Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 495 Long Haoran Chapter [114]

The night falls, the setting sun is picturesque, the summer wind blows up the smoke and dust on the streets of the city, the daytime market ends, and stalls start to be sold, and people come and go on some uneven and rough streets.A tall and tall figure passed through the busy city, turned into a small path, and the winding path led to seclusion, and then walked southwards to another broad avenue, not far away was a simple courtyard.

There is not even a plaque, just like an ordinary house, the afterglow of the evening sun lightly sprinkles on the cornice of the other courtyard, like a layer of tulle spread on the top of the other courtyard, which makes the simplicity dyed with some luster .He walked to the door of the other courtyard step by step, raised his right hand to knock on the somewhat heavy door, but he raised his hand high and stayed in the air for a long time before slowly retracting it.

It's not that the door is too thick and it hurts your hands, and the hurdle in your heart is too deep to cross; he turned around dejectedly and left the way he came. I don't know how long it has been since he didn't feel as disappointed as he is now. As the king of a country, He led thousands of troops to conquer the world, and he didn't know what to be afraid of, but today he just wanted to thank the woman who heard that he had saved him before returning to the palace, but he didn't even have the courage to knock on the door.

After he left, the heavy door just opened, and a graceful and beautiful young woman came out, but she didn't see him, because he was walking north and she was going south.

With the passage of time, with the moving steps, the distance between the two figures became farther and farther...

Early in the morning, someone knocked on the gate of the other courtyard, and it didn't take long for the housekeeper to scoop things up in front of He Lanyi.

He Lanyi opened the box, and suddenly found that it was a luminous pearl, and besides that, there was a letter. Gently opening the letter with green hands, what caught her eyes was a familiar handwriting, vigorous and powerful.

There are only a few words on the letter paper, but the main idea is clear: Before leaving, I will present the Pearl as a thank you for saving me.

Without the name of the signature, isn't he afraid that he will not know that it was sent by someone from him?How did Wei Qing tell him, why did he know that he saved him?But depending on the situation, he still doesn't know his "how" to save him, so it's good, isn't it?From then on, the end of the world does not know the distance of the sea, and the tide does not know the ebb and flow; they are just strangers who met by chance, and there is no intersection between them.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" He Yuze saw his mother holding a piece of paper in his hand, and looked at him coldly, she stopped laughing, is mother unhappy?

He Lanyi suddenly came back to her senses, put away her things, then picked up her son and walked out. For some reason, she suddenly wanted to see that man, even if she could only say a word.

When she went out, she happened to see Yuluo, so she called out, "Xiaoyao."

Yu Luo, who was about to go out to the pharmacy, turned around when she heard the sound and saw it was the young lady, so she greeted her with a smile, and said, "Miss."

He Lanyi handed her son to Yuluo, and then said, "You take him with you today, I'm going out." Before Yuluo could ask her a question, she had already strode out. He Yuze was fine, seeing Everyone follows, and has never been a clingy child.

After He Lanyi walked out of the other courtyard, he ran towards the river. From here to Aocheng, the waterway is the closest. They have such a big boat, so they naturally took the waterway.However, no matter how anxious people are, time does not know how to be considerate of people's hearts, and what should be passed has passed by anyway, and He Lanyi just grasped the tail of time and saw the painting boat.

The boat that has been far away in the river.

The wind by the river was relatively strong, blowing her lavender gauze, messing up her somewhat messy hair, the soft hair brushed her cheeks, and blocked half of her sight, but she All indifferent.As if she had been stereotyped, she stared at the floating boat, as if it wasn't just a floating boat, but also her unfulfilled wish.

Her wish was so small, but God still didn't fulfill it; she just wanted to see him again...

Seeing her standing on the bank for a long time, a boatman thought she was going to cross the river, so he stepped up and asked, "Miss, do you want to hire a boat?"

He Lanyi slowly regained consciousness, did not answer the boatman's words, but turned and left extremely lonely, this time she was walking north, while he was walking south.

It turned out that these two people were destined to run counter to each other no matter what time it was!

On the painting boat, Wei Qing opened his arms wide, enjoying the slightly itchy touch of the wind blowing across his cheeks, when he suddenly looked into the distance, he found a familiar voice, the distance was a bit too far, even his eyesight was good, the slender figure seemed a bit blurred, Which makes him not very sure.

"Shangguan, come quickly and take a look. Is that girl He on the shore?" Wei Qing didn't look back, but just waved to signal for Shangguan to come over, but at this time Shangguanzhe was no longer here, and the one standing outside was actually Long Haoran.

Hearing the words, Long Haoran rushed over in a "hush", looked towards the shore, but saw a figure similar to hers, felt sad, maybe it was just a coincidence.

I knew it might be just a coincidence, after all, she and him were not related, and he left her to see him off, but at this moment, Long Haoran really hoped that he would leave slowly, so that he could covet a glance at her ?

Suddenly aware of his own thoughts, he frowned first, and then sighed imperceptibly, maybe, he was really possessed.

Listening to the figure that was getting farther and farther away from him, he was not willing to look back until he could no longer see him; when he looked back, he found Wei Qing was looking at him, and after he found out, Wei Qing hurriedly looked away.

Long Haoran felt very strange, Wei Qing's eyes...

"Wei Qing, do you think you are hiding anything from me?" Long Haoran asked casually, but there was a hint of seriousness in his tone.

Wei Qing's frail heart trembled greatly, then lowered his head and narrowed his eyes, and replied very calmly: "When you return to the emperor, everyone will have a little secret."

"Don't pretend to be confused with me!" Long Haoran didn't like him. Ever since he met that woman He Lanyi, he always felt a little weird for some reason, as if... Wei Qing and He Lanyi were old acquaintances , "What is the relationship between He Lanyi and you?"

Asked bluntly, Wei Qing almost swallowed the wrong channel, was startled, shook his head violently and said: "No no no... I have absolutely nothing to do with her."

She used to be the emperor's most beloved woman, how dare Wei Qing have a "relationship" with He Lanyi!What a sin!

"Then did you know her before? If you don't answer honestly, it is a crime of deceiving the emperor!" Long Haoran abused his personal power very viciously.

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