urban evil

Chapter 003 Beauty Teacher

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Fang Yimiao couldn't stay any longer, and left Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School as if escaping, which was very different from the previous time when he strode away arrogantly.

The students talked a lot about what happened before, but Fang Yimiao was an extremely rigid old pedant, most of the students dared not speak out, so everyone happily watched him make a fool of himself.

For a moment, the corner where Luo Lei was located became the place where the eyes of the students met. Even Li Qihan, the school belle who is known for being glamorous, looked back several times.

"Wow, it feels good to be in the spotlight!" Luo Leile danced, finally getting rid of the feeling of being ignored by everyone.

As his deskmate, Pang Kuan, the fat man, also felt that Bel had face, with a smiley expression on his face.

"Hey, when did the boys in our class become so honest, don't they usually take advantage of class time to go out for activities?" Luo Lei noticed something was wrong, and laughed and said, "It's possible that they were all pulled I was so stunned, did you even forget such an important thing as going to the toilet to turn on the water? It is not a good thing to hold back for a long time, it will affect a man's ability in any way, so everyone should not wrong yourself Little jj... um... Why are you covering my mouth, fat man, then get your stinky hands away!"

Many girls have heard the phrase "little jj". Little girls, of course, would be shy and blushing.

The fat man lowered his voice and said, "Lei Zi, I thought you had a sex change. If you can recite sour poems that make your skin crawl, you should be regarded as a cultural person! You don't know that your image has become very important in everyone's mind." How can you say such vulgar words!"

"Cultural people? You are the cultural people, your whole family are cultural people!"

Luo Lei pulled away the fat man's salty pig's hand and said, "I'm doing it for your own good. Holding it in for too long can easily cause erectile dysfunction. This is what the doctor said. I don't want you to affect your future because of me." sex..."

"Come on, you think too highly of yourself!" The fat man interrupted him mercilessly, and said, "I really thought everyone was overwhelmed by your two sour poems, stop dreaming! Everyone Stay in your seat because the next period is English class!"

What happened to English class?As a descendant of China, if he didn't study Chinese language and literature well, Luo Lei hated the bird language class very much. In addition, the teacher of the bird language class was an old woman in menopause and a traditional Chinese-style bitter woman. The old man, Fang Yimiao, is still unpopular, and I still sleep well in the Chinese class, and I will do the same in the next class, wow haha.

Seeing the disdain and smirk on Luo Lei's face, Fatty poked his stomach with his finger and said, "You must not know, the old grieving woman had a car accident half a month ago and broke a leg. Now he is lying in the hospital and moaning, the one who bumped into him will be bad luck for eight lifetimes, I heard that he has been extorted a lot of money!"

"The old bitter woman is hospitalized, that's great!" Luo Lei said with a smile, the so-called old bitter woman was the menopausal English teacher.

"That's not the point!" Fatty said mysteriously, "The point is the new teacher who will replace her to teach English, a returnee with a Ph.D. in English linguistics!"

"Sea turtles, tortoises..."

"Damn, you are not allowed to insult my beloved Teacher Tian!" The fat man shook his fist at Luo Lei.

"You can say such things, I give you a kidney!" Luo Lei slapped the fat man on the back of the head, and said, "I still respect you, when did you learn to respect the teacher? Tell me honestly, is this teacher Tian more beautiful?"

The fat man chuckled a few times, and said swearingly: "What is more beautiful, that is quite beautiful! It is simply synonymous with beauty and sexiness, that pretty face, that waist, those long legs, tsk tsk..."

Seeing the obscene look of the fat man, Luo Lei raised his middle finger at him, then lay down on the table and prepared to continue sleeping.

"Morning students, why don't you go out after class, you are all reading. I am so happy to see you studying so hard!" Luo Lei raised his head involuntarily when the melodious voice came, and his eyes straightened immediately.

I saw a woman with a beautiful figure and appearance walking into the classroom, with a spring-like smile on her pretty face, wearing a black OL uniform, which set off her snow-white skin like pure white jade, and the skirt of the bottom was just as beautiful. It can cover half of her thighs, two beautiful legs covered in black silk mesh are exposed, and a pair of exquisitely shaped high-heeled shoes show off her perfect figure.

A head of hair like a black waterfall pours down, a face like a jade carving is extremely soft, soft lips are slightly raised, and seem to be maintaining a slight smile all the time, a straight nose, and eyes that are like crescent moons are watery and delicate, As if gathering the aura of heaven and earth, she was extremely moving. Wearing a pair of exquisite glasses, it added a little bit of soft and quiet beauty to her, and those big eyes were like gathering stars in the sky, as if they could penetrate the world. Everything, the pointed chin, the white neck, and looking down...

Gulu, Luo Lei swallowed a mouthful of spit, my mother-in-law, the fourth uncle and grandma, is too big, at least 36D, for the common B-cup of Chinese women, that is simply a colossus, he can't help but wonder how delicate the beauty in front of him is. Can the weak body bear the pressure they bring.

A four-finger-wide belt set off her slender waist even more slender, and her round buttocks were tightly covered by a short skirt, and then there were those two long legs that were so amazing that people couldn't pay for their lives.

With the perfect S-shape, Luo Lei directly claimed that he had been fooled, and ruthlessly overturned his original perception of the S-shape in his heart.

The jade appearance is enchanting, and the flowers explain the language, and the fragrance is graceful and graceful!It should be described as such a woman.

"Hey, you won't be able to sleep now!" the fat man said shamelessly.

Luo Lei nodded, and quickly reached out to wipe off the sweat that was about to flow out. He thought that this beautiful teacher is too beautiful, and she is also good at dressing. The crotch is a small tent.

Glancing forward, he found that almost all the boys were bowed, looking as if they were "among men" feeling uncomfortable.

"Hey, this is the new English teacher?" Luo Lei put his arm on the fat man's neck, used it for a while, hooked his fat head over, and asked, "Isn't it possible, principal?" How can the stubborn old teachers such as the dean and the dean allow a female teacher to wear such a sexy dress? Isn't this forcing the students to make mistakes?"

Fatty's eyes never left the beautiful teacher, and he said impatiently: "Didn't I say that, she is a returnee, do returnees understand, a doctoral certificate from Harvard in the United States, where is the United States? Freedom In an open country, the girls who come back from there are of course sexier and more open than the Chinese, the principal and the others have expressed their opinions on this, but Mr. Tian doesn't care what others say!"

"Hey, then our eighth class should not be envied by the students in other classes!" Luo Lei said.

"That's it!" The fat man said very embarrassingly: "Many students in other classes are looking forward to being transferred to our class. I don't know how many people are making up their minds about your vacant position! Don't you I know, when Teacher Tian came to our class one day, the windowsill outside the classroom was full of people! Until a few days ago, there were still a group of young teachers who came to our class with various excuses. How do you give lectures to the students, you say they are a bunch of animals who teach history, geography, physics and chemistry, and they come to listen to English classes!"

Whoa, that's too much!

Luo Lei couldn't help but click his tongue, the charm of a beautiful woman is great!Not only the boys, but the girls also like this teacher Tian very much.

Jingling, the crisp bell rang.

"Stand up!" Fan Tong shouted, and then the students stood up together, especially the boys, fearing that their voices would be lower than others, they shouted at the top of their lungs: "Hello, teacher!"

Luo Lei couldn't get used to it. In his memory, since the second half of the first semester of high school, this "program" of greeting teachers in class has come to an end, so that the group of animals around him have finished shouting, so he just Quickly stand up subconsciously.

"Hehe, hello students, please sit down!" The beautiful teacher Tian smiled sweetly and said, "I have said it many times, you don't have to be so polite in class, according to the American education method, the relationship between teachers and students It's more of a relationship between friends!"

Wow, the beauty is still very approachable.

The boys headed by Fan Tong waited until everyone else sat down. Luo Lei thought that this kid was showing off himself. He didn't do this in the Chinese class just now, and it was too obvious. Come on!

The beautiful teacher looked around the classroom with her big beautiful eyes, and everyone, including Luo Lei, immediately had a feeling of spring breeze.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, the beautiful teacher's eyes lingered on Luo Lei for a moment.

Luo Lei's heart couldn't help beating wildly, and he couldn't help but feel YY, could it be that brother Cheng accidentally leaked handsomeness and domineering together?That's what attracted the attention of the beautiful teacher, haha, let me just say, brother has always been synonymous with handsome and sunny, but those guys who are used to looking at people with dog eyes don't know what to do!

"There is a new classmate in the class that I haven't met before. Would you like to get up and introduce yourself?" Lei immediately woke up from YY.

The beautiful teacher gently opened her lips and said with a smile: "You may not understand my habits. On the first day I came to class, I asked my classmates to introduce themselves, and you were not there at that time!"

Ka, it turned out to be like this, Luo Lei took a deep breath, stood up unhurriedly, bared his teeth and put on a smile that he thought was the most sunny, and then said: "My name is Luo Lei, and Luo Lei is a radish without the cursive characters. Head, Lei is the thunder of Dalei. At the same time, I also have a domineering nickname - Luo Dalei. Of course, this name can only be called by my good friends. I don’t think I am very familiar with the beautiful teacher now, but I think It won't take long for us to get to know each other very well, so I will reveal another name to you in advance... Well, I have already introduced myself, but I don't know the name of the beautiful teacher, can you ask me, I think the teacher must There is a name that matches your stunning appearance, I should guess correctly..."

Obviously, the beautiful teacher was also a little uncomfortable with Luo Lei's way of speaking, and her mouth was slightly open on the podium.

Hmm, not bad, not bad, Luo Lei is a little bit flustered, even such a beautiful and beautiful teacher is overwhelmed by me, it seems that I have the ability to walk sideways at a high level, wow ha ha!

ps: The new book is open, and everything is missing, the most important thing is the lack of popularity. Clicks, flowers, VIPs, stamps, etc. are all panaceas that can help Luo Lei enhance his skills. What are you waiting for, generous Give it a reward!

What kind of story will happen to such a beautiful beautiful teacher with the pig's feet? Do you want to know, or do you want to know... Then read on. After one month, there will be 6500 updates every day, ho ho ho!

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