Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 562 Long Haoran Chapter [182]

It's also very ladylike...

Now I go crazy when I see what I eat, and yesterday I suddenly wanted to eat sour food, so I ordered the maid to buy some red bayberries.

The more sour things you eat, the more comfortable you feel physically and mentally. It's a bliss in the world!

Ye Pengjun's face turned blue, and he really wanted to yell at her: I just ate a little, I'm not full yet...

But, as she said, this is not enough for him, if he really yelled like that, he would look too petty, so he gave up, got up and glared at her, then turned and left.

"Hey, hey, didn't you say you're going to enter the palace?" He Lanyi hurriedly yelled as she watched Ye Peng leave. They didn't even get her some more delicious food in this ruined palace. So many delicious things... Er, by the way, when did she become so greedy?

Wiping himself a cold sweat, He Lanyi got up depressed.

This Prince Peng's Mansion does not have the luxury of an imperial palace, but every pavilion is also a work of meticulous craftsmanship, with carved railings and jade bricks, and is gorgeously decorated. Apart from this gorgeousness, it is not lacking in elegance. He is also a person who knows how to enjoy life.

At this time, she was strolling in a back garden of the palace, following the servant girl by her side, and suddenly she remembered that Yepeng called her "Concubine Lan" last night. It is estimated that no one will continue to think that she is the princess. right?

That being the case, who is that woman who looks exactly like himself?You and Ye Peng must be in the same group!

"That..." She looked at the maid beside her, but didn't know how to ask the most appropriate question, "That..."

The maid bowed her head respectfully, and then said: "Princess, if you have something to say, please speak up, and this servant will answer honestly."

Instead, He Lanyi felt embarrassed, and felt that she probably didn't know that she was not the so-called "Princess", so why did she still call her that? "That... I'm really not your princess, your princess is someone else."

The servant girl raised her eyes to look at He Lanyi, with a shy smile on her pretty face: "Princess... the servant is used to calling you like this, but in fact, there is no concubine in the concubine, and the prince has not married yet. "

What? ! aas

He Lanyi never thought that after she had thought about it, this "princess" did not exist at all!But, that woman... who is it?Could it be that it has nothing to do with Yepeng?impossible!

It was that woman who knocked her out, and after she appeared, she fought in Ye Peng's Palace. If Ye Peng was the mastermind, and if he knew that Long Haoran had seen through these things, is that woman still in Aoyang Palace?

But today, why did Yepeng say that he wanted to bring her into the palace?

He Lanyi felt that the more he thought about these intricate things, the more his head hurt, and he didn't know why those men put so much energy and brainpower on these layers of plots and calculations.

"Since none of your lords have married the concubine yet, then...then why do you keep calling me concubine from the beginning?" It can't be said that at the beginning, everyone was just helping Ye Peng to perform the scene that she couldn't figure out. play?

"I'm sorry." The servant girl lowered her head, her tone was apologetic, but she said firmly, "However, the servant girl must do that, and the servant girl cannot disobey the order of the prince." In fact, the prince has not married the princess at all, but An order was issued in the palace, saying that the palace will "come" a princess, let them all remember that it is a princess who has lived in the palace for a long time, if anyone says a wrong sentence, be careful of their own heads!

Later, she also learned that the identity of this "Princess" is actually not simple, but these have nothing to do with her. The best master I've ever served.

He Lanyi took a look, Yepeng, luckily she didn't admit it at the beginning, otherwise it would be a joke, good boy, I, He Lanyi, can remember this account!

"Forget it, it's up to you!" Feeling sleepy in the body, it should be sleepy. I didn't fall asleep last night. "I'm going to sleep for a while. Don't bother me if there is nothing special."


He Lanyi felt that she had used it upside down during the night and day, and fell asleep all afternoon. After eating something at night, she was still exhausted. Awake.

Looking at the crescent moon outside the window, a little thought suddenly rose in her heart.

I don't know why that guy Long Haoran has disappeared recently. Could it be that he was really fascinated by the woman who looks like him in Aoyang?In addition, he really didn't mention anything about that woman when he came. Could it be that he wants to enjoy the blessings of everyone?

"Oh, what are you thinking about!" She patted her head lightly. He Lanyi felt that she always likes to think about things recently, and her nerves became extremely sensitive; Now in a foreign country and in the midst of my husband's opponents, even if I am alone, I still have to worry about it. It is not surprising that my nerves become sensitive.

Turning around and returning to the bed, eyes wide open, uncontrollably continuing to let go of his thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Ah?!" Her familiar voice came from behind, and she turned her head in surprise, looking at the faint smile on his mouth, "You, when did you come? Why didn't I notice?"

Long Haoran smiled lightly, walked forward and sat on the bed, stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, did not answer her words, and touched her face instead of her forehead, looked at her face carefully, and felt relieved casually He generally hugged her on his lap, "Who knows what you're thinking so preoccupied, of course you don't know when I come in."

He Lanyi's black eyes rolled, and then asked: "Why are you here?" In fact, she wanted to ask, why haven't you come these days?

"I missed you, so I came here." Her familiar gentle smile was still on the corner of his mouth, and he gently placed a shallow kiss on her lips; in fact, he planned not to come to her these days, In order for the plan to proceed smoothly, however, Ye Lie agreed that he would bring people into the palace today, but suddenly said that something was delayed, and it would be tomorrow; but he knew privately that she was not feeling well, so Ye Peng took this Press down on the news, let Ye Lie reply him like this.

He didn't know what it meant to be unwell. He was worried all day, and finally waited until night... Fortunately, she looked good, and she didn't have a fever, so she should be fine.What's more, with her little temper, if she was not feeling well, she would have acted like a baby when she saw him now.

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