The world's number one female killer: waste confuses the world

Chapter 453: The Legendary Mysterious Woman

But the mysterious woman on the opposite side was still calm and indifferent.

Everyone present had already experienced the power of Tianxie's magic string, and this person was not afraid at all, which shocked people a lot!

"Okay! If you don't say it, I'll beat you until you say it!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong chord sounded suddenly.

On the city wall, the sound of swishing gold and stone sounded, like a sharp knife scraping. [

Within half a breath, the powerful sound blade of Tianxie Moxian roared towards it, and it was about to engulf the masked woman.

But before reaching her body, the masked woman's palms shook suddenly, and a purple-white spiritual light that was so bright that everyone couldn't open their eyes instantly formed a thick column of air, colliding violently with the invisible sound blade.

The moment this dazzling purple-white light just appeared, on the city tower, before everyone could see clearly, a red shadow flew up and stopped Qing Kuang first.

"The peak level of the Linghuang! Ma'am, be careful..."

At the same time that Ao Junxie yelled, he spun the Chilong Sword in his hand, and the spiritual power gathered on it. Just as it enveloped the sword, the pillar of spiritual power of the masked woman in front of him rushed towards him like Mount Tai.Immediately resisted the spirit power of Ao Junxie.

There was complete silence all around, and everything that happened between the flashes and flints really made everyone present dazzled.

The peak level of the heard me right...

Such a thought flashed through everyone's minds.

They only said that Ao Junxie was in a hurry and said the wrong word, but when everyone saw Ao Junxie struggling to hold the red dragon sword and confronting the masked woman, they realized that Ao Junxie didn't look at it. wrong!

"The peak level of the Linghuang... A mere female disciple from Miao Jiang, who is nothing more than an ordinary female disciple, is at the same level as the Fengyun God of War, Ao Junxie... This is really impossible!"

Ten thousand people couldn't believe it.

And above the city tower, standing behind Ao Junxie, Qing Kuang has once again plucked the evil string in his hand...


A strong wind like the power of the netherworld swept and pounced on it.

The masked woman's palms had already resisted Ao Junxie's Chilong Sword, and she could no longer free her hands at this moment. Qing Kuang's second sound blade had already pressed to her chest in the blink of an eye. In desperation, she withdrew her feet, The spiritual power of both palms turned to lead to the invisible sound blade. At the same time, the strong spiritual power in Ao Junxie's hand shook the colored scarf on the woman's head far away with a whistling sound.

Raising her head, the woman's stern eyes were exposed in full view, showing a little panic.

When looking directly into the eyes of the mysterious woman, Qing Kuang and Ao Junxie were both stunned at the same time, unable to recover for a long time.

They clearly saw that the tall woman with strong spiritual power in front of her had a pair of mysterious and deep light blue pupils.

That's a frightening color...[

They no longer had the strength to fight back, and after hastily spewing a burst of mighty poisonous powder at Qingkuang, they flew towards the gate of the city...

"She is...the Temple of Light..."

Ao Junxie raised his brows upside down, he was so surprised that he couldn't recover for a while.

As shocked as he was, there were also the disciples of Qingkuang, Wusian and many evil places.

"No wonder her spiritual strength is so high!"

Wumian let out a sigh, waved the long sword in his hand, and strode forward, just like Ao Junxie, stopped in front of Qingkuang, ready to fight at any time.

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