Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

8. Stealing the emperor's meal【4】

"Aww..." He raised his head and glanced around quickly, then lowered his head quickly, stood up in an appearance of aggrieved and fearful, and scratched his face with two small fat claws on the left and right sides.
This kind of action means that it admits that it has eaten the food!

Everyone originally thought that this fox should be damned!However, when they saw the adorable little Mo Yang who seemed to be able to understand human speech, they immediately fell in love with it.

It's a pity that this fox committed a capital crime. After eating the emperor's lunch, it is estimated that it will be eaten next!

What a pity for such a cute and intelligent fox. [

However, it is very strange to say, where did this fox come from?Everyone had this doubt in their hearts, but at this moment, no one dared to speak out, only waiting for the emperor's final "judgment"!

Emperor Long Chenyan's half-smile was actually more terrifying than when he sneered. I saw him approaching it step by step, sitting on the chair closest to it, looking at the kneeling crowd and...

With the squatting fox, the beautiful thin lips revealing the ruthless water chestnut moved slightly, snorted coldly, and said: "Very good, since you ate my lunch and ruined it all, then I Why not try the taste of using fox meat for lunch!"

Murong Piaoxue flinched when she heard the words, then slowly raised her head, and looked at Long Chenyan with tears in her eyes, there is nowhere to express her infinite sorrow, is there any?Look at my eyes, pity me...

This pitiful look on my face made the people present infinitely distressed, but it is a pity that Long Chenyan refused to eat it and continued with his meal choice, "Eunuch Liu, tell me, how can I make this fox meat better?" To eat, boiled or baked?"

What?Boiled or baked?Nima, you dead tyrant, you want to kill the girl and me, right?The tragedy that the girl just staged infinitely is a waste of expression for a tyrant like you! ?

The eunuch in purple clothes was Eunuch Liu who served the emperor. He heard the words and looked at the emperor's expression. After following the emperor for many years, he still understood the emperor's temper. At this time, if he answered inadvertently, then But it's not as simple as just losing your head.The emperor's ruthlessness exists on the same level as his sageness.

"Reporting to the emperor, foxes are relatively rare animals, so this old slave doesn't know much about them. Why don't you boil them half raw and half roast them raw, and try both of them." Eunuch Liu replied with trepidation, but he didn't understand what he said. Murong Piaoxue was terrified when he heard it.

Just now, it still thought that this old eunuch with a sloppy face but a benevolent complexion was quite pleasing to the eye, but now he suggested that the tyrant cut it into two and boiled or roasted it?

It's really knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing people's hearts!There is no such thing as a Lord with a kind face and an evil heart!

Unexpectedly, the tyrant nodded with satisfaction, and said very seriously: "There is some truth in this statement. Since the culprit has been found, I will forgive you this time. Next time you make such mistakes, I will punish you." Your sins!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your life! All blessings, Your Majesty!" Everyone was overjoyed, although they felt sorry for that cute little fox, but they were more happy than sad that its life was changed for their own.

Seeing this, Murong Piaoxue screamed angrily, 36 tricks, the best policy is to go!It aimed at the direction of escape, and ran away!

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