The best dandy

Chapter 41: Only the Boss is the leader

Chapter 41: Only the Boss is the leader

'Wolfdog' was irritated by 'Cheetah', and after a few curses, he moved out with both hands, combined with strikes, grabbed 'Cheetah''s shoulder blade with one hand, and punched his lower abdomen with one hand. 【】

Previously, when 'Cheetah' appeared behind 'Wolfdog', 'Wolfdog' was taken aback, because this year, although he always had a smile on his face, there seemed to be a dangerous breath in his bones.However, 'Wolfdog' is now completely enraged by the other party's contempt. After being humiliated by the enemy, he has lost his mind. : I have been on the road for many years, but today I met an expert who is not good enough?I met two little monsters before, and now there is another guy who can single out himself with one hand?The probability of this is too small.

'Cheetah' still had a faint smile on his face, he put his left hand behind his back, and his right hand didn't have any fancy tricks, just simply blasted out, ignoring the attack of 'Wolfdog' at all.

Anyone with a discerning eye should be able to come out that 'Cheetah' used Xingyiquan's killer move 'Paoquan'. '

Like Bajiquan, Xingyiquan is known for its swiftness and vigor. The essence of Xingyiquan is to "strike hard and block". The fists fell apart at once.Paoquan is the ultimate move in Xingyiquan, known as the Killing Fist, its power can be imagined.

'Wolfdog' grabbed the shoulder blade of 'Cheetah' with one hand, and punched the lower abdomen with a punch. Combining punches and strikes, it was still a safe way to go, but 'Cheetah' was this simple but extremely fierce punch that forced him to return to defense. , because he knew that if he didn't return to defense, he would be suspicious if he was hit by the punch of 'Cheetah'.

'Wolfdog' turned back to block the fist of 'Cheetah', but 'Cheetah' suddenly trembled violently, 'Wolfdog' flew out and fell two meters away.

Some people think that the real martial art has long since died out, and that masters who are able to send people out of the way as soon as they make a move do not exist in modern society. They did not expect to see a living example today, and it is not ordinary people who are blown away by one blow. It's a guy who is arrogant and bluffing.

"Go away, don't think it's great to have brute force, it's better to be a human being in awe." 'Cheetah' said to the 'Wolfdog', the smile on his face disappeared, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The opponent was not at the same level at all, 'Wolfdog' got up from the ground, lowered his usually arrogant head, and walked away with the little bald head, Wang Qiuba.

Be in awe.

When Zhou Yi heard 'Cheetah' say the four words his grandfather Zhou Shan used to say to himself, his heart was slightly touched. When he wanted to talk to 'Cheetah', the cheetah had already disappeared.

"Master, Zhou Yi, no, boss, you are just like a master in my heart exuding the aura of domineering, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, you are my idol, let's continue drinking, you saved me, I respect you three times Cup, from now on, brother’s life will be yours.”

Jing Ge, who couldn't be beaten to death, was the first to walk up to Zhou Yi and said, his eyes were eager. It was obvious that this kid had already regarded Zhou Yi as a powerful figure and a savior.

"You'd better go to the hospital to bandage your head first, be careful to bleed too much and become a fool, if you want to hang out with me, you have no brains."

Zhou Yi scolded Jing Ge, an unbeatable monster.

"Brother, this injury is not a problem, it's not a problem." Jing Ge said shyly.

"Hurry up and go to the hospital. If you want to talk, drink and be a brother, you will have plenty of time in the future." Zhou Yi scolded.

"It's a word."

Hearing what Zhou Yi said, Jing Ge smiled instead of anger: "Since you consider me a brother, I will drink with you after leaving the hospital, and you will be my big brother in the future. If it weren't for you, I would have been beaten into a cripple by that little bald head." gone."

"As far as you are capable, you can only know how to be beaten." Zhou Yi said: "You can follow me as long as you pass my test after you are discharged from the hospital.

"Only the boss follows the lead."

Jing Ge nodded, said flatteringly, and then ran away, not knowing that this kid really has the potential to be a younger brother.

Zhou Yi was talking to Jing Ge, while Ye Qingcheng and Ma Fuyun were already arranging a car to take Zhang Wei and other injured people to the hospital. The birthday party was so messed up that everyone lost their minds and left.

When leaving the bar, Ye Qingcheng deliberately walked up to Zhou Yi and said, "Thank you."

"You are my woman, so thank you for nothing."

Zhou Yi shamelessly whispered something in Ye Qingcheng's ear, which almost made Ye Qingcheng, who came to thank her sincerely, violently, because Zhou Yi was too pushy, and it didn't sound like a student said it at all.

But Ye Qingcheng held back, didn't say anything to Zhou Yi, turned around and sent the students to the hospital with Ma Fuyun and others.

People were almost gone in a moment, and Zhou Yi also left the bar, ready to go back, but when he went out, he saw 'Cheetah' and 'Huzi' squatting under a tree opposite the bar.

"My wife called you here? Brother Leopard?"

Zhou Yi took out a pack of cigarettes, threw two cigarettes to 'cheetah' and 'huzi', and asked with a smile.


'Cheetah' knew that the daughter-in-law Zhou Yi was referring to was Yu Kexin, so he nodded, took the cigarette and lit it, and breathed out for a while, but didn't say much.

He's just like this, he doesn't talk much, and he's used to living behind people's backs. Even after he beat 'Wolfdog', a well-known thug in the underworld, in the bar just now, he left quietly, and didn't stand there to grab Zhou Yi limelight.

"Master, let's go back first. These guys seem to be under Lao Liu's subordinates, and they are not good people. You have to be more careful in the future, they are definitely going to take revenge."

'Huzi' said to Zhou Yi after smoking his cigarette, 'Huzi' is a driver, but he is also a special soldier, and he is very capable, so he looks better than 'Cheetah' who always has a smile on his face More master temperament.

"Brother Huzi, you don't have to worry about this. Someone will take care of those scumbags. The sixth child is unlucky this time. Zhang Wei, who was beaten up by that little bald head, is the only son of the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee. I don't think it will take a day. Lao Liu's power in Hangzhou and even Zhejiang will be uprooted." Zhou Yi laughed.

"If that's the case, then there's no need to worry, Huzi, let's go first, you haven't been there, is there someone waiting for the young master?" Cheetah also finished his cigarette, he waved at Huzi, Huzi understood, So Cheetah and Huzi got into their cars and disappeared into the night.

Zhou Yi looked back, and saw the coquettish girl without makeup brought by one of his classmates was standing at the door of the bar and looking at her.

This girl is about 20 years old, wearing slim jeans and a white T-shirt, and she is holding a white short coat in her hand. This girl has a great figure, and she drank a lot of wine. At this time Her face was flushed, and she looked even more coquettish in the night. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a beauty and disaster.

The two men who were talking to Zhou Yi had already driven away, and when Zhou Yi was looking at him, the girl walked towards Zhou Yi slowly with a trace of body odor and alcohol smell.

"My name is Murong Hongdou, buddy, how about you?"

The girl looked at Zhou Yi, not shy, but asked directly.

"You fell in love with me at first sight?"

Zhou Yi asked back.

Murong Hongdou nodded.

"Are you looking for me to open a room with me?"

With a smirk on Zhou Yi's face, he said endlessly without surprise.

The first sentence asked if it was love at first sight, and the second sentence said to open a room. Even though Murong Hongdou was a boyish girl, she was still taken aback by Zhou Yi's words.

"Handsome pot, you have to let me know your name if you want to open a room. My sister is still a virgin. If you don't even know your name, who will be responsible?"

Murong Hongdou was a little stunned for a moment, but immediately reacted and uttered a counterattack. When she came, the boy standing in front of her was a year or two younger than herself. On paper, she still doesn't believe that she can't handle this tall and delicate boy with her good looks. Although this boy's military strength is far superior to that of his peers, as long as he is a normal man, she can help her.

"My name is Zhou Yi, and my name is the same as that heavenly book."

Zhou Yi still smirked: "You haven't answered my question yet? If you really fell in love with me at first sight, we'll go to open a room right away. Don't waste time. I like high efficiency when picking up girls."

Of course, Zhou Yi would not say such shameful things to a girl he just met, but his grandfather Zhou Shan warned him many years ago, never to touch the kind of disaster that would cause him a lot of trouble when he got up, and This Murong Hongdou has peach blossom eyes. Although she is dressed in ordinary clothes, she looks more coquettish than her. She is a natural beauty. Although Zhou Yi slightly admires this girl for being much calmer than the girls in the class when it comes to fighting, he still I didn't want to provoke this woman, so I spoke roguely, trying to scare her away.

"I'm still your senior sister. You're a sophomore and I'm a junior. You're right. My sister not only fell in love with you, she fell in love at first sight."

Murong Hongdou laughed: "If you open a room, you can open a room. As long as you are responsible to my sister, of course, the grade should not be too low. My sister is still a virgin. I have to go to Excelle to open a presidential suite."

"This girl is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. Is it not like I pretend to be a hooligan? This girl is not afraid, she is really a witch with profound knowledge."

Zhou Yi thought to himself, then lit a cigarette, took a few puffs slowly, and then said with a smile: "I'm a poor man, so don't make fun of my buddies, I don't even have the money to open a room in a small hotel, just Don't talk about opening a house like Excelle, I have such a wicked heart, but I don't have this spare money."

"The uncle Nian who punched the little bald head back just now is your subordinate, isn't it true that your family can hire such a great man and don't have the money to open a house, so the devil believes your words?"

Murong Hongdou said angrily: "I'm sticking to the door, you still don't like sister? Could it be that sister's breasts are not straight, buttocks are not raised, and her face is not white?"

"It's true that there is no money. If you have money, who doesn't want to give you a juicy cabbage like you." Zhou Yi said seriously: "My family has a little money, but it belongs to my father. What can I do if he doesn't spend it for me?"

"If that's the case, then don't open the house, let's go play the car shake." Murong Hongdou said something that made Zhou Yi dumbfounded: "Playing the car shake by the West Lake must be very romantic and worthy of my first name. time."

"I don't have a car, how can I play with car shocks? Why don't you and I find a bench in the park, use the sky as a quilt and the ground as a mat, and forget it as a pair of dewy mandarin ducks."

How could Zhou Yi be shocked by Murong Hongdou, he became even more rogue, and said something extremely shameful, of course he did this only in the hope that Murong Hongdou would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

"You don't have a car, my sister has a car, but my sister's car is a Chery QQ, it's a little small." Murong Hongdou and Zhou Yichao got on, laughing.

Meeting such an interesting girl, Zhou Yi can't relax at all. This girl is so good, she is not afraid that Zhou Yi is a real hooligan, and she chases and beats Zhou Yi fiercely, and she seems to insist that Qingshan will not relax.

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