Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 532 Long Haoran Chapter [152]

The delicious food on the table was delicious, but He Lanyi's appetite immediately, her brows and eyes were stained with a thin layer of desolation, she raised her eyes to look outside the out of focus, it took some time before she retracted her gaze, stretched out her light white jade fingers, and caressed Touching her son's pink cheeks.

"I don't hate it." It was said in a very light voice, as if without any emotion.

Without love, there is no way to hate. In order not to hate, she learned not to love; she was lonely in the deep palace, love was too painful, and hatred was too heavy, she couldn't afford both of them!

Long Yuze looked at his mother and concubine's expression, is this answer a good answer or a bad answer?

"Concubine Mu, do you feel sad?" I feel that Concubine Mu's sentence "don't hate" is too conservative, and I can't get a good answer from Concubine Mu's mouth, so my father won't let me play with An Ye. No, I have to keep asking, "Concubine Mother, do you love Emperor Father?"

He Lanyi frowned, and suddenly looked at her son seriously, "Zeze, what's wrong with you today? Who told you to ask these messy things?" If the child wasn't born by her, she doubted whether he was real or not. Only four years old?

Yu Ze pursed his mouth, and started to act silly again, pulling He Lanyi's clothes, and said, "Mother, don't be angry, I often see my father's concubines in the Royal Garden, saying that I love my father, what are you talking about?" Yes, so I asked, the mother concubine is also the concubine of the father, so does the mother concubine love the father?"

He Lanyi rested her forehead and sighed lightly, why is this child so curious?

"Zeze, your father is loved by so many people, it doesn't matter whether your mother and concubine love you or not, don't ask, let's eat your meal!"

Long Yuze was really depressed now, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, and ate quietly.

He felt that his son had really changed a lot recently, but he couldn't tell what had changed. He Lanyi called the person who was arranged in the Xuanyuan Hall in the Amethyst Palace that night to ask, "Xiaoxuan, is there anything strange about your Highness recently?" trend?"

The court lady named Xiaoxuan shook her head and said: "Mrs. Hui, no, His Highness did not see any abnormalities in Xuanyuan Hall, but every time he was taken away by Commander Ye. I heard that the emperor asked him to do that. As for going Where, the slaves don't know yet."

Xiaoxuan is a court lady, but not from the palace, but someone brought by He Lanyi.After being in the shopping mall for several years, how could He Lanyi have his own "bodyguard" group!This Xiaoxuan is not only good in skill, but also ingenious, delicate in mind, and extremely cautious in her actions. It would be best to arrange her in Xuanyuan Palace.

"Then you should check carefully. Where did An Ye take His Royal Highness? If you find out, report to Ben Gong immediately. You should go back first!"

"Yes, empress!" Xiaoxuan had just walked out, but the emperor was on her way, she quickly bowed her head, and knelt down, "Your Majesty sees the emperor!"

Long Haoran walked past her directly, without even looking at the maid kneeling on the ground, walked to the inner hall, saw He Lanyi frowning, and didn't know what he was thinking; because he hadn't come to the Amethyst Palace for several days , so he didn't ask the eunuch to notify in advance.

Thinking, give her a surprise!

"What are you thinking about?"

"Ah!" He Lanyi was so frightened by the sudden appearance that her heart throbbed, she looked up and saw that it was Long Haoran, patted her chest, and said angrily, "You don't make any noise when you walk?"

Long Haoran just smiled and said nothing, ignoring He Lanyi's cold face cheekily, sat next to her on the soft bed, approached her and said, "Are you scared?"

"No!" He Lanyi stood up, turned around and walked to the room. It was time to go to bed. I don't know why this man is not in the palace of his new lovers at this time, why he came here.

Long Haoran followed in, then quickly took off his coat, and climbed onto the bed; He Lanyi turned his back to him, closed his eyes, but was forced to turn over by him, "You don't like to see me?"

He Lanyi inevitably caused trouble, so she opened her eyes copiously, and said, "No, I'd love to see you."

How could Long Haoran fail to see her perfunctory attitude, the warmth faded away, he sneered, raised her somewhat thin chin, and the corners of his sexy lips rose slightly, "If you like, give me a smile!"

"I, uh..." She was about to speak, but he lowered his head and sealed all her words.

The warm tongue forcefully entered her small sandalwood mouth, sweeping the fragrance in her small mouth, and the big palm roughly tore off her blouse; after a kiss, she was already in a mess.

"I want you to laugh, not to talk!" He stroked her plump earlobes with his slender fingers, and his black eyes stared straight at the snow-white skin exposed by her open chest, as if punishing her for her injustice. Obediently, his hands covered her plump body and kneaded.

He Lanyi frowned, and snorted, but didn't cry out. This man, as soon as he appeared, wanted to torture her hard, tyrant!

If she doesn't like him a little bit, she won't make it easy. He likes women who are so docile and have no temper, why don't they go to his concubines? She believes that in order to please him, those concubines must be so docile that they have no "humanity".

Only servility!

"Lan Yi, do you hate me?" The kiss passed her brows and eyes, came to her soft lips, bit by bit, he asked, the strong masculine breath filled the tip of her nose.

Turning her face away, she didn't want to meet his gaze, "I don't hate."

"Hehe..." Long Haoran smiled, stretched out his hand and turned her face around, bowed his head and kissed wildly.

Only with the frenzy of the body can the frenzy in the heart be restrained!

Lifting off her clothes, he lowered his head, kissed her chest, and teased gently, why does he exist in this place, without her she doesn't love him!However, he wanted to leave a mark on her heart. If she doesn't love her, then hate her!

Hate can also make people remember, can't it?

"Ah! It hurts..." He Lanyi was hurt by his sudden entry, stretched out five fingers, and tightly pulled the bed quilt beside her; before she could feel it, he entered boldly, without waiting for her to adapt, He entered quickly, and she was so painful that her breathing became heavy.

"It hurts... let me go!" she cried.

He bowed his head forward and kissed her tightly biting lips, his voice was as cold as coming from hell: "Lan Yi, even if you want to go to hell, I will never let you go!"

Seeing that her face turned pale from the pain, he endured it, stopped moving under him, and instead caressed her tenderly...

When she couldn't help but began to respond slowly, he pumped slowly in her body.He moved, and occasionally bowed his head and kissed her lightly.

A charming drama between a man and a woman was staged between the fluttering bed curtains. The woman's high and low moans, and the man's uncontrollable muffled hum, made Xia Yefeng shy.

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