urban evil

Chapter 060

Walking to the door of the clinic, Luo Lei noticed that Dr. Liu and Wu Wen were gone. He pricked up his ears and listened for a few seconds. There were soft voices coming from the compartment behind the medicine cabinet.

md, it really has bad intentions, can't you talk about the patient's condition outside, is the sound insulation effect of the partition inside very good?

Just as Luo Lei was about to go in, the old guy's voice sounded in his head: "Boy, as the saying goes, catch the thief and take the dirt, that guy is cheating on the little girl, and he hasn't done anything yet. If you rush in now, you won't be able to expose his conspiracy." , it will make that girl misunderstand you!"

Makes sense!Luo Lei took a deep breath, performed the snake-like technique, one of the four great magic tricks in the "Nine Yin Manual", and walked in quietly until he reached the back of the medicine cabinet. He put his ear on the medicine cabinet and listened to the two people talking.

"...The so-called doctor's parental heart, your father is my patient, and I will definitely take good care of it!" Doctor Liu pretended to save the world and said, "However, it has been more than a week, and the medicine for a penny I haven’t even seen Fei! You should be very clear about what kind of disease your father is suffering from. Although the price here is much cheaper than that in big hospitals, it costs 400 yuan a day just for infusion, plus other medicines. , it's hard for me to do!"

"Doctor Liu, I beg you to save my father!" Wu Wen said with a crying sound in her tone, "I will find a solution to the money issue immediately!"

"But you, a student who hasn't graduated from high school, how do you think of a way?" Dr. Liu said coldly: "Besides, when your father fell ill, he couldn't control his hands and feet, and just happened to bump a woman into the hospital. I heard that You can’t leave the hospital yet, all the money you borrowed has been paid to others, what can you give me? I will consider stopping your father’s medicine!”

Wu Wen panicked, and quickly said: "Doctor Liu, please, please don't stop my father's medicine! I will find a job right away, and I will return the money to you, and I will definitely return it to you!"

"How much money can you make as a teenage girl?"

Wu Wen was stunned. It’s not that she hasn’t tried to find a job these days. She doesn’t have a diploma or experience. What wages work.

Luo Lei outside heard the clues. It turned out that the guy who cheated on his heart wanted to threaten Wu Wen with medical expenses to force Wu Wen to submit.

"Xiaowen, for the sake of being a filial child, let me show you a clear path!" Dr. Liu immediately changed his previous indifference and said with a smile, "As long as you agree to one condition, I will not only cure How about taking care of your father's illness, and guaranteeing you food and drink, and allowing you to continue your studies?"

The children of the poor have already been in charge of the family. Wu Wen heard something from Dr. Liu's words, and coupled with his smirking face, she quickly shook her head subconsciously.

"Xiao Wen, as long as you agree to follow me and give birth to a son for me, all the money I earn will be yours, and I will treat your father for free!" Dr. Liu showed his bestial appearance, and rushed over to pin Wu Wen on the bed. , said while tearing her clothes with his hands: "I promise to be good to you and your father, and give you the best food and best clothes!"

"But, you have a wife and children!" Wu Wen exclaimed, covering her body with her hands.

"My wife knows nothing but playing mahjong, and the son I gave birth to is also an idiot with congenital cerebral palsy!" Dr. Liu gasped and said, "As long as you follow me, I will divorce her immediately!"

"Let me go..." Wu Wen resisted fiercely, screaming, "Daddy save me..."

"Stop barking, and now I might as well tell you the truth, your father didn't fall asleep at all, but I added a little sedative to his medicine!" Dr. Liu said with a sinister smile: "It didn't take an hour or two. You can’t wake up at all, and no one will come to see a doctor at this time of day, and no one will help you even if your throat is broken! Just follow me, hahaha!”

While talking, Dr. Liu held Wu Wen's two small hands tightly with his right hand, and grabbed Wu Wen's top with his left hand, revealing her snow-white shoulders and pink bra inside. , a cold voice sounded, as if it came out of the ground:

"Really? Are you so sure no one will hear?"

Dr. Liu jumped up from the bed in a jerk, and Wu Wen tidied her clothes while sobbing. This sentence was like a life-saving straw for her.

"It's you!" Seeing Luo Lei standing outside, Dr. Liu threatened him with a black face, "Boy, I advise you not to meddle in your own business, she owes me money, so we are between you and me." It’s your relationship! Get out of here quickly, or else I won’t beat you to death!”

After saying these few words, the surname Liu stretched out his hand and opened the drawer of the bedside table, and took out a sharp scalpel from it, with a cold light shining everywhere.

"Hmph, do you want me to?" Luo Lei raised his leg and kicked. Liu was caught off guard and was kicked on the chin. He immediately fell on his back and hit his head on the bedside table. Let go and fly.

Seeing that it was Luo Lei, Wu Wen rushed over without thinking, hugged his waist tightly, and burst into tears.

What Luo Lei can't see the most is a person who bullies a girl, and what he can't stand is a doctor in a coat of saving lives and healing the wounded. He stepped on Liu's shoulder and stepped hard.

"Crack..." The collarbone surnamed Liu made a creepy sound, and he immediately let out a scream like killing a pig.

Not to mention, at this point in time, no one really comes here to see a doctor, so you don't have to worry about being seen.

"Luo Lei..." Wu Wen cried very sadly. All along, she regarded the surname Liu as her father's savior, and told herself more than once in her heart that she must repay him well. Who would have thought that he would be like this people.

"Okay, Wu Wen, I'm fine now!" Luo Lei reached out and stroked Wu Wen's back several times, her violently trembling body calmed down a lot.

The collarbone of Liu was about to be crushed, and now he knew that he was no match for this classmate Wu Wen, so he quickly begged for mercy: "Please let me go, because I have been treating Brother Angkor for so long. Come on, I'm not a thing, I shouldn't have evil thoughts, the medical expenses he owed will be written off..."

A write-off is easy to say!As a doctor, adding a sedative to a patient's medicine, such an act is no different from a beast!

Luo Lei raised his foot, and before the surname Liu could react, he stepped on his face and said sharply: "A scum like you deserves to intercede with me. To be honest, tranquilizers are harmful to the patient's illness." No side effects?"

"No, no, absolutely not!" Seeing Luo Lei's reluctance, the surname Liu continued, "In the future, I will treat Brother Ang for free, so please forgive me!"

Luo Lei looked down at Wu Wen who was still sobbing. After all, this matter was related to her. It was up to her to decide whether to release Liu or call the police.After all, the surname Liu agreed to treat Wu Wen's father for free, which is very meaningful for a very poor family.

"Luo Lei, why not just let him go this time..." Wu Wen whispered.

Just as Luo Lei was about to let go of his feet, the old man's voice sounded: "Boy, don't let him go! I just checked carefully the medicine used by the surname Liu. The reason why your classmate's father's condition worsened is all because of him secretly. What the hell!"

What?Luo Lei was furious, and after hearing what his hometown said, he wished he could crush this guy's skull!

Luo Lei shook his head, and said to Wu Wen: "He will not treat your father with his heart, but he will do something secretly!"

"I promise that I will do my best to cure Angkor's illness, please let me go, and don't tell what happened today..."

"Shut up!" Luo Lei asked while sipping hard on his feet: "Do you think that only you understand the medicine here? Then let me ask you, what is the purpose of you infusing normal saline to the patient? As a doctor, don't you Do you know that patients with chronic renal failure have strict daily salt intake requirements, and what symptoms will excessive salt intake cause? Answer me!"

The surname Liu is a tight-lipped person, but under such circumstances, he has to tell the truth: "Salt...excessive will cause patients...body swell..."

"Be clear, what I want to hear is the whole process!" Luo Lei said sharply.

The surname Liu had no choice but to tell the truth: "At first it was the legs, and then it developed to the whole body... After a long time, the kidneys will completely lose their function, and then...then..."

"Then what?" Luo Lei stepped on it heavily!

"Ah!" The surname Liu replied after screaming, "Death, there is no cure!"

Wu Wen's body trembled. It turned out that all of this was the work of the director surnamed Liu. Her body was tottering and she leaned against Luo Lei weakly. If it wasn't for Luo Lei's arm wrapping around her willow waist, she would have collapsed long ago. on the ground.

Looking back on the previous events, no wonder the surname Liu was so enthusiastic at the beginning, and started taking medicine without getting any money. It turned out that there was a conspiracy.

In fact, what the person surnamed Liu said was not completely correct. The patient could be recovered through a kidney transplant, but the cost of hundreds of thousands of yuan was not something the Wu family could afford. There is only one way to prepare for the funeral!

If Luo Lei hadn't appeared in time, Wu Wen would lose her life to Liu, and he would "carefully use medicine" at that time, resulting in a situation where the patient was hopeless. After losing her father, she could only choose to compromise.

It really is a poisonous plan!

Luo Lei couldn't help but admire this unattractive Dr. Liu who was trampled under his feet. He only needed some cheap normal saline to exchange for a beautiful young girl. ah!

It's a pity that your cleverness is not in the right place. Since you fell into Lao Tzu's hands, Lao Tzu will not make you feel better. Luo Lei began to think about how to punish this guy who was trampled under his feet.

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