"Your Majesty, I found this in the Moyang Palace. 【】" Sun Caiwu took out a bag of things.

Qi Xuyao ​​scored one, and there were pieces of meatballs inside.

Qi Xuyao ​​frowned, "What is this? A pill?"

Sun Caiwu nodded, "Prince Fu examined it, and it is Guixi Pill."


Qi Xuyao ​​felt that his legs were a little unsteady, "What did you say? This is Guixi pill? Feign death medicine?"

Sun Caiwu nodded, "That's right, I also know that Prince An's Mansion secretly summoned some private doctors some time ago, and they probably developed this Guixi Pill."

Qi Xuyao ​​clenched his fists, "So they were adulterous?"

"According to the humble judge, King An probably wanted Concubine Xuan to fake her death, and then took her out of the palace, but why Concubine Xuan didn't fake her death later on, I don't know."

The veins on the back of Qi Xuyao's hands exploded!

One is his beloved fourth brother, and the other is his beloved concubine!

"They are, very good, very good!"

Qi Xuyao ​​was short of breath, and his eyes burst out with murderous hatred.

Sun Caiwu was shocked, and felt that his speculation was too bold. If he caused any accidents to Concubine Xuan and King An, he would be a sinner. Threatening the country of Daqi.

"Your Majesty, I am just making a bold guess. Please give me some time to investigate this matter." Sun Caiwu knelt down and begged.

Qi Xuyao ​​gritted his teeth, "No need, you just need to do one thing for me!"

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you do it or not.

I think back then when I knew that the fourth brother had lost successive battles with the Xiongnu, it was only because of her letter that the fourth brother could defeat the Xiongnu. If there was no strong love, how could the fourth brother be able to do so?

He clenched his fist and slammed it hard on the table.

"Your Majesty." Sun Caiwu was shocked.

Qi Xuyao ​​suppressed his anger and quickly wrote a few words.

"I want to see you for the last time."

He is good at copying, it is not difficult to imitate Concubine Xuan's handwriting.

Sun Caiwu felt that the letter in his hand was heavy. If King An came, Concubine Xuan and King An would be accused of adultery and executed, but if they really had adultery

Hey, the emperor would rather kill by mistake than let it go. After all, the country of Daqi has just stabilized, and there is no room for any difference at this time.

"Your Majesty, is this really the case? King An has always valued friendship, and if he gets this letter, he will definitely enter the palace."

Qi Xuyao ​​gritted his teeth, "If the relationship between him and Concubine Xuan is innocent, he will naturally write a letter to me to find a reason to enter the palace in a fair and honest way, and then ask me to go to Concubine Xuan, but if he breaks into the harem privately, then don't blame me Already!"

Sun Caiwu didn't dare to say anything else, so he could only use the pigeons to pass on the letter.

"Miss is really nice in this dress." Zhu'er was very satisfied with the dress she made for Liu Xiaoxuan herself. There were big cherry blossoms on the cuffs. The miss said that she loved cherry blossoms.

Liu Xiaoxuan turned around, "Your miss, I'm a celestial being. I look beautiful in anything I wear, and I'm even more beautiful if I don't wear any."

Pearl's cheeks were hot, "Miss, you..."

"Haha, Pearl is shy?"

"Miss will make fun of others." Zhu'er sighed after finishing speaking, "Miss, are you not worried about the situation outside?"

Liu Xiaoxuan smiled, "It's rare to have a few days of peace and quiet, what to worry about."

"But now the Manchaowu all know the true identity of the young lady, and they all want the emperor to kill the young lady."

Liu Xiaoxuan smiled stiffly. These guys hated Miss Xue to the core. It was really strange. Did Xue Changxi hinder them?Could it be that she is occupying the opportunity that the emperor did not give their daughter?But now that she has been grounded, their daughter has a lot of opportunities, so why must she die.

The daughter of a criminal minister.

Will one day rebel?

"They think so highly of me, I really feel sorry for them if I don't do anything to show them!" Liu Xiaoxuan gritted her teeth.

"Then what is Miss Xue going to do? It's impossible to stay here and wait to die, right? Originally, the death of Pei'er and Li Meiren made it difficult for the emperor to intercede for Miss, and now Miss Xue has the identity, what should I do now?"

Liu Xiaoxuan sneered, "As long as the emperor won't let me die, who would dare to let me die?"

"But the emperor hasn't come to Miss for so many days." Zhu'er was worried.

Liu Xiaoxuan sneered, "That's because he knows that even if he comes, he won't be able to sleep with me. My injury hasn't healed yet, but now counting the time, he probably wants to eat meat."

Zhu'er said to her distressedly, "Miss, this servant knows that you don't want to commit yourself to the emperor any more. If you are like this, you are the one who hurts yourself."

"It doesn't hurt, isn't it just a nap? Can I just pretend to be a ghost? Didn't expect me to eat and sleep these days, okay?"

"The lady predicts that the emperor will come to Moyang Palace in the next few days?"

"He will definitely come. As long as he comes and can go back to sleep, he will naturally think of a way."

Although Liu Xiaoxuan disdains to use this method in exchange for freedom, but at present she can only use this method. She finally understands why the ancient king slept with a sinful concubine for a night, and the sinful concubine was guilty.

To put it bluntly, it is because his body is satisfied, so naturally he doesn't care so much, and he still wants to satisfy his body next time, unless he is tired of it.


Qi Mingzhuo, who spent all his time drinking away his worries, no longer drank, but secretly cultivated a group of martial arts masters. He knew why he did this.

Will not rebel.

Although the emperor's brother is a bit cruel, he still has a way of governing the country. The reason why he wants to cultivate some power of his own is not to bully the Qi country in the future and do his part.

Concubine mother, you should forgive the child for his unfilial piety, the child also wants to be an idler, but the elder brother and the third brother are doing their best for the country, if the child does not do their part, it is really ashamed of the country.

Seeing these people who have fallen into the underworld but were bought by him, all of them are loyal protectors, reminds him of the shadow guard Gao Lang even more.

"Master, I have your letter."

As soon as Qi Mingzhuo opened the letter, his expression changed drastically.

She would never write such a letter to herself if it was not at a critical moment.

He clearly knew that she was in a precarious situation, and if she was not careful, she could lose her life at any time.

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately sped up his horse and rushed towards the capital.

It seems that when he arrived in Jiangnan, he didn't have much time, and all his time was spent on the way back from Jiangnan to the capital.

Did she overestimate her own charm?

Liu Xiaoxuan has been leaning against the tree for several days, why hasn't the emperor's wolf come yet?

Is there something wrong with it?

Also, why didn't Wang Xinrong come to look for him?Why is she getting more and more uncertain about many things she is sure about?

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