urban evil

Chapter 033 Husband...

The fat man was happy, and said arrogantly while counting the money: "Brother Lei, I really admire you, let's hold more activities like this in the future, and we won't have to worry about not having enough money until the end of the month." !"

"Come on, it's only three times, it's been two times, everyone will definitely not be fooled next time!" Luo Lei moved his face closer and asked with a smile: "Fatty, how much did you win?"

The fat man replied: "A total of 140 six yuan, enough for the three of us to have a big meal!"

"That's great, I'll order when I get to the restaurant!" Luo Lei made a fist with his right hand and said, "Today we must have a big meal!"

Fan Tong notified Ma Bo of this incident verbatim by text message. Ma Bo was so angry that his teeth were itchy. He really wanted to go to the restaurant to mess up the matter, but he didn't dare. Qi Han had embarrassed him many times in front of everyone, but Luo Lei was so good at fighting, if he did something to him, wouldn't he be beaten up?

"M's!" Ma Bo angrily twisted the Parker pen in his hand into two pieces, and said to himself angrily, "This damn Luo Lei, I knew this would happen, and Fan Tong should have let him go directly from the pen two months ago. Throw it off the mountain, and he'll be killed!"

Soon, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Luo Lei walked towards Li Qihan with a smile. When he got to her side, he slightly bowed his body, made a very standard gentleman's salute, and said: "Beautiful lady, please!"

Li Qihan gave him a blank look first, and then whispered: "Luo Lei, can you stop making such a big lineup, it would be embarrassing for others to see it!"

"Hehe, that's good, let's go!" Luo Lei straightened up and said.

Li Qihan stood up slowly, Luo Lei walked in front, she walked behind, but as soon as he left the classroom, he deliberately slowed down and walked side by side with Li Qihan, attracting envious eyes from everyone.

The news that Li Damei went to the student restaurant spread like wildfire, and many students who usually did not eat in school also stayed, so that the student restaurant at noon today was overcrowded. The sleeves are fried and sold now, and no matter how many meals they serve, they can be sold out immediately.

Outside the restaurant, Li Yujia grabbed a female classmate who had bought food and went to the dormitory to eat, and asked, "What's going on today, why are there so many people?"

The female classmate smiled helplessly, and said, "Colonel Li came here to eat for the first time, the inside is almost packed, and there are no vacant seats at all!"

Li Yujia was taken aback, frowned slightly, and walked into the restaurant quickly.

After entering the restaurant, you don't need to look for it at all, you just need to follow the gathering point of the eyes of a group of male animals. Li Qihan is like an iceberg snow lotus, with a supernatural temperament, sitting pretty at a table for four On the side, several dishes were already placed on the table, and two wretched but somewhat familiar guys were walking towards that side with two dishes each.

Pang Kuan!Rolley!

Li Yujia was surprised to see those two bastards sitting beside Li Qihan, and Luo Lei even sat opposite her. Could it be that beautiful Li was called by these two animals?

Before hearing that Luo Lei had a relationship with Li Qihan, Li Yujia had always been skeptical. Li Qihan was a famous ice beauty and never had too many contacts with boys. It was precisely because of this that she became a The number one school beauty, the boys are always so worthless, they always think that what they can't get is the best!

In fact, Li Yujia is not convinced at all, she is also a girl who wants to be good-looking and good-looking, and she is also the chairman of the student union, much more officials than the study committee members of her class!

Seeing the way the fat man kept courting Li Qihan, Li Yujia secretly scolded him for being worthless, that he doesn't accept your favor at all, and keeps offering, does that make sense now?

Looking at Luo Lei again, that woman had a faint smile on her face, and Li Qihan's attention was mainly focused on his face, what could this guy do?

"It's really disgusting!" When Li Yujia was about to slam the door out, she suddenly turned her body around again, saw Luo Lei who was trying to hide his complacent expression, and an evil thought sprouted in her heart.

"Hey, Luo Lei, my aunt is going to make a move, I want to see how you still pretend to be a gentleman in front of the beautiful woman Li! You are dead, I said you will pay for what you did!" Li Yujia He said a few words to himself with a smirk, then immediately put on a pitiful look and walked over there.

After walking for a long time, Li Yujia found that her appearance did not arouse a few people's ideas at all. This group of tasteless guys, a beautiful woman like me and the chairman of the student union, appeared in the restaurant, even if it could not cause screams, it would not It must be the center of attention!

Fatty didn't notice until she was close to Luo Lei.

"Hey, Chairman Li is here!" The fat man smiled at her as a greeting, and immediately turned his attention to Li Qihan again.

Fatty!Li Yujia gritted her teeth with hatred, if she hadn't already made up her mind, she would have scolded him first, regardless of her image, for daring to ignore the existence of this young lady, you have had enough, right?

Luo Lei raised his head slightly, gave her a flat smile, and then turned his gaze to the empty seat next to Li Qihan, considering whether to invite her to sit down and have a meal together. I ordered a lot of dishes just now, and the three of them didn't eat at all. endless.

But Li Yujia called out in a delicate voice: "My husband..."

Time seemed to have stopped, the fat man had a large piece of meat in his mouth, Luo Lei stopped chewing food, the two raised their heads in amazement, and looked at Li Yujia with a twisted expression.

"She called you?"

"She called you?"

Luo Lei and Fatty asked questions at the same time, and they were slightly taken aback. Li Qihan said in a calm tone with the unique tone of watching a play: "You can be sure, she definitely didn't call me!"

"The one who buys cakes is you!"

"Vac (****), that's you!"

The two are pointing at each other at the same time!The word husband sounds very kind and polite, but this person in front of you is obviously not familiar with you, but calling you such an honorary title in front of a large audience, besides embarrassment and bewilderment, it is probably difficult There is a third feeling.

"Husband, what's wrong with you, I know I'm wrong!" Li Yujia stretched out her small bright white hand to hold Luo Lei's arm, and said softly as she shook it: "Just forgive me, I won't let you go anymore I dare not make you angry!"

What the hell!Thunderbolts from the blue sky, thunder rolling from the sky, landslides and ground cracks...

The fat man opened his mouth, and Li Qihan looked at Luo Lei with strange eyes. Everyone's attention finally shifted, and many people noticed that the person who came was Li Yujia, the little pepper.

Hundreds of grown mouths were facing Luo Lei, which was somewhat uncomfortable.

"This... Xiaojia... no, Chairman Li Yujia!" Luo Lei realized that the previous address was a bit ambiguous, and quickly changed his words: "Chairman Li, although it will be April 4 soon, today is not a fool Festival! You are making a big joke, my buddy is still a young man with pink and tender yellow flowers, although it is very polite to call me that, but I can sue you for defamation!"

Li Yujia pursed her lips, and two tears rolled in her big eyes. While continuing to shake Luo Lei's arm, she said in a crying voice: "It seems that you still refuse to forgive me. I really know that I was wrong. I promise I will never make you angry again, I will never be self-willed again, please forgive me, I beg you... In order to ask for your forgiveness, I have punished myself for several days, from yesterday to now I didn't eat anything..."

"What's going on here?" The fat man's voice sounded like he was roaring in anger.

"How would I know!" Luo Lei spread his hands, but one arm was held by Li Yujia, and the posture was not perfect. He quickly explained: "I have nothing to do with her, except the last time I was at your fat man. Outside of the dormitory, I've never dealt with her before, it's only been a few days! I said fat man, why are you looking at me like that, I didn't..."

Li Yujia burst into tears, and continued to perform hard: "Husband, the last time you were in Fatty's dormitory, you hugged me and told me that you would be responsible for me for the rest of your life, until the end of time... I shouldn't make you angry, or you beat me Well, you can also scold me, as long as it can make you vent your anger..."

boom!Luo Lei's mind was in a mess, he quickly took a deep breath, and inadvertently caught sight of Li Yujia, who had a pitiful expression, with a hint of cunning in his eyes, and he immediately understood what the girl wanted to do.

She wants to discredit me. Since Luo Lei already knows her purpose, he feels at ease. Little girl, let's see how you can continue to act. When you are at the end of your skills, brother will fight back!

"You..." Fatty immediately turned into a righteous man who exorcised demons and defended the way. He pointed at Luo Lei with trembling fingers and said, "Last time in the dormitory, you acted like a beast to Xiaojia..."

"Shut up!" The three of them said at the same time, more than Fatty.

The fat man was startled, the fat on his face and his body trembled together.

Three people, how could it be three people, that's right, three people, Luo Lei, Li Yujia and Li Qihan.

Luo Lei stopped Fatty, saving him from adding fuel to the fire and making things more complicated; Li Yujia couldn't stand Fatty's stinky mouth, let him continue talking, who knows what kind of words will come out, it's a matter of concern Because of his innocence, he had to stop it; as for Li Qihan, he was eager to know the truth of the matter, and couldn't allow the fat man to continue to stir up trouble.

Li Qihan frowned slightly. She didn't know Luo Lei very well, but subconsciously, she still felt that he shouldn't have done something wrong with Li Yujia, because he had no chance at all, and he didn't come back after missing for more than two months. For a few days, Li Yujia is a famous little pepper, and they are not in the same class. How could they have a chance to get together?

While thinking about this, Luo Lei winked at Li Qihan, meaning to help him put on a play.

Li Qihan was smart, and immediately understood what he meant. She tensed her face and said coldly: "It seems that this meal will not last, student Luo Lei, I hope you can deal with the matter in front of you as soon as possible. Before I completely lose my appetite!"

Luo Lei pretended to be helpless on purpose, Li Yujia was happy to see it, and this matter would be done soon, she tried her best to make herself look more pitiful, and won the sympathy of the students around her!

It has to be said that at this moment, Li Yujia has completely grasped the initiative on the "battlefield", and the students next to him began to point and point at Luo Lei, accusing him louder than loud.

ps: Wow Kaka, an awesome chapter, let’s see how our Luo Dalei fights back, tweed, tickets, bring them here!

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