urban evil

Chapter 063 Successful Detoxification

When Luo Lei returned to the classroom, it was already [-]:[-] in the afternoon. This guy was late for a full hour and a half. Ma Bo took out the attendance book, and marked it with a red pen under the word "Luo Lei". previous mark.

If this were the case in the past, anyone who dared to be late for an hour and a half would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die. Fortunately, the class teacher at this time is the beautiful teacher Tian Xi, and it is now the review stage, so no one will take this matter to heart.

Seeing his foolishness, Li Qihan was so angry that he didn't even look up at him when the guy walked by.

The worst part was that Luo Lei didn't look at her directly. That guy was immersed in the scene of the hero saving the beauty and teaching the bad guys a lesson, with a smirk that didn't deserve to be beaten.

"Brother Lei, why did you go?" the fat man asked.

Luo Lei pulled the stool and sat down, said with a smile: "Of course I did a good job! By the way, Fatty, I can't help you with your homework tonight. You should read the books by yourself first. I have important things to do!"

The fat man nodded. It's only afternoon now, and Luo Lei was so confident when he spoke, so he had no doubts about his words.

Luo Lei really has an important thing to do, that is how to give Wu Tianming acupuncture after his self-study next night. The first level of ghost acupuncture he has mastered is enough to deal with general illnesses, plus acute illnesses like syncope. Detoxification, he has never tried it.

For Wu Tianming, taking too much salt in his body is tantamount to poisoning.

Taking advantage of the time when school was over in the afternoon, Luo Lei asked the old guy to explain the second level of ghost acupuncture and acupuncture techniques systematically, and then "practiced" it in the evening.

As for how to practice, Luo Lei has his own way.

The method is very simple, that is to find a piece of paper, draw the general outline of the human body, use the tip of a pen instead of a silver needle, click on the corresponding position, and at the same time tell the method and order of the needles in your heart, as well as the outline of the adjacent two needles. Interval time between needles.

In fact, the acupuncture for detoxification has gone beyond the scope of the second layer of ghost needles. Strictly speaking, it can only be used after mastering the third layer. How much potential will explode!

The whole afternoon passed like this, Luo Lei kept his head down, looking thoughtful to outsiders.

"Brother Lei, it's time to eat!" The fat man reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"Oh, so fast!" When Luo Lei raised his head, there were not many people in the class, and Li Qihan had already left the classroom.

The fat man looked at him strangely, and said, "What's the matter with you today? You looked absent-minded. Just now, when Miss Li was leaving, you glanced this way several times. You guys actually ignored her existence. I think she must be angry!"

"Really?" Luo Lei didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, shrugged and said, "I'll talk to her tonight, let's get in touch, hehe!"

"I despise you!"

"Despise your sister, dare to despise me!"

"Brother Lei, you always mention my sister, why don't you find a chance for me to introduce you?...Brother Lei, don't go, wait for me, let's have dinner together..."


In the temporary office of the Ninth Branch of the Jia County Secret Service Bureau, Zheng Nan took a piece of information and said: "The provincial city's National Security Bureau has received news that there are a few guys who look like ghost ninjas appearing at them. After comprehensive comparison, it is certain that they are Those islanders who robbed the treasure!"

"Why did they appear in the provincial capital?" Wang Sanhu said, "Could it be that Xiaolin Juesan who stole the stone is also there?"

Murong Hanwei frowned slightly, and said, "I think it's a bit strange!"

"Why is it strange?" Zheng Nan asked.

"I don't think it's too good, I just have some doubts!" ​​Murong Hanwei replied, "We've been watching here for so long, but we haven't been able to find out the whereabouts of the ghost ninjas! But they were discovered as soon as they arrived in the provincial capital. , is it possible that the colleagues of the National Security Bureau in the provincial capital are more powerful than the Ninth Division?"

Zheng Nan nodded and said, "It's a bit strange! I can't control so much now, as long as we can catch them all, everything will be cleared up. Han Wei, you lead a small team to stay in Jia County, and the three tigers and I will lead The brigade is going to the provincial capital, let's have a double insurance!"

"Yes!" Murong Hanwei and Wang Sanhu saluted Zheng Nan together.

"Sanhu, go down and prepare first, Hanwei stay behind!" Zheng Nan said.

After Wang Sanhu left, Zheng Nan smiled wryly and said, "Luo Lei is really a troublemaker. When you were away just now, the four team members protecting him reported to me that that kid beat up a bad-hearted man." A quack doctor, who even stole [-] yuan from him! Then we asked our people to come forward and threaten that doctor, good guy, he escaped from Jia County without even having time to treat his broken arm!"

Murong Hanwei was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Xiao Lei is too nonsense, beating people and defrauding them of money, he shouldn't be able to do such a thing as a high school student?"

"Can't do it? He has done a lot!" Zheng Nan said like a treasure: "The money in his pocket was robbed from members of the underworld, and the motorcycle was also robbed...Of course, this kid never robs ordinary people. Something. After understanding, the doctor should indeed be beaten, but his methods are a bit extreme, and it is more appropriate to leave it to the police to control violence with violence!"

Murong Hanwei let out a long breath and said, "Director, don't worry, I will find a chance to have a good chat with him!"


After dinner, Luo Lei declined Fatty's invitation to watch a movie together, and returned to the classroom to start "rehearsal".

This trocar needling requires more than 20 large acupoints on the human body at the same time, and any mistakes will be wasted. Although it has no effect on the patient's condition, it is a great challenge to the person's physiology and heart!

You can imagine that you have been pricked with silver needles more than 20 times in a row. If you fail to recognize the acupoints, you will grin your teeth and grin your teeth in pain, and then tell you "failure, you have to do it again", can you bear it?

"It's really terrible!" Luo Lei tried several times in a row, either messing up the rhythm or getting the wrong position.

"If it were simple, it wouldn't be called a ghost needle!" The old guy said, "The reason why it is called a ghost needle comes from the saying that the king of hell is easy to see, and the little ghost is difficult to deal with, which means that the king of hell sentenced a People die, as long as the little devil doesn't let you die, you can't die!"


Throughout the night, Luo Lei didn't know how many sheets of paper he spent. The fat man on the side kept wondering when Lei Ge fell in love with painting, and it was human body structure. Could it be that he was going to transfer from liberal arts class to art class?

Can you make it?

Dingling, the school bell rang, Luo Lei regained his usual confidence, walked up to Li Qihan with a smile, and said, "Beauty Qihan, we should go! Hey, your face is a little ugly , Are you feeling unwell?"

Li Qihan gave him an angry look, and Song Xiaofei, who was at the same table, said first: "It's not that I'm feeling sick, but I'm feeling sick in my heart! Why didn't someone come to her for homework, but she made preparations early !"

So this is ah!Luo Lei blushed. He had a lot of things to do today, so he forgot about the remedial math class. He hurriedly bowed deeply to Li Qihan, and said solemnly: "I'm sorry. Miss Li, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

"Puchi..." Li Qihan laughed coquettishly, stood up and said, "For the sake of your sincerity to admit your mistake, I forgive you once, let's go!"

All the male students in the class were envious. They didn't know that the two lived in the same community now, and it was a natural choice to go together.

After sending Li Qihan home and saying hello to Shen Anna, Luo Lei rode a motorcycle to Wu's house.

According to his request, Wu Tianming lay on the bed with his upper body naked. Luo Lei took out the set of silver needles that Yang Bing gave him and carefully disinfected them with alcohol. Looking at the dozens of needles of different lengths, Wu Wen asked in a low voice. He said, "It doesn't hurt when the needle is given, does it?"

"As long as you look for the acupuncture point, it won't hurt!" Luo Lei took out the largest one and said, "If you don't penetrate the acupuncture point accurately, it will not only hurt but also bleed!"

"I believe in your skills!" Wu Wen said with her fists clenched.

"Hehe!" Luo Lei smiled. In fact, in the dozens of rehearsals in the evening self-study, he never succeeded.

After finishing the process of disinfection, he took a deep breath, his eyes fell on Wu Tianming's thin back, he stretched out his right hand and touched all the acupoints where needles needed to be inserted, then quickly picked up the first needle and inserted it into the to his Feishu point.

Then the second needle pierced Xinshu point, then Mingmen point, Jianjing point...

Wu Tianming's expression was very natural, thanks to the accuracy of Luo Lei's recognition of the acupoints. Whether it was a long needle or a short needle, there was only a slight coolness when it was pierced into the body, without any pain.

Wu Wen next to her had her heart hanging in her throat. From Luo Lei's serious expression, she could tell that this time the acupuncture was much more difficult than in the afternoon, because it had just begun, and Luo Lei's forehead was already full of scars. sweat.

Qihaishu point, Weilu point... Luo Lei successfully completed the previous twelve stitches, followed by the most important ten stitches.

No.11 stitches, twelve stitches...

When the No.14 needle was about to make a mistake, the old guy reminded in time: "Zhishi point, three inches away from the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra, don't look for the wrong position!"

"Yes!" Luo Lei quickly adjusted the position of the needle, and pierced the Zhishi acupoint accurately.

"Calm down, don't be impatient!"


With the old guy's reminder, Luo Lei successfully completed the remaining few stitches accurately.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Luo Lei said to Wu Wen while panting heavily, "It's done!"

Wu Wen immediately picked up the prepared tissue and helped Luo Lei wipe off the sweat on his face. If he waited a little longer, the sweat would definitely drip down.

Wu Tianming looked up at his daughter who was wiping Luo Lei's sweat, with a smile on his face.

ps: Let me reveal the plot later, Luo Lei violently beats up the gangsters!

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