The world's number one female killer: waste confuses the world

Chapter 491: The True Face of the Temple of Light

Qing Kuang said frankly in front of everyone in the hall.

Nangong Lie thought for a while, smiled coldly, and murmured:

"In an upright contest, our Nanzhao Kingdom is no match for Fengyun Kingdom at all, since we can't defeat Fengyun alone, why should we cut off our arms!

Besides, even if the people of Miaojiang want to make things difficult for us, their power is nothing more than that. I, Nanzhao Kingdom, may not be able to solve it by myself! "

"Nangong Lie, if you think that the alien race in Miao Jiang came out to fight alone, then you are wrong!

Do you know that there is a force behind them that is so powerful that you and I can't imagine, and that is the Temple of Light!

They, who have enslaved the Warcraft clan and the ancient evil land clan, occupying your mere Nanzhao Kingdom as their lair base is nothing more than a breeze!

The reason why he hasn't shown up yet is nothing more than waiting for Fengyun and Nanzhao to lose both sides! "

"What? You said...the Temple of Light!"

Nangong Lie was so shocked this time that he couldn't hold back any longer, and stood up from his seat with a thud.There was a look of extreme horror in his eyes.

If it is true that the Temple of Light is right next to him as Qing Kuang said, then that is really a creepy thing!

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the clansmen of Ao Junxie's Xie Land in person! Black-clothed ancient martial arts practitioners, you should know, right?"

Qing Kuang took the opportunity to add another sentence, Nangong Lie looked at the Seventh Prince suspiciously, Nangong Jinsheng nodded at his father, and returned his affirmative look.

"Father, everything Qingkuang said is true! My child has fought against Ao Junxie before. The dark red ancient weapon in his hand, which is surrounded by black mist, is the Chilong Sword of the Honghuang Dragon Clan. .

This sword should be the token of the Xiezhidi family, the guardians of the prehistoric illusion. Because of this magical weapon, Ao Junxie became the master of the Xieland, and also revealed the truth behind the Xiedi and the Temple of Light to the world. ..."

Nangong Jinsheng finished these ancient truths of Fengyun Continent in one breath, without the slightest hesitation in his words, which made all the Nanzhao warriors present sigh in their hearts.

Nangong Lie's heart was shocked, such a strong contrast made him unable to accept it for a moment, his brows were tightly knit together, and he fell heavily back to his seat.

"The Temple of Light is actually the manipulator behind the evil land and the prehistoric forest! Their headquarters... has always been on the edge of Nanzhao Kingdom!"

Nangong Lie's eyes were wide open, and his face was pale with fright.

From the beginning to the end, he has always insisted that the only thing that can threaten Nanzhao Kingdom is Fengyun Kingdom, which is eyeing like a tiger, but now, according to his son, the most terrifying and powerful enemy is always hidden behind his back.

The sense of pressure brought by this huge shadow made Nangong Lie feel mixed for a moment, and he didn't know what to say.

"Father, you should now understand why the child is willing to bring Qing Kuang to the palace!

Although Fengyun Kingdom has ambitions towards Nanzhao, it doesn't necessarily have the intention of exterminating and enslaving them all. However, the sanctimonious but extremely sinister Guangming Temple just treats the human warriors in Fengyun Continent as worthless! "

Looking at his father, Nangong Jinsheng sighed without losing the opportunity. [

Nangong Lie closed his eyes heavily, and nodded slowly.

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