Recruiting dozens of Beiming dead soldiers to the front, maybe there is still a chance for those Miao Jiang poison masters to deal a fatal blow to the Fengyun Kingdom army!

Behind him, Wumian saw that Xiao Linfeng had summoned dozens of invulnerable Beiming dead warriors to come back to his patriarch with an order from Xiao Linfeng, and there were dozens of Miaojiang poison masters sitting behind him. With a wave of his hand, the black-clothed disciples who had already led the Xie Land behind him also rushed towards Ao Junxie.

However, just ten steps away from Wumian and all his disciples, the Miaojiang poison masters behind Xiao Linfeng have quickly thrown a new round of corrosive poison at the dead soldiers of Beiming standing in front of them. pink.

And this time, the poison masters in Miaojiang had already learned the previous lesson and divided into two groups. While throwing at Wumian, they also threw their madness at Feng on the tower at the same time.

The highly poisonous powder instantly filled the bodies of those Beiming dead soldiers, and even the weapons that were chopped on these dead soldiers were quickly corroded and melted. [

And the Fengyun warriors who came into contact with these destructive Beiming soldiers for a while, were all poisoned and died in an instant...

Such a terrifying scene blocked Wu Mian and the disciples behind him by dozens of steps, making it impossible for them to come to support Ao Junxie.

"Wumian! You lead a lot of Fengyun soldiers, don't charge rashly, the poisonous skills of the people of Miaojiang are too strong, you can retreat while fighting! As for Xiao Linfeng, let this king deal with it alone!"

Ao Junxie turned his head suddenly, and shouted loudly at Wu Mian who wanted to lead his disciples up.

"Remember! Fight and retreat, but don't lose the gates and key points!"

Ao Junxie reminded again.He looked at Wumian resolutely.

"But... suzerain! Can you and madam... two people deal with them?"

Wumian still asked worriedly.

Behind Wumian, a cyan sword light flashed, and when he looked again, Dongfang Mu held a long sword as soft as a snake tightly in his hand, and the two Beiming dead soldiers in front of him had already fallen to the ground.

Looking at the soft sword again, it is as bright as new, and it has not been corroded by the poison of the Miaojiang people at all.

Such a scene made Wu Mian and all the Fengyun warriors around him secretly amazed.

One is to be amazed that Dongfang Mu hides his secrets on weekdays, and he has almost never seen him make a move, but when he makes a move, the family's martial arts origin is so deep and pure.

Another one, the soft sword in Dongfang Mu's hand is usually used as a belt, hidden around his waist, and hidden from others, but now it is revealed, it is completely different from ordinary weapons, and it has been damaged by Miaojiang poison. It can be seen that it is indeed a sword. It is made of rare materials in the world.

Unexpectedly, in Fengyun's army, apart from Wumian, there are other masters helping out, which can't help but encourage the warriors of Fengyun Kingdom.

"I said, Wumian, don't worry! As long as the Fengyun army doesn't disperse, Beiming Kingdom will definitely be defeated!"

Dongfang Mu shook his palm lightly, and all the poison left on it fell down. He glanced at Wumian next to him, and said softly.

After all, Wumian has been in the wild forest isolated from the world for many years, and he doesn't know the ways of the world on Fengyun Continent.

Where is Dongfang Mu's observation of the situation so carefully and keenly, before he could react for a while, he saw Xiao Linfeng in the distance, and when he heard Dongfang Mu's appearance, his face changed suddenly, and he stared fiercely at him.

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