
Before everyone could react, Xiao Yuan had already fallen headfirst from the top of the tall tower.The body is like a tile, quickly falling to the ground! "

After two breaths, there was a dull bang from under the tower.


With a cry, Xiao Linfeng jumped up from his horse recklessly, and rushed to the foot of the tower. The corpse wrapped in a blue robe...[

All the Beiming warriors were filled with grief and indignation, and their morale increased sharply.

No matter how much he couldn't bear it, in the end, Xiao Linfeng put the old corpse on the siege machine with his own hands.

Above the city tower.After a few breaths, the soldiers of Fengyun, who were waiting in full battle, heard a whistling sound again, piercing the sky above their heads.

It was a blue cannonball...

The final battle begins!

Undoubtedly, Xiao Yuan's suicide made the remaining Beiming soldiers under the tower and in front of Xiao Linfeng enraged and their morale reached an unparalleled high.

Although they didn't have any defensive armor on their bodies at the moment, they seemed to have turned into war machines that were not afraid of death, waving the sharp blades in their hands, and roaring like wild beasts, they rushed towards the tower.

Xiao Yuan's body quickly landed on the city tower, and the violent plague gas emitted killed dozens of soldiers of the Fengyun Kingdom with slightly lower levels of spiritual power in an instant.

What's more, the corpses that continuously emit poisonous gas that can't be cured make people dare not approach them. A single poisonous corpse is enough to pollute a large area, leaving blank areas in the defense on the tower.

But at this moment, under the city tower, that Xiao Linfeng with an incomparably stern face, after he personally sent his father to the trebuchet and threw it out as a human bomb, the sad expression could no longer be found on his face.

Looking at the remnants of Beiming soldiers whose eyes were red like beasts, a trace of steadfastness and composure gradually appeared on his face.

Suddenly, Xiao Linfeng cast a meaningful look at several Miaojiang Gu Masters in colorful clothes beside the catapult, and then the Gu Masters nodded slightly at Xiao Linfeng.

In an instant, a cloud of purple mist flew towards the Beiming soldiers who were rushing towards the tower guarded by Aojunxie and Qingkuang.Soon, it spread above the soldiers' heads, like a strange cloud, firmly covering all the Beiming soldiers.

In the air, there was a strong smell of blood, which made people almost faint.

When all the Fengyun soldiers on the tower regained their composure, all the Beiming soldiers let out roars of real beasts at this moment, their eyes were full of blood red, and their facial features were twisted into a ball. In addition to howling in pain, the attack towards the tower became even more violent!

The arrows fell like a storm, densely covering the Beiming soldiers who climbed up the siege ladder.However, a scene that made all Fengyun soldiers unbelievable appeared.

The soldiers who rushed forward had obviously been shot by arrows, but no blood flowed from the wounds, and they didn't even feel pain at all.

Countless Beiming soldiers with arrows all over their bodies rushed towards him without stopping.

Such a scene made all the Fengyun soldiers on the tower panic. They pulled the bowstring continuously, and the swishing arrows kept coming out, but it still couldn't stop the approaching of those war machines that had no sense at all. [

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