Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 549 Long Haoran Chapter [169]

The atmosphere suddenly became gloomy because of He Lanyi's words.

Yepeng's eyes barely protruded from his eyeballs, his handsome face was already blue with anger, and he looked like he was about to die from poison; he stared at He Lanyi firmly, as if this woman could threaten Long Haoran As a pawn, he will really strangle her to death!

He can guarantee that the woman in front of him is the woman he most wants to strangle to death!

However, when he looked at her bright smiling face, for some reason, he felt a strange feeling in his heart that he had never felt before; this woman, call her weak, can always make him furious, saying that she has scheming Well, she was as innocent as a child, even those eyes were so pure that he couldn't bear to drag her into this war!

However, this woman has already trampled his masculine dignity under her feet. If he doesn't show off his power, it means that he acquiesces to all these insults!

"You..." Ye Peng was about to get angry.

"My lord..." The guard's voice sounded from outside.

Yepeng frowned, gave He Lanyi a gloomy look, and said, "Woman, I will remember you!"

Under the gaze of He Lanyi's proud eyes, Ye Peng turned around and walked out; He Lanyi dumped on the bed in a very arrogant manner, feeling relieved in his heart, the feeling of being angry with someone is a good mood, just a little bit like Haoran and Rui Rui...

Several days have passed, and Haoran has not come to look for her. I hope that the two men in her family will not be deceived by that woman.

The night gradually became darker, and the number of guards in the palace became less and less, and finally only the guards and maidservants who watched the night remained; fell asleep and became very quiet.

During the day, she was bored, except for sleeping and sleeping, and now she just dozed off; only hearing some slight vibrations outside the window, she suddenly sat up, her mind froze, thinking: Could it be another assassin, right?

It's definitely not fun to be an assassin at this time. In Aoyang Palace, Long Haoran's people are protecting her, but now it's not...

"Hmm..." When she was thinking about these things, her mouth was covered from behind.

She panicked, she couldn't think about anything anymore, and she was about to struggle, but she felt that the person behind her was very strong, restrained her, and even slammed out a palm, extinguishing the candle with the wind of the palm...

It was that damned Yepeng who told her that she was used to sleeping in brightly lit rooms and asked him to bring her a luminous pearl, but he said that his request was too high and he directly refused!

Isn't it just a luminous pearl, give it to her first, and let her family Haoran return ten of them to the head office later, right?Look at this stingy...

Look, now something is wrong!

"Ah... um..." He Lanyi felt the hand covering her move in the darkness, she immediately wanted to seize the opportunity to shout, but then her mouth was sealed by that person again, and... ...her lips are moist and hot...

She was kissed?

Flower thief?

Yepeng, you are really doomed now, my Haoran Haoran must kill you!

"Hmm..." She opened her eyes wide in horror, but she could only see the vague outline of the man. In her panic, she didn't want to look at the flower picker carefully, but just struggled hard; she felt that he was skilled She pushed her lips apart, and her fiery tongue wanted to penetrate deeply...

His hands began to tear her clothes, with eagerness in the movements...

Being pressed down and unable to move, her sensitive body felt his slightly rough palm touching the skin under her clothes. Under the entanglement, her arms were cold, and her clothes had been pulled off by him; at this moment, His lips had already let go of her, but...

She was poked...

I heard that flower pickers like to do this...

what to do?Is she about to be raped by an unknown flower picker?woo woo...

If, if she is can she face the person she loves?

Eyelids wet, tears fell down!

The slightly rough palm picked up her outer clothes at this time, and the fingers sneaked into the bodice to cover her softness, kneading with some force, and the warm lips also came down. Sucking gently on her soft tip, the warm breath gently caressed her sensitive skin, causing her body to tremble.

The man's hands became hotter and hotter, igniting sparks in every part of her body, a big palm sneaked under her skirt, pulled her tightly closed legs apart, and invaded her thigh...

"Woooo..." She finally sobbed, and tears ran down her cheeks uncontrollably. This was not only because of the man's violation, but the most shameful thing was that she... actually became physically aroused by the man's touch. reaction……

The man's warm lips moved down bit by bit, and came to her fat-free lower abdomen. He kissed her lips and rolled back and forth. Shi Zhong kneaded; his legs were squeezed between her legs forcefully, and the male's heat was tightly pressed against her soft legs.

He Lanyi's heart was in a mess, and her mind became dizzy. She couldn't imagine...

The man's legs pressed her tightly, and with his hands down, she took off all her skirts. Regardless of her struggles, he gently rubbed the center of her legs with a firm and vicious way, again and again...

For some reason, a slightly familiar feeling came to her heart... But, no...

Thinking about it, she wasn't in the mood to think about it carefully, and she was ashamed of her inexplicable reaction to the man's touching body, He Lanyi, so you are a...

"Hmm..." She didn't expect that the man stopped his movement, but after he stopped, he touched another acupuncture point of hers, making her unable to move; she hated her so much, if she could, she would kill him This man!


The rustling sound of undressing came to my ears...

He Lanyi tightly closed her eyes in despair, her tongue had become numb and unable to speak, if she could, she would not hesitate...Suddenly, she remembered that many years ago, Long Haoran almost passed away that night Give her to **...

she misses him...

If she was raped by another man, why would she have the face to face him again?

The man suddenly leaned over, pulled her legs apart, and his evil hands moved over her body; leaning over, feeling his male heat pressed tightly against the softness of her body, there was a tendency to explode !


Her tears could not be stopped for a long time, now they slipped from the corners of her eyes and dripped onto the bed; the voice was so soft, but the man in the deep inner part of her body could hear her, and his movements stopped...

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