Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 559 Long Haoran Chapter [179]

In the boring days, He Lanyi fell in love with sleeping during the day, but sleeping too much during the day resulted in sleepless nights.

She was dressed in purple, standing by the window sill, looking out, the night was quiet and the moon was like a hook.

In the past two days, not only did Long Haoran disappear, but also what happened to him?Even the boy Yepeng hasn't seen anyone recently, and she has an illusion in her heart that this Yepeng seems to be avoiding her. As for why, she doesn't know, but she knows that when she saw him at breakfast once, he Turn around and leave in a hurry.

Turning around and walking out of the room, there were two guards standing outside the door. Seeing her coming out, they asked, "It's so late, where is the princess going?"

Hearing this, her footsteps stopped, her eyebrows and eyes raised slightly.

"Where do I have to report to you?"

The guard who asked the question lowered his head, and replied respectfully: "The princess is happy and angry, the night is dark, and the subordinates shoulder the responsibility of protecting the princess. Wherever the princess is going, the subordinates will follow and protect her."

Do you mean keep an eye on her?

"..." He Lanyi turned around helplessly, if you love to follow, just follow them!

Walking to the garden of the palace, unknown insects were chirping in the grass, adding some movement to this quiet night; He Lanyi was a little bored at first, and wanted to walk around and think alone, but There are two big men around her, which makes her feel uncomfortable.

Not long after, she turned and walked back.

"I'm going to rest, don't you need to sleep?"

The guard nodded, and said: "Princess, let's take a rest earlier, and my subordinates will change to servant girls to come and attend."

"No, I said I'm going to sleep, let them come over tomorrow morning, it's very cold."


He Lanyi walked into the room slowly, closed the door tightly, and then walked in. For some reason, the candles in the room had gone out at some point, and she felt a little puzzled, so she walked lightly , I thought: "This window is also closed, it is impossible for such a strong wind to blow out the candle!"

Step by step, she walked forward in the dark. Suddenly, she felt someone approaching her, and she reflexively opened her mouth to scream. Unfortunately, that person's speed was very fast. When she wanted to open her mouth, her big palm had already covered her. shut her mouth.

She could only widen her eyes in fright, and let out a "wuwu..." sound.

"Yiyi, it's me..."

Her body froze, she was in a daze in his warm embrace, and it took a while for her body to gradually relax. At this moment, his shoulders around her waist slowly let her go.


Xiaoran didn't speak, walked to the side, lit a candle, just now he found here, but found that the house was empty, worried that this was a trap, so he blew out the candle, hid in the room, heard footsteps He immediately stepped forward to the figure whose voice was still indistinct, but when he first came into contact with her delicate body, he knew that she was Yiyi.

The interior was bright again.

Looking at the still familiar handsome face, she was in a daze, she never expected to see him here, but why did he come here?

"Mengxi, why are you here?"

Xiao Ran turned to face He Lanyi, her eyes were parallel to hers, her lips were tightly pressed, she did not speak, but just stared at her quietly; she did not seem to have the embarrassment of being imprisoned as she had imagined.

"I'm... very worried about you." The words he swallowed were brewing with the rolling of his throat, and he said these words slowly after a while.Some worried words, in fact, can't be said, because he doesn't have the right.

Everything about her already belongs to Long Haoran.

But now that she is in danger, why doesn't Long Haoran appear?Isn't Long Haoran very powerful?Why are you willing to let her live among the opponents?

For some reason, He Lanyi's eyes turned red because she heard the bitterness in his words.

But, Mengxi, since you are so sad, why do you still hold on tightly and not let go?

"Worried about me... that's why you came here?" She turned her back to him, and now there were no guards guarding the door, she hoped that he would leave quickly, so as not to cause other disasters, even though he was not from the same world as her, so They should not be involved in this war without gunpowder.

Although she didn't know what Long Haoran's plan was, she knew that it was a matter of her being taken to the battlefield by Ye Peng. If it was handled well, both parties would be safe. Start a war.

Since Xiaoran is no longer a member of the imperial court, he shouldn't be involved, it will only hurt him!

He was silent, but also acquiesced.

"My husband is in charge of my safety, Mengxi, don't you understand?" Why do you come to her again and again? Last time when Mrs. Zheng wrote back, she mentioned that Mengxi might follow her mother's arrangement with Zuo Ling Wouldn't it be nice if Hee got married?

Although Zuo Lingxi's personality is a bit mean, but his nature is not bad, not to mention that a woman who has been waiting for a man for so many years is worth cherishing, isn't it?

Xiao Ran swallowed the bitterness involuntarily rising from the bottom of her heart, and said with a somewhat stiff tone: "Understood, I'm just worried about you from the standpoint of a friend."

"Mengxi, Miss Zuo is a nice woman."

Hearing this, his body froze, and he turned his back to her, with pain in his eyes.

"Some things can no longer go back to the past, you must forget, you must learn to cherish the person in front of you, so..."

"Enough!" He growled, with hurt in his tone, he didn't come here to hear her say these words, "Everyone can understand these principles." It's just that not everyone can do it.

He Lanyi bowed her head, and the fingers of both hands intertwined, and the two of them became silent.

"Mengxi, I'm fine. Now that there are no guards watching the night, you can go." She knew he was worried about her, but no, really.

Xiao Ran stared at He Lanyi with deep eyes, "What about others? The man who keeps saying he loves you, why doesn't he care about you at this time?"

He Lanyi smiled lightly, as smart as Xiaoran, he should know that he could come to see him, not to mention Long Haoran, but couldn't he guess?

"He doesn't want to care about you anymore, is he addicted to his beauty harem, or does he think you are not important anymore?" Xiao Ran squinted and asked, the security of Prince Peng's Mansion was not as strict as he imagined, and Long Haoran was concerned about his own safety. The king of a country doesn't need to come in person, but with the security of the palace, anyone can really rescue He Lanyi, so why did he let her stay here?

"Neither, he has his helplessness, you go away!"

Xiao Ran stood still, He Lanyi turned around and walked to the bed, planning to go to sleep after he left.

"Yiyi, come with me, I'll take you out of here!"

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