urban evil

Chapter 013 Peppers

The moment Li Yujia came in, she was dumbfounded, she never imagined that these two guys were watching porn in the dormitory in broad daylight!

Fatty's heart fell directly into the ice valley with her arrival, it's over, this little girl will definitely tell my dad when she gets home, my cute big butt, I'm afraid it will swell up after being beaten It will look more coquettish.

The cigarette butt in Luo Lei's hand was already very short, and he was about to throw it away, but at this moment it just burned to his finger, and the burning sensation made him the first of the three to "wake up" of.

Li Yujia's small mouth opened, Luo Lei felt bad, she was about to yell!

With a kick of his legs, Luo Lei jumped up from the chair, and covered her small mouth with his right hand before she screamed, but when he jumped out, he used too much force, so that the force of the forward rush was a bit strong, bringing Falling to the back bed with the little beauty.

The fat guy is very careless, and the four bunk beds are full of clothes, bedding and other things, but now Luo Lei has to thank him, if not for this, he will be crushed to death!

It stands to reason that he jumped at Li Yujia, and it should be Li Yujia who fell on the bed first, but who would have Luo Lei, who knows how to be compassionate and cherish jade? , He twisted his waist, and abruptly put himself under it.


Luo Lei slammed heavily on the bed, and Li Yujia's delicate body fell on top of him, her soft chest was even more tightly attached to his chest.


Li Yujia opened her mouth to shout, but Luo Lei covered her first, and could only make a "huh" sound. She struggled a few times to no avail, so she could only turn her head and look to the fat man for help.

The fat man tilted his fat head and asked, "Lei Zi, what are you doing?"

Luo Lei said angrily: "Fatty man, close the door quickly, if people find out that we are watching movies here, we will not be expelled on the spot! Did you forget that we only made trouble for the principal and the dean's son? They are holding back their revenge, we are sending it to our door, understand?"

"Oh, that's it!" The fat man quickly closed the door with his big buttocks twisted, and inserted the latch.

Li Yujia was stunned. She originally wanted Fatty to help her escape from Luo Lei's "clutches". It's fine if he doesn't help, but he even closed the door behind him. What are they going to do?

Li Yujia began to get scared, and only then realized that a girl "bravely broke into" the boys' dormitory, didn't that mean she was caught by a sheep, and now she was hugged by an annoying guy again, and she was still lying on the bed!

Thinking of this, Li Yujia's eyes became moist, and tears began to roll inside.

Comfortable, so soft!Tsk tsk, if you have a chance, you must ask this girl what she usually eats, she grows big, soft and elastic!

Luo Lei was enjoying the softness from his chest, when he suddenly saw Li Yujia in his arms and was about to cry, he hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eat your tofu, it happened suddenly, so don't cry! I can let go, but you have to promise me not to yell after letting go!"

After finishing speaking, he let go of the hand covering Li Yujia's small mouth, and asked again: "Is it okay?"

"Bastard, let me go!" Li Yujia said angrily.

"No, I won't let you go if you don't agree!" Luo Lei began to be firm.

It's true that Li Yujia is a little pepper, but she also knew that under such circumstances, even if she was a little hedgehog, it would be useless, so she nodded with aggrieved face and said, "I promise you! Let go of the bastard!"

Luo Lei let go, and when Liu Yujia got up, he deliberately punched him on the side of the waist with his fist, using all the strength of his whole body, and it was angry, so the strength can be imagined.

Always scolding fat people for being a kidney, but now it has come true to me!

Luo Lei gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, thinking that this girl must have been too ruthless, that place is not something you can hit casually, if you beat me to the point of kidney deficiency, you will be a blessing to me Responsible?

"That little Jia, Brother Lei is really helpless, you see, if you call out, we are really doomed!" The fat man hastened to say something nice: "The college entrance examination is going to be in three months, you can't just sit and watch The two of us will be expelled from school, it's about your future and my future!"

future?This word comes out of the fat man's mouth, no matter how it sounds, it doesn't taste good. You are the last one in the grade and you still have the nerve to talk about your future, which makes people laugh out loud.

Li Yujia sternly said: "You mean to keep me silent, right? Watching pornographic movies in public in the dormitory, and that hooligan even touches me, I will never let it go! Even if I don't tell the school, I will tell Uncle Pang, let him take care of you!"

The male protagonist in the monitor screen is still "performing" hard, for fear that others will say that they are lazy, and the sound is called excitement.

"Xiao Jia, I beg you, don't tell my father, he will beat me to death!" The fat man almost knelt down and begged her.

"Turn off the computer quickly!" Li Yujia picked up a lunch box and threw it on the monitor.

The fat man hurriedly looked for the mouse, but couldn't find it after searching on the ground, so he had to ask Luo Lei for help: "Brother Lei, where is the mouse?"

"You pig brain, you won't force shutdown, or just unplug the power!" Luo Lei glared at him.

The fat man was in a hurry and unplugged one of the plugs. It was for the monitor. The picture was gone, but the blood-thumping sound was still there. He quickly unplugged the other one!

Finally, the world was restored!

Luo Lei sat up from the bed, looked at the humble fat man and Li Yujia who was furious, and said with a smile: "Xiao Jia, you said we watch sq movies, so how do you know this is an h porn movie, don't you watch it too? Pass?"

"Ah?" Li Yujia was taken aback. This is indeed a difficult topic to talk about. Adolescent boys and girls all have the idea to find out about it. With the development of Internet technology today, if you want to "learn" made easy.

Li Yujia really watched it secretly, but after watching it for less than 2 minutes, she couldn't stand it anymore. She quickly deleted the file she just downloaded, and then she didn't dare to turn on the computer for several days.

"You!" Li Yujia pointed at Luo Lei, who was sitting carelessly on the bed, and shouted in a voice almost soprano: "You bastard, what kind of attitude do you have, considering all the bad deeds you have done to me, I will definitely Report it to the principal! Also, don’t call me Xiaojia, we don’t know each other well!”

The fat man quickly tugged at his sleeve and said, "Brother Lei, I beg you, just say something nice! If she really sues the principal, I won't be able to run away, but you are in my dormitory watch!"

"Promise, you didn't watch it? Why did you disregard me so quickly!" Luo Lei scolded the fat man first, and then said to Li Yujia with a smile: "If you want to file a complaint, go ahead! Anyway, you are alone People, are there any witnesses, how can we prove that we watched H movies here, when you come back with the principal, I guarantee that there is nothing in this computer, it is as clean as a freshly bloomed little white flower, haha!"

Li Yujia was stunned, yes, they can insist that they didn't watch the h movie, the computer hard drive can be completely formatted in a short time, and there will be no proof at that time, what can they do with him?

Fatty was overjoyed, Lei Ge was Lei Ge, his mind was spinning really fast, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud, and secretly gave Luo Lei a thumbs up.

Seeing that Li Yujia's aura had weakened, Luo Lei struck while the iron was hot and said, "Besides, it's lunch break now, and the principal has a lot to do every day, so let's not bother him, okay?"

"Not good!" Li Yujia replied righteously.

"Then what do you say?" Luo Lei spread his hands together, making an expression of pleading guilty, and said, "I was caught by you. I can quibble in front of others, but it is the truth in front of you. , I don't want to explain too much, if you want to kill or shave casually, I don't even frown!"

Playing tricks, but Luo Lei is good at it. What can you, a little girl, do to my brother? You won’t force yourself to my overlord, right? The little girl is pretty and has a good figure. If you want to fuck me, brother Absolutely do not resist!

The corners of Li Yujia's mouth turned up slightly, you said it yourself, don't blame my aunt, I'm cruel, I'll settle the old and new grudges with you, her complexion darkened, and she said to the fat man: "You go out first, I'll talk to him alone talk!"

The corner of the fat man’s mouth twitched, and he thought, Brother Lei, it’s not that being a brother is not righteous. Li Yujia, a little hot-tempered brother, has been taught many times. You are asking for blessings. If I stay, I will only suffer from Chi Yu. I will do you a favor if I go out. good!

what good?Of course it is to help you collect the corpse!

"Okay!" The fat man turned around and ran, Li Yujia waited for him to run out, and then locked the door again.

"Crack...Crack..." Li Yujia was fiddling with her fingers as she walked towards Luo Lei, the expression on her face was very similar to that of the queen in the movie.

Luo Lei put on a frightened expression, shrank his body into a ball, and said in a trembling voice: "What are you going to do? Don't act recklessly, I will call! I warn you, I will resist if I am in a hurry. A young man with yellow flowers will never succumb to the coercion of a female devil like you!"

"You yelled, but no one came even if you broke your throat!" Li Yujia was very "into the show", and it would be even more like holding a whip in her hand.

"You... don't come here... ah..." Luo Lei was also very involved, and continued to say in a trembling voice: "Little girl, you can let the uncle follow you, but you have to promise the uncle that you can't lift your pants or not." Recognize people, you can't just abandon the uncle all the time..."

"Puchi..." Li Yujia couldn't hold it in any longer, and laughed coquettishly.

Luo Lei stared straight at Li Yujia's towering chest with his thief eyes, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, wishing he could touch it!Looking down, it is her slender willow waist, as well as her buttocks wrapped in a short skirt and her snow-white calves exposed outside.

"What are you looking at with those two-color eyes? My aunt is fighting with you!" Li Yujia shouted coquettishly, and rushed towards him with her fists clenched.

Luo Lei was overjoyed. In his eyes, Li Yujia's actions at this time were no different from throwing himself into his arms. Since the little girl took the initiative, brother shouldn't be too unkind, right. He opened his arms very coquettishly, waiting for her arrival.


The bodies of the two collided, and Li Yujia brandished two powder fists and hit Luo Lei like raindrops. On the other hand, Luo Lei looked resigned, and one of his two thieves was placed on the little girl's buttocks. On the top, one is placed behind her, walking up and down!

ps: more exciting next, ho ho ho!A new week has begun, what about flowers and collections?

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