urban evil

Chapter 046 Planting Radishes and Growing Ginseng

Zheng Nan frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice, "It's been 24 hours since the incident happened, and the islanders' hiding place hasn't been found yet. Is this normal?"

Murong Hanwei said: "The news from various ports said that they conducted the most stringent search on people leaving the island country in the past day, and no one was found. I judge that they should not have left Jia County yet!"

"Why don't they leave here? It's really a big problem!" Wang Sanhu continued, "I think there are two possibilities. First, they think it's safest to stay here and wait until the limelight passes before finding a way to get the treasure out of here." Ship it out; second, the uneven distribution of spoils or disputes among the islanders, caused by killing each other for treasures."

Zheng Nan's brows were almost twisted into a knot, and he said: "In addition to the islanders, we must also closely monitor the werewolves in Western Europe. As long as we can find even a small person among them, we can follow the clues to investigate! You guys work harder Son, keep an eye on every corner of Jiaxian County!"



The group headed by Kobayashi Zhinan has changed three hiding places since morning. No wonder Wang Sanhu and the others couldn’t find them. Now they are sitting in the basement of a building that will be demolished, eating supper with charging lights on. Woolen cloth.

Naoko Kobayashi suddenly raised his head and drank the sake in the small cup, and said: "The news has already spread, the Secret Service Bureau of the Ministry of National Security of Huaxia has sent additional manpower during the day, and the chief commander is still the director of the Ninth Division Zheng Nan." , The total number of them has exceeded a hundred! The woman who escaped from death last night was named Murong Hanwei, and she was the captain of a major. The person who saved her life was a middle school student named Luo Lei. And we haven't found Xiaolin Juesan yet. , do you have any good suggestions?"

A Ghost Ninja with small round eyes and upturned nose said: "Since we have found out that the other party is Murong Hanwei and Luo Lei, I suggest that we start with them first, learn about the situation from their mouths, and draw conclusions. Conclusion, otherwise we would never know whether Mr. Xiao Lin was injured and hid, or if he had already escaped with the treasure!"

"It makes sense, let's do it this way!" Kobayashi Naonan said to Gui Ren with his nose upturned: "Kimura-kun, Murong Hanwei is with the Secret Service, it's not easy to deal with, I'll send you to find that high school student, I'll give you his information in a while!"



Luo Lei didn't show the slightest excitement when he heard the words "spiritual soil vessel", because he didn't know what a spiritual soil vessel was.

Spiritual soil vessel, an eighth-level artifact, can breed all things in it, and it is a rare and top-grade immortal artifact.

Immortal artifacts are divided into five grades: spiritual artifacts, royal artifacts, treasure artifacts, divine artifacts, and sacred artifacts. There are very few people who are mixed with royal weapons, and those who own treasure weapons are even rarer. Divine weapons and sacred weapons mostly exist in legends, but there are, but no one has seen them.

"Wow, in this way, this stone egg is really a treasure!" Luo Lei picked up the stone and said, "Old man, you said something can be grown in it, but I can't see what can grow on the stone." , moss?"

"Qing you big-headed ghost!" The big devil said angrily: "You piss on it now, maybe you can grow a dog pee moss in the morning!"

"Grass! Can't you be more serious?"

"You kid is not serious!"


Treasures descend from the sky, and there is a reason for it to descend to the human world, so there is no need to waste much time on this point.Generally, treasures that descend into the world under such circumstances have a layer of camouflage, because treasures are psychic, and only when they meet their real masters will they reveal their real body. Anyone who picks it up can become its master , that treasure is too worthless.

After listening to the Great Demon King's explanation, Luo Lei suddenly realized: "So that's the case. You mean that the real spiritual soil vessel is hidden in this stone, right?"

"Oh, you understand!" The big devil did not forget to tease Luo Lei: "With someone with low IQ like you, there is really no common language!"

"Go play!" Luo Lei scolded with a smile: "But how can I let the spiritual soil vessel pop out by itself? I said, old man, is it possible that I am not worthy to be its master? Just kidding, if it weren't for me, it would not be here now It's within the territory of China!"

The old guy replied: "I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I still can't think of a way to open it! But I believe it should be one of several conventional methods, such as burning with fire, soaking in blood...or calling a sesame to open the door." etc……"

Before the old guy finished speaking, Luo Lei couldn't wait to try it: "Open Sesame!"

no response!

"Then... Soybean opens the door!"

"Watermelon, open the door!"

After trying more than a dozen kinds in a row, the stone egg didn't respond at all. Luo Lei had no choice but to put his right hand into his clothes, bared his teeth and made a small opening from the wound, then took out his blood-soaked finger and wiped it on the stone. superior.

Still no response!

Light a cigarette, take two deep puffs, and then put the cigarette butt on the stone.

Still no response!

"Old guy!" Luo Lei shouted in displeasure.

The old guy hurriedly said: "I only said which one it might be, but I'm not sure which one it is! You just have to try it, and you'll be idle anyway!"

Luo Lei gestured his middle finger to the stone egg, picked it up and walked to the toilet.

"What are you going to do?" asked the old man.

"Piss on it!" Raleigh replied.

"What, you kid actually wants to piss on the treasure... You, you, you... You are simply reckless!"

"Screw it! Before it shows its true colors, it's just a broken stone. If it's too urgent, I'll find a latrine and throw it in, and let it make something smelly and hard!"

boo boo...

"Oh, accident..." Luo Lei casually threw the stone aside. He accidentally spilled it on his hands just now. He turned around and turned on the faucet, and picked up the soap.

"Huh..." A gust of wind blew up from behind, and the soap in his hand fell into the pool with a "clack", and he had a creepy feeling!

Just kidding, it's late at night, and I'm alone at home again, it's enough for anyone to come all at once!

"Boy, it seems that your child's urine is the way to open it, hahaha, you have been fooled!" When the old guy said this, he was very old and disrespectful!

"Day, don't mention the word boy to me, one day I will get rid of it!" Luo Lei said angrily, and then looked back at the stone egg thrown on the ground.

I saw that the stone egg rotated by itself without any external force, and the process from slow to fast was very short. If he hadn't turned back in time, he must have seen the scene of high-speed rotation.

"Wow, my brother's Tong...it really works!" Luo Lei changed into a smug expression on his face, and said very much: "It seems that my brother has been guarding the position for more than ten years, and he is finally sent. Useful, wow ha ha!"

If it wasn't for the old guy who was anxious to see the changes in the stone egg and didn't have time to talk to him, otherwise he would definitely hurt him a few words.


There was a slight cracking sound, and the high-speed rotating stone egg stopped abruptly. It had just stopped for no more than three seconds, and suddenly "jumped" by itself.


The stone egg was raised thirty to forty centimeters high, then fell to the tile floor, followed by a crisper cracking sound, and then jumped up again.


Looking at the picture in front of him, Luo Lei asked with great interest: "Old guy, are you sure it's that spiritual earth vessel inside, not something like a duckling? Why does it look more like a duck?" What about the ducklings that are just about to hatch?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just stare at it with your eyes wide open. Whatever I say is what it is, don't doubt it!" The old guy didn't bother to talk to him.

Luo Lei shrugged, and there were more and more cracks on the stone egg, until finally white light shone from the cracks, he couldn't help closing his eyes, and then heard the sound of complete shattering.

When he opened his eyes again, an oval three-legged platter that looked like a bronze vessel appeared on the ground, surrounded by a layer of broken "eggshells"!

Luo Lei involuntarily picked up the plate, which was simple in shape with beautiful patterns on it, and even the three cross-legs were exquisitely made, with a moss-like thing attached to the plate, which was very smooth to the touch with hands, and Xiang Gao grade fur.

"Spiritual soil vessel, hahaha, I guessed it right!" The old guy's arrogant laughter sounded in Luo Lei's mind: "It really is an eighth-level artifact, the spiritual soil vessel for growing radishes and ginseng. To see such a spiritual creature in my lifetime, I will have no regrets in this life!"

What, grow radishes and grow ginseng?Luo Lei hurriedly asked: "You mean, grow radishes and grow ginseng?"

"That's right!"

"Ordinary white radish can grow ginseng?"


"What about carrots?"

"Blood Ginseng!"

"Huaxin'er Daluo?"

"Purple ginseng!"

"Where's the juicy and white radish?"

"Snow ginseng!"

Luo Lei's big mouth can stuff three eggs in at the same time. My mother-in-law's fourth uncle and grandma bought a pack of radish seeds for a few cents and can grow a whole field of ginseng. How much is that worth? ?

He swallowed a big mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and asked a very mentally retarded question: "Then what if I just plant a ginseng in it?"

The old guy resisted the urge to give him a chestnut, of course, the premise is that he has a hand that has turned into a reality, and he said angrily: "Of course ginseng is still ginseng, but it's just as good as carrots in terms of age and efficacy." The ones grown from radishes are much better! For example, those grown from radishes can grow for decades at most, and the appearance of wild ginseng is exhausted. Those grown with ginseng can reach the quality of wild ginseng for a hundred years, or even a thousand years. Mutually!"

Developed, really developed this time!

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