"It turns out that Qingkuang had long expected that the Fengyun army would be in such a critical situation, and actually refined the antidote in the king's city ahead of time. This king really admires it!"

Looking at the carts of potions, Ao Junxie couldn't help but murmured.In the words, apart from joy, there is also a deep sense of shame.At the beginning, in order to let Qing Kuang avoid suspicion, I deliberately led the army to set off hastily, without notifying Qing Kuang at all, but I never thought that in the end, I would have to rely on my wife to rescue the army.

Ao Junxie was originally full of excitement and joy, but when he looked left and right, he still couldn't see Qing Kuang's figure, and he couldn't help feeling extremely puzzled.He hurriedly asked Qiu Sheng and said:

"Qiu Sheng, where's your sister? Why is there no one?"

Qiu Sheng's complexion changed, and he seemed a little embarrassed for a while, he hesitated for a long time, but he dared not tell the truth. [

What a smart person Ao Junxie is. He glanced at the soldiers behind Qiu Sheng, but saw that all of them had neat banners and military appearances, and there was no sign of a war at all. He also thought of the sudden retreat of the Nanzhao army just now. With a frown, he said loudly:

"Be honest, why did the Nanzhao army suddenly withdraw from the siege? Is it related to Qingkuang!"

Qiu Sheng couldn't hide it anymore, so he had to tell the truth, tremblingly:

"Your Majesty's ingenious plan... Indeed, the Nanzhao army retreated, and it was my sister who went madly to the enemy camp to negotiate..."

Before Qiu Sheng finished his sentence, there was a sudden noise beside his ear. When he looked up, Ao Junxie turned around suddenly, and the red shirt behind him was swished.For a moment, I was too frightened to breathe out, and didn't say a word.

"Hmph! I knew it! How could the Nanzhao army be willing to retreat so easily! Without Qingkuang, what is the use of this king even if he takes over the Nanzhao Kingdom!"

Ao Junxie looked into the distance, gnashed his teeth and roared angrily.

"My lord, calm down! My sister is just negotiating with the Nanzhao prince, discussing the matter of joining forces between the two countries, and it cannot be completely regarded as a hostage mortgage! Given the friendship between the seventh prince and my sister, it is expected that there will never be any What danger!"

Qiu Sheng quickly and kindly comforted him.

But he never thought that this action would add fuel to the fire, making Ao Junxie fly into a rage.

"Friendship?! Are you talking about friendship or old love? I heard that the Feng family's elders made the decision earlier, and Qing Kuang had a marriage contract with the Seventh Prince!"


Qiu Sheng panicked for a moment, he didn't expect to do something bad with good intentions, and he was so anxious that he couldn't even speak clearly, not knowing how to end it.

"Nangong Jinsheng! You shameless person! Let's see how this king will deal with you!"

Ao Junxie uttered a sky-shattering roar towards the direction in which the Nanzhao army was retreating.The tyrannical momentum only shook the air between the sky and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, Ao Junxie turned around abruptly, striding past Qiu Sheng.

"Pass the order! Distribute the antidote quickly, detoxify and heal the wound as quickly as possible. Three days later, the army will set off immediately and attack the capital of Nanzhao with all its strength!"

A cold and firm order came from Ao Junxie's mouth.

It made Qiusheng's back feel cold, like a basin of cold water being poured from head to toe. [

"But... my lord... this can't be done! I have one more thing to report: my sister has just reached an agreement with Nanzhao's Seventh Prince. No offense, everything will wait for my sister to return from the capital of Nanzhao Kingdom..."

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