Lanyi wanted to break her head, she couldn't figure out why she stabbed the emperor with her own hands. They were both the emperor and Yu Linglong's bodyguards, but they still defended her everywhere. When she knew it, that would be a later story.

"The emperor hasn't woken up yet, so...the wound on his body..."

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, the imperial doctor said that the emperor's injuries are no longer serious, and he just needs to rest well; the most important thing now is that the emperor has to wake up."

He Lanyi's heart immediately relaxed a little, that's good.

When they reached the city gate, the guards at the gate stopped the carriage and asked, "Who is it?"

Yu Zhu scooped out the token on her body, and the guard nodded and bowed to get out of the way. It turned out to be for the empress, but it's the middle of the night...

Not far away is the dry sleeping hall, where the lights are still brightly lit at the moment, He Lanyi thought about it, and walked resolutely in that direction; but Yuqing stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty has been running all the way, and the jade body is tired, or should I rest first, Do you want to visit the emperor tomorrow?"

Gently shaking her head, He Lanyi looked at Yuqing with gentle eyes and said, "No, I want to see him now!"

Yuqing's expression was flustered for a moment, and after quietly winking at Yuzhu, she continued to say to He Lanyi: "Your Majesty has been missing for many days, and her sudden appearance may alarm those who are interested, Yuzhu, you should dismiss the idlers first."

"Yes!" Yuzhu nodded and left quickly; He Lanyi and Yuqing followed suit.

"You all retreat first." When they reached the door of the inner hall of the Ganbei Hall, He Lanyi stopped in his tracks, and ordered softly, Qing Zhu nodded together, turned around and left.

When He Lanyi stepped into the once-so-familiar inner hall, there was an inexplicable throbbing in her heart, which made her eye sockets moist. This place has been away for more than a month, but now there is a hint of herbal smell in the familiar smell.

The inner hall is lit with a moon pearl as bright as day, and I heard that he must sleep with a dim candle lamp, but now he has been affected by her bad habits, and he also likes to sleep under such a bright light?

Suddenly, she smiled bitterly, and cursed herself in her heart: He Lanyi, how could you be so heartless, did you forget that he is not sleeping at the moment, but in a coma?Can he still feel whether the light is bright or dazzling?He can't even feel the temperature of your fingertips at this moment!

The slender pale jade fingers gently caressed his somewhat pale handsome face. At this moment, his body was covered with a brocade quilt. She wanted to see the wounds on his body, and stretched out her hand to lift the quilt, but she lacked courage.

That wound must be deep, and he must be in pain!

"I'm sorry!" She moved her hand to his face, and she narrated the deep regret in her heart when she was worthless, "Maybe I should ask clearly so that I won't stab you, don't you think it's very painful?" It hurts, so you haven't woken up yet?"

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