urban evil

Chapter 056 Approaching

The reason why Menglik appeared on the campus of No. [-] High School was because he saw a sentence in Luo Lei's information yesterday: he receives tutoring from overseas returnee English teachers every day, but he is always in the reading room of the school from time to time.

Menglik felt that this was a good opportunity. When he entered China, he assumed the identity of a foreign language teacher, and after meeting Naoko Kobayashi last night, the other party promised to increase the commission by four times, and paid an advance payment of [-] US dollars on the spot. The deposit made him even more eager to complete this task!

Four times the commission, which is 24 US dollars, if Luo Lei knew that his life was worth a million RMB, he didn't know how he would feel.

Early in the morning, Menglik came to the first high school with materials that could prove his identity, found the principal Ma Haitao, and expressed his willingness to stay here as a foreign teacher.

It has been decades since No. [-] High School was established, and it has never hired a foreign teacher. Ma Haitao knows that the importance of this matter is no less important than when Tian Xi was hired. Maybe the major media will come to publicize it. The cadres of the provincial and municipal education bureaus will also come here to inspect. In addition to the college entrance examination after more than two months, Yigao's grades have been good, maybe he can be promoted because of this!

Therefore, the two hit it off immediately, and Ma Haitao didn't want to prove Menglik's identity through normal channels at all. He directly took out the letter of appointment and asked him to sign on it.

"Mr. Menglik, I want you to be the English consultant of each class in the third year of high school. What do you think?" Ma Haitao said with a smile: "This semester is almost over, and I will arrange specific work for you in the next semester. , okay?"

"Okay!" Menglik showed a modest and gentlemanly appearance, and said, "I heard that your school has a Ph.D. in English who came back from the United States. I really want to ask her about her education experience. After all, I just came from England. I don’t know much about Huaxia’s education methods yet, so I just happened to learn from her!”

Ma Haitao gave a thumbs up and said: "Mr. Menglik's emphasis on education makes me admire! I will take you to see Mr. Tian in Class [-], Grade [-], and you can have an in-depth exchange. I believe you will have a common language." ! Let's get acquainted with the environment here first, and I will take you to other places!"


An hour later, Ma Haitao showed up at the gate of Class [-] with Menglik. Tian Xi and Luo Lei were not there. After asking, they learned that they had gone to the reading room.

"What a coincidence!" Ma Haitao said with some disappointment. In fact, he really didn't want to see Tian Xi tutoring Luo Lei. In his opinion, such scum deserves it?

"It's okay, I'd like to know what it's like to teach students!" Menglik still had his trademark smile on his face.

The two went to the reading room. The aunt who was dozing off heard the footsteps and stood up quickly. Seeing that the principal came with a handsome foreigner, she greeted her with a smile on her face.

"Principal, why are you here?" the aunt asked, a pair of triangular eyes couldn't help but glance at the foreigner, tsk tsk, the foreigner's body is strong, and the crotch is bulging, and the size must be two or three sizes larger than that of the Chinese. , it will be great to have a big fight on the bed with him!

"Well, come and have a look!" Ma Haitao said lightly.

Luo Lei, who was listening carefully, heard the voice of the old guy in his head: "Boy, the werewolf who escaped yesterday is here. It seems that he wants to deal with you in another way!"

Luo Lei looked up involuntarily, thinking how could a werewolf get involved with this guy Ma Haitao!But looking at Ma Haitao's arrogant appearance, it should be because he doesn't know his real identity.

What is this guy up to?Luo Lei wanted to see how he would sing in the next play, so he pretended not to know him.

Menglik didn't show up last night. He thought that even if he appeared in front of Luo Lei in a fair manner, he would not know him, but he didn't know that there was a big devil living in his body.

With Ma Haitao's arrival, Tian Xi had to pause and accept his introduction with a smile on his face.Needless to say, Menglik at this moment is really a bit like a foreign teacher should be.

Foreign teacher?When Luo Lei heard this word, he basically understood what Menglik was planning. He was using the name of a foreign teacher to get close to him, and then he was looking for the best time to do it!

"Tian teacher, I heard from the principal that you are here to help a student with homework, so I want to come and listen in. Is it convenient?" Menglik said very modestly, let alone Tian Xi, who didn't know the inside story, even if Even Luo Lei was too embarrassed to refuse.

"Of course!" Tian Xi nodded in agreement.

Menglik was ecstatic in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face at all. He had already peeped at Luo Lei several times, and he was planning to attack the unsuspecting him when he was seriously listening to the class. success!

While the three of them were chatting, Luo Lei borrowed Tian Xi's cell phone.

The latest model of Ai Crazy mobile phone, and it is light purple, which is quite suitable for Tian Xi, a beautiful teacher. Luo Lei sent a text message at the fastest speed, and the recipient's number was Murong Hanwei.

When he finished his short breath, the three of them were almost chatting. Ma Haitao said with a smile: "Well, I won't bother you! I will be the host at noon today, and I invite you to the best restaurant in the county for dinner. Both of you You have to be rewarded!"

"Then thank you principal!" Menglik said politely.

Tian Xi didn't nod or veto. When she first came here, she had already agreed with Luo Lei that they would have dinner together at noon today, and Luo Lei would treat them.

After Ma Haitao left, Menglik sat beside Tian Xi with a smile, which was opposite to Luo Lei. The foreigner was tall and had long arms. He didn't need to stand up to hit Luo Lei's face and neck with his fists. Now he needed to do The only thing to do is to wait, waiting for the best time to appear.

Tian Xi continued to give lectures. Luo Lei, who had always focused on the tree, changed his previous habit. He deliberately showed that he was not used to the presence of outsiders, and his eyes mostly fell on Menglik.

Menglik was not in a hurry at all, he was even thinking that it doesn't matter if he didn't have a chance to make a move today, there will be opportunities in the future.What surprised him most was Tian Xi's lecture speed and Luo Lei's comprehension ability. They even finished a class in about 3 minutes. This speed is hard to keep up even if you are a native European and American, right?

Luo Lei understood everything!Menglik became more determined to get rid of him, such a person must not stay in the world, otherwise it would be a great threat.

On the street outside the school, more than a dozen Hummer military vehicles were driving towards the school at high speed, Murong Hanwei was sitting in the front car, and the driver was Wang Sanhu.

"Hanwei, why are you so sure that the werewolf is in Yigao?" Wang Sanhu asked.

"As for the source of the information, don't inquire about it yet!" Murong Hanwei frowned and said, "When we enter the school in a while, we must ensure that our actions cannot be seen by any students or faculty members!"

"Don't worry!" Wang Sanhu said, "It's not the first time I've performed a mission in a public place. I'll send someone to seal off the scene first! Once the encirclement is formed, the werewolf will never escape my sight!"

After the military vehicle entered the school, it stopped at a position 300 meters away from the reading room. The four attacking teams arrived at their own attacking positions, and the rest of the team set up a cordon to clear away the idlers.

When everything was ready, Murong Hanwei dialed Tian Xi's number, which was what Luo Lei told her to do.

Tian Xi, who was concentrating on her lecture, rang her cell phone. She took it out of her pocket and took a look. It was an unfamiliar number. When she was about to hang up, Luo Lei said, "Teacher Tian, ​​answer the phone first, I will review it by myself. The next class, today's lecture is a bit fast, I can't even keep up!"

"Hehe, yes, maybe there is something important!" Menglik said with a smile, "I really want to try Teacher Tian's teaching method. Before you come back, this clever student will leave it to me. Bar!"

Tian Xi nodded, stood up and pressed the connect button at the same time: "Hello, who are you looking for? Yes, I am Tian Xi...Okay, just wait a moment..."

Tian Xi walked out while talking on the phone, and when he was about to walk out of the door of the reading room, Murong Hanwei on the other end of the phone said the main point: "Teacher Tian, ​​I'm Murong Hanwei, we met once, you should still have an impression Bar?"

"I have an impression, I still remember Major Murong!"

"That's good. You know my identity, so I have nothing to hide from you! The foreign man sitting with Luo Lei is a dangerous person. Please call the female school worker in the reading room, okay?" Make it easier for us to move forward!"

"Dangerous person?" Tian Xi was taken aback, and then immediately asked: "Then, what about Luo Lei? Isn't it dangerous for him to stay inside alone?"

"Please don't worry about this!" Murong Hanwei said with a smile: "This student of yours is better at fighting than me. Didn't you always wonder why we sent people to follow him? Now let me tell you that our Ninth Division is currently following Students Luo Lei cooperate to fight against terrorists who threaten our country!"

Although Tian Xi was very surprised, she still calmly called out the janitor aunt, and the reason was to ask her for a favor, and the aunt readily agreed. When he was a soldier, his legs were so weak that he almost didn't squat on the ground.

Menglik felt that the opportunity had come, he deliberately pointed to the contents of the textbook with his left hand, imitating Tian Xi's lecture, and said: "Student Luo Lei, let's start, please read here!"

His right hand is already ready to go, as long as Luo Lei lowers his head, he will immediately punch him. Even if this punch does not kill him, it must at least seriously injure him. It's finished!

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