Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 488 Long Haoran Chapter [107]

He Lanyi's chin rested on Long Haoran's generous shoulder.Because of this.Long Haoran didn't see that He Lanyi's tears fell like that at this moment.Silently crawled all over his cheeks.Take a look and hold out your hand.Wipe the tears off his face with the back of his hand.It's about time.What is there for her to be reluctant to part with him.

This sentence was the first sentence He Lanyi said to Long Haoran after waking up.And the only word; her only word.It made Long Haoran ecstatic.On the next day he began to prepare the troops.Prepare the carriage.Go to the hollow.

After waiting until the empty valley.A lot of people stood in a row.This scene makes it hard to imagine that this is to enjoy the beauty of winter.On the contrary, it seemed to come to war.

See this formation.He Lanyi's originally indifferent eyes flickered.Then think about what you want to do.He frowned and said in a low voice: "I'm here to see the scenery. I don't want to see them at all."

In tone.Clear dissatisfaction.This surprised Long Haoran.She is not happy and hastened to kill her.Let those people stay away from here.Do not come near.

Wait until all this is done.He Lanyi took a look.Sure enough, it's all within the long-distance range.Finally, he turned his head towards Long Haoran and showed a smile that was more beautiful than Hongmei without hesitation.It made Long Haoran feel happy.

This was the first time she smiled at him after waking up for so long.His heart was beating hard.turn out to be.In this life, he has no ability to resist her; holding her catkin.The two walked into the empty valley together.But the winter is very cold.Empty Valley is surprisingly dry but cold.Not long after He Lanyi entered, her lips turned purple from the cold.

Long Haoran wanted to call someone.But then he remembered that it was his order just now.Let all those people stay away from here.After much deliberation, he took off his coat and put it on He Lanyi's body.Then he said: "Yiyi. You wait here for a while. I will come right away to get the robe."

He Lanyi turned her head and smiled softly at him.She nodded very docilely.Seeing this, Long Haoran turned around and ran outside.

Long Haoran ran towards the people and horses at the fastest speed.But it still takes time.These pig-headed pig-brained guys.Let them stand away.He really has rolled that far.

Wei Qing saw the emperor running towards here.He quickly greeted him.Thought I'd found something.The emperor in this winter was sweating all over his head. "Your Majesty. What's wrong?"

"It's okay. Get in the carriage and take off the big mink fur robe and give it to me." Long Haoran stood there and covered his face.It's not tiring.But the valley is very windy.Running all the way, the wind blew my cheek sorely.Eyes are becoming uncomfortable.

Wei Qing got into the carriage directly.Then he took his robe and got out of the carriage.But he just stepped out of the carriage door and was about to get out of the carriage.The scene that came into view when he raised his head caused the robe in his hand to fall to the ground in shock.

Long Haoran saw this.He frowned.What's wrong with Wei Qing.Just when he was about to say something and yell at him a few times.Wei Qing jumped out of the carriage suddenly.nor the robes on the ground.His eyes widened in horror.Pointing to the front, he said, "Your Majesty, take a quick look."

Long Haoran turned around.look ahead.The whole person was stunned at first.Then he used lightness kung fu and ran towards that side... This must be the fastest running speed in his life.

Wei Qing was so terrified because he saw that Kongu was on fire.Big fire.The whole empty valley was full of smoke and flames; the emperor ran away.Seeing this, Wei Qing and the other guards felt bad.Chase after the emperor.

Correctly speaking.The empty valley where He Lanyi stayed caught fire.The fire in Mangu shot straight into the sky.Without hesitation, Long Haoran wanted to go towards the fire.Fortunately, Wei Qing had already caught up.A jump directly forward dragged the emperor's body.

"Let go." Long Haoran's eyes turned red.With one palm, Wei Qing was sent flying aside.Then he went forward again; Wei Qing didn't care about the pain.Directly and suddenly stepped forward and hugged the emperor tightly.Begging: "Your Majesty, absolutely not."

Seeing this, the people behind began to fight the fire.And several guards stepped forward to help Wei Qing.The emperor is like crazy.Whoever gets on will be kicked and shot away.

"Get out. Get out of here. Those who stand in my way will die." Long Haoran was already insane.But Wei Qing doesn't like this.hugged his waist tightly.No matter how hard he hits wild, he won't let go.

He still didn't let go until Long Haoran vomited blood. "Emperor, Your will die if you go in. Uh..."

fire.It was burning hot.Then slowly and slowly it became more relaxed; the guards were almost ready to put out the fire.But the most important thing is: everything in the empty valley has been burned.

Wei Qing finally let go of Long Haoran.Long Haoran was no longer in a hurry to go in.Slowly, step by step.It's like holding her soft little hand when you come.Walked in slowly.

The only thing left in the empty valley is: a piece of warm jade.

turn out to be.Even at the end.Something he gave her.After all, she didn't take it away.And the not-so-good hairpin can go with it.So happy.

Long Haoran suddenly fell to his knees.Wei Qing and others did not dare to go up to help.This thing happened too unexpectedly.No abnormalities have been found for the time being.But the sudden fire in this cold weather is really a bit weird.It seems that someone set the fire on purpose.

I don't know how long I was kneeling on the ground.When Long Haoran woke up, he was already on the bed; he didn't know why his heart hurt so much.But not even a single tear fell.Is he too indifferent or the pain is too numb.If numb.Why does it still feel so painful, so painful.

sometimes.People like to live in their own fantasy.Because too afraid to face reality; however.Reality will always show itself.People can no longer continue to escape; Long Haoran is a man full of courage.But he believed that He Lanyi would not die.

She is his.Life and death should also be decided by her.Why can she die.actually.He just couldn't believe she died just like that.He also frantically ordered to find her.

If.Long Haoran still had a sliver of doubt and a sliver of hope for He Lanyi's death.After seeing a letter left by He Lanyi.His heart was completely silent.It seems that no one or anything can arouse his emotions.

What is numb is not the kind of pain that hurts the bone marrow.It's the heart that loves deeply.

Because the emperor didn't give any order.So the Amethyst Palace is still taking care of it as usual.That day when Yu Zhu was tidying up He Lanyi's dressing table.A letter was found under a box on the dresser.

After seeing the letter.Yuzhu immediately forwarded the letter to the emperor.But.It was also this letter that killed all of Long Haoran's hopes.Let him change from an indifferent emperor to a cold-blooded lion.

"If you get this letter, I will die in bliss; the empty valley is deep and quiet. The most safe place; I will be entangled in life. After death, I want to find myself at ease. I hope you will be fulfilled. Lanyi will never write." There are only a few letters in the letter A few words.But it has already shown everything.

It turned out that it was not because of the beauty of Konggu.And go to her long-planned revenge.Yes.She was revenge for the hurt he had done to her.Punish him with death; a pity.She really hated him deeply.Even in death, she was afraid that he would pester her endlessly.Don't want him to go after her.

"He Lanyi, how cruel you are." The letter in his hand gently fell to the ground.Long Haoran's tears also dripped down on the letter on the floor; the man did not flick his tears lightly.Just not to the heartbreak.

He also knew he was wrong.He should have kept that kid.Even if it wasn't his own child... At least she wouldn't die this way; it was he who buried his happiness in the sea of ​​fire with his own hands.

After the death of Concubine Lan, she was posthumously named a first-rank imperial concubine.And build a gorgeous empty tomb.Into the royal tomb.

The queen mother has just returned to the palace from Taihu Lake.Knowing this is very unfortunate.I also feel deeply regretful.When in Taihu Lake.I heard that Concubine Lan is pregnant.Before she had time to rejoice, she heard that the emperor made Concubine Lan drink abortion pills.Although that reason does not allow her to about to go back to the palace and scold the emperor a few times.Then comfort Lan Fei.Unexpectedly, in just one month...

well.It really is unpredictable.

"Emperor, you can't come back to life after death. You can mourn as you please." As a mother, I want to comfort my son who lost his beloved woman.She didn't know how to comfort her.The emperor has always had a deep love for Concubine Lan.I hope he can really get out of this pain soon.The Aoyang Dynasty still needs him.

The queen mother's worries are unnecessary.Not only was the emperor not depressed.On the contrary, he is more diligent in court affairs.Almost day and night, he was busy with court affairs.Steady in front of his emperor; but this is not enough.Finally one day he got tired.The Queen Mother also realized the seriousness of this.

Her imperial son simply wanted to use his busyness to numb the pain in his heart.But this made her heartbroken as a mother; sitting in front of Long Haoran's bed.The queen mother said earnestly: "Emperor, you are the king of a country. The dragon body is very important. If you continue like this, are you planning to let the white-haired Aijia send the black-haired?"

Long Haoran stared at the bed curtain above his head with his eyes wide open without saying a word.The queen mother continued to say: "The Ai family is gradually weakening these days. I am afraid they will not live for a few years. The Ai family only wants to see the Aoyang Dynasty grow stronger; the Ai family hopes to see Haoran live happily in his lifetime. It's more exciting and more domineering. It's not a lion that can't recover after being injured. Concubine Lan certainly doesn't want you to be an irresponsible emperor."

The queen mother's remarks combined the influence of herself and He Lanyi on Long Haoran.Older gingers are more spicy.These words really made Long Haoran listen to his heart; from then on.He kept busy.But he didn't despise his life any more.

After two years.The emperor successfully cut down the vassal because King Pingnan wanted to rebel; the concubine Ling was sent to the golden nunnery and could never return to the palace.

Why are you so cruel to this woman.Because this woman poisoned He Lanqing.Spare the snake.It also caused him to accompany her for so long in every scene.It is this woman who should be severely punished.

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