When Ao Junxie heard that Qing Kuang said that he would personally deal with those extremely evil and out-of-the-way Miao people, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. You know, this group of foreign people in bright and strange clothes, all of them look like The Viper of the Deep Mountain>

While waving his hands, he has used many creepy and evil spells to let his wife, a weak girl, deal with such a group of poisonous snakes. How can he rest assured, and said anxiously:

"Ma'am, the people in Miao Jiang are extremely vicious, and they are too dangerous. I think it's better to let the husband deal with them! Let the soldiers under him deal with Xiao Linfeng!"

Qing Kuang raised his hand and interrupted:

"What a scheming and deep-minded person Xiao Linfeng is, he is already fighting a trapped beast, how can he be careless! If you don't fight in person, how can you hold him back!

Don't forget, the poison masters in Miaojiang also listen to his orders!If you fight him with the Chilong Sword, you should be strong enough to subdue him.

People in Miaojiang don't know me well, so I can make them take it lightly if I deal with them!Don't worry, I have Tianxie Moxian and Moguqin in my hand, I just tried it lightly just now, the power is already amazing enough!

Since the start of the battle, I have never exposed Tian Xiexian's strength in order to deal with this group of poison masters! "

Ao Junxie listened to what Qing Kuang said was well-founded, so he couldn't persuade him any more, he just let out a long sigh, deeply admiring Qing Kuang's foresight.

While talking, there were bursts of distorted human screams from under the tower. The two knew that a new wave of Beiming dead soldiers had rushed up the tower again!

Beside him, two figures flickered and fell to the ground together.

It was Dongfang Mu and Duanmu Xiu.

Duanmuxiu was sweating profusely, and he kept patting his chest lightly, saying incessantly:

"Ah! I was so scared to death, it was so dangerous, I was almost caught by those 'monsters' of Beiming! Qingkuang, you didn't see, those dead soldiers who were infected by the puppet Gu are simply insane If the hand is cut off, you will kick it with your feet, if your foot is cut off, you will bite it with your teeth..."

Dongfang Mu had no heart to listen to Duanmuxiu's bitterness, and had already reported to Qingkuang:

"I have already calculated the range of the trebuchet. Judging from the height of the capital city wall and the strength of the machine, we retreated to a distance of 120 steps from the city wall, just outside the range!"


Qing Kuang nodded at Dongfang Mu, then turned to Ao Junxie beside him, and said firmly:

"My lord, give the order!"

Ao Junxie frowned, glanced at the somewhat reluctant city tower, gritted his teeth, and shouted loudly to the Fengyun army behind him:

"All the officers and men listened to the order, and everyone immediately retreated down the tower and gathered at a place 120 steps away from the city wall! Without this king's order, you must not act rashly."

All the Fengyun soldiers were puzzled when they heard such an order. The capital city of Beiming, which had been captured with great difficulty, had destroyed the towers of countless brothers. Could it be that they were really going to give up under the attack of thousands of people!

It's just that the prince didn't dare to disobey the order. For a while, all the soldiers of Fengyun Kingdom retreated reluctantly.

Before leaving, he dragged all the corpses of the Fengyun soldiers who died in battle, so as not to fall into the hands of Beiming Kingdom and become poisonous shells. [

Soon, the capital city tower, which was originally full of killing sounds, gradually quieted down. The hundreds of thousands of troops, under the leadership of Ao Junxie and Qing Kuang, had already retreated to 120 steps in the blink of an eye. outside.

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