Abandoned concubine charms the world

【126】Physical comfort

Another night of indulgence. 【】

Ever since Liu Xiaoxuan found out she was pregnant, although she didn't leave the palace for half a step, the eunuchs and maids in the palace knew how bad her reputation was when they saw her secretly covering their mouths and laughing.

She is pregnant and still dominates the emperor every night. She is really enough, and she also feels that she is enough, but what can I do?She couldn't afford to gamble, not to mention she couldn't bear to let his beloved endure the pain of abstinence.

Looking at the gardenias all over the courtyard, a smile could not help but curl up on her lips. She remembered that she once said that she loves gardenias the most. It's a pity that the gardenias are so caring. She never thought that he would be so caring and send someone to secretly cultivate them. .

"Miss, this is a flower that has just been cultivated in the greenhouse. It is said that it is called gardenia. The emperor ordered me to lead you out to enjoy the flower. He said that you love this flower the most. Why haven't I heard from you before?" Peier asked in confusion.

Liu Xiaoxuan smiled while admiring the flowers, "Peier, every flower has its own flower language."

"Flower language?" Pei'er was puzzled.

"Yes, like roses, representing love."

"Then why didn't the lady ask the emperor to send roses?"

Liu Xiaoxuan just smiled and said nothing.

"Then what does this gardenia represent?" Peier asked.

Gardenia is translated in modern times as: eternal love, lifelong waiting and joy.

"Just pretend that I haven't said anything." Liu Xiaoxuan smiled.

Pei'er pouted, "Miss is knowledgeable, so she loves to bully me."

"Who dares to bully you, lest you make the decision without authorization and talk nonsense in front of the emperor, I can't afford to walk around."

"Miss." Pei'er was coquettish, but was completely stunned after seeing the bright yellow body.

"The emperor..."

"Go ahead." The emperor said lightly.


Liu Xiaoxuan didn't expect this guy to come so early, it's not morning yet, right?


She threw herself into his arms in front of everyone like a young girl in love.

The emperor stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly, he lowered his head and murmured, "Xi'er..."

"Yao, why did you go to court so early today?"

He bowed his head in silence and leaned his head heavily on her shoulder.

Liu Xiaoxuan stopped asking.

remember last night

He came to Moyang Palace very late, and she was about to fall asleep when it was late, thinking that he would not come.

He was preoccupied, no matter how much she teased him, he was not as usual, and finally he told her that General Li refused to go to attack the Xiongnu.

Although he just said that, she also knew the reason.

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me."

"Silly girl." He squeezed her hand tightly, "Stop talking about it, Xi'er, please please me, let me forget about my troubles."

She knew that maybe talking too much about language would only make him more upset, so she could only rely on her body to comfort him. She spared no effort to make bolder moves than the previous two nights. He was astonished, but more than satisfied.

Afterwards, he kept listening to her belly with his ear, "Xi'er, would you come and name our baby?"

God, give her a name?Kill her, she is not Miss Xue, how can she get a name?I am afraid that the name taken out will not be on the stage of elegance.

Liu Xiaoxuan shook her head, "How can I have the knowledge of the emperor, how can I choose a name?"

"I just want Xi'er to take it." He was willful, like a doll.

Liu Xiaoxuan suddenly couldn't bear to refuse.Nai said, "Okay, let me think about it."

"If it's a girl, can I call it Qi Le'an Ke?"

"Okay, then I will call her Princess Le."

"If it's a boy, can I be called Qi Chenghuan?"

"Cheng Huan's knee? Okay, I like this name, let's call it Cheng Huan."

It seems that he prefers to be a boy.

"Cheng Huan." He kissed her belly, and she giggled.


Time seemed to have passed for a long time, and her shoulders were a little sore, before he raised his head and took her hand through the main hall and directly into her room.


Once inside, he kissed her deeply.

Liu Xiaoxuan was shocked.

It's broad daylight.


Someone didn't allow her to think too much, and kissed her until the sky was dark.

And his hand has been sticking to her lower abdomen, and has never left.

The moans that escaped from between the lips and teeth made the room suddenly ambiguous.

Do men want to get physical comfort when they are upset? Although they have been using their hands for the past few nights, in the end, hands are still hands, and they are not as good as her body.

Just as he was thinking, his hand had already probed down, stroking back and forth where her taboos were.

Liu Xiaoxuan was short of breath, and her body seemed to be on fire.


Feeling that his love had left, his pride was approaching, she stopped with her hand.

The emperor's eyes were almost on fire, but he stopped because of her stop.

Panting heavily, he fell to the side.

Liu Xiaoxuan knew that he was suffering, and wanted to solve it for him with her hands, but he stopped her.

"Xi'er, you are pregnant, so hard, but I let a pregnant woman work so hard every night for my own convenience, I am sorry for you."

Liu Xiaoxuan was stunned. Although she worked hard every night, it was also for her own selfishness.

Her nimble eyes blinked, "You abstinence for me, for you, I am willing to work hard."

"In the future, I won't let you work harder." He stretched out his hand to cover her lower abdomen, "Let me listen to the child."

Seeing him endure so hard, Liu Xiaoxuan couldn't bear it, "You really don't need me to replace you?"


He stopped her and put his ear close together.

"Cheng Huan, come out soon, okay? I can't wait"

Liu Xiaoxuan smiled and stroked his head.

He looks like a child, it makes her want to play the natural maternal love of women

He was probably too tired, and fell asleep after a while, but his hand was covering her lower abdomen, and the other hand held her tightly, with ten fingers.

Pei'er came in squatting on the antinatal drug, and she was so excited that tears rolled down the scene of the loving relationship between the young lady and the emperor.

"Miss, it's time to drink the anti-fetal medicine."

"Shh, don't disturb the emperor." Pei Er put down the anti-fetal medicine, "Yes."

Liu Xiaoxuan spent a lot of effort and finally put the emperor to sleep on the pillow, she followed Pei'er out of the main hall.

"Your Majesty, the Empress sent someone to bring an anti-fetal medicine." Seeing Liu Xiaoxuan coming out, Zhu'er said, Ken went to help her.

Liu Xiaoxuan stood beside Yuechan, holding a bowl of anti-fetal medicine in her hand, with a very unwilling expression on her face.

"Accept it, and thank the queen on my behalf."

Yuechan didn't say a word, just ordered the birth control medicine and left.

"Miss, for safety's sake, I'd better try with a silver needle." Zhuer said.

"Try what? Do you remember the last night of concubine Shu?" Pei Er was filled with righteous indignation, and directly threw the bowl of anti-fetal medicine given by the empress away.

Liu Xiaoxuan was shocked, "This..."

Pei'er picked up the anti-fetal medicine that had been boiled that night, "Miss, we'll drink our own from now on."


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