urban evil

Chapter 070

Sitting on the side, Xiao Huzi disapproved of Xu Feng's silencing gesture before, and licked melon seeds while crossing his legs.

Just after hearing a few words, Xu Feng's expression changed, and a smile appeared on his wrinkled old face, and he said to the mobile phone: "Thank you, principal, thank you so much, without your cultivation, I would have How did you get such an honor! Don't worry, I will never forget your kindness to me..."

Mustache couldn't help being taken aback, his wife knew best, so there must be something good about it, otherwise Xu Feng would not be able to smile so brilliantly!The usual expression that the whole world owed her two hundred yuan disappeared without a trace. I was not so happy when I heard that the Wu family was willing to pay 6 yuan in compensation just now!

As soon as Xu Feng hung up the phone, he couldn't wait to ask: "My wife, what's the matter, I'm so happy!"

Xu Feng grinned and said with a smile: "I have already been recognized as an excellent teacher at the municipal level this year! You must know that there are no fewer than tens of thousands of teaching staff in our area, and there are only three places for excellent teachers every year. Finding a needle in a haystack is not an exaggeration at all! Don’t look at the stacks of awards in those people’s drawers, but those are all outstanding teacher awards at the county level. How many teachers in the school have been looking forward to it all their lives, and they have no chance to get this award until they retire!”

"Yo, if you put it that way, today is a double blessing!" Mustache jumped up happily.

"Well, double happiness!"

Xu Feng's phone rang again, and she made a silent gesture again, and whispered: "Principal Ma said that Secretary Li of the Municipal Education Bureau is going to call me in person. This must be Secretary Li!"

The mustache hurriedly finished the work seriously, Xu Feng solemnly pressed the answer button, and said with a pinching tone: "Hey, who is it?"

"Teacher Xu Feng, I'm Secretary Li from the Municipal Education Bureau!" A confident voice came out from the phone: "I'll let you know that you have been rated as an outstanding teacher at the municipal level this year!"

"Secretary Li, thank you so much, I, Xu Feng, will definitely be more dedicated in the future..." Xu Feng talked on the phone endlessly.

"Well, Teacher Xu has such awareness, he is worthy of being a role model for me in the education field! By the way, I heard that Teacher Xu was seriously injured and living in the hospital, but he still cares about the students in the class. I am very moved! I put this I told Director Li about the incident, and the director was also very moved. At that time, he said that he would publicize Teacher Xu's deeds on a large scale and make you a typical teacher in our city. I have already notified the TV station, and their reporters will go to the hospital in two days To interview you, you have to be prepared, and you can't live up to the expectations of the leaders!"

Xu Feng was so happy, Mei's snot bubbles blew out, and she promised on the phone that she would not disappoint the leadership's cultivation.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Feng was filled with joy, and the mustache felt troubled. He said: "It is a good thing that the TV station came to interview, and they will definitely interview some students and other teachers. In case someone speaks ill of you, you can What should I do?"

Xu Feng was stunned for a moment, thinking that this was indeed a problem, no one among colleagues would speak ill of him, everyone was an adult, even if the relationship was not very good, they would not do anything to disrupt the situation.The key is the students. There are a few mischievous guys in Class [-]. They are not afraid of anything. They may do something out of the ordinary!

Hey, there is!

Xu Feng quickly had an idea. Li Qihan, the study committee member in the class, is the daughter of Director Li of the Municipal Bureau. Let her bring a few classmates over here. She was worried about how to behave in front of the leaders of the Municipal Bureau. Well, let the director's daughter come forward as the student being interviewed, isn't this killing two birds with one stone?

Yes, just do it like this, and bring the director's daughter to the limelight. Director Li will be very happy. Xu Feng made up his mind and waited for the interview call from the "TV station".

In the military vehicle, Luo Lei was so happy that he couldn't stand upright. He didn't expect this to go so smoothly!The reason why he dragged Ma Haitao into the water was to convince Xu Feng that he had become an excellent teacher, and then the interview was introduced, which seemed extremely natural.

When the major officer returned the three pieces of paper to Luo Lei, he asked, "What are you doing? Are you celebrating April Fool's Day?"

"Hehe, that's right, brother, you are really smart!" Luo Lei patted him on the shoulder gratefully, opened the car door and said, "Thank you for your hard work, I still have to go to class, so I won't bother you, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, this guy disappeared in a flash, without mentioning the matter of inviting guests to dinner.

Back in the classroom, Li Qihan stopped Luo Lei who was about to go to his seat, and asked, "Is the matter over?"

"Hehe, it's more than half done!" Luo Lei said mysteriously, "The old woman will definitely call you to ask you for a little favor, and then you just need to agree!"

"Looking for my help?" Li Qihan asked in confusion: "Is there anything else I have to do here?"

"Of course!" Luo Lei said confidently, "Beauty Li is a very important part of the show. Without you, this play can't go on! I beg you, you have to help me no matter what. , I guarantee that by then you will feel that what you did is very meaningful!"

Although Li Qihan was a little dubious, she readily agreed, on the condition that everything must be made clear to her before the incident happened.

This is of course no problem, and Luo Lei readily agreed!

There is still one important role missing, and that is the "reporter" of the TV station who came to interview. It is obviously impossible to ask soldiers for help. These people have an undisguised military temperament. What kind of clothes do they put on? He doesn't look like a reporter, maybe he's going to reveal his secrets.

Shen Anna is quite suitable, if she is a beautiful reporter, no one should suspect anything, but she is a local, if she is recognized by Xu Feng or the people in the hospital, she has to reveal her secrets, even if it is considered comprehensively!

Just find one from the street, it's even worse!

There were only a few people Luo Lei knew, and when he was thinking hard, another person broke into his mind - Murong Hanwei.

Although Murong Hanwei is also a soldier, she is still a woman and an outsider. As long as she modifies a little bit, she will be able to do the job. The key is whether she can agree to help.

How to tell her, Luo Lei began to try to recruit, but it could be said that it was a trick.

After self-study and school in the evening, this guy didn't go out crazy like usual, but honestly drove Li Qihan back to the Rose Garden community, and then went home directly. Shen Anna and Murong Hanwei were sitting by the window of the living room while drinking Chatting with wine.

"Yo, the lives of these two beauties are petty bourgeois!" Luo Lei walked over with a smile, grabbed a chair, sat between the two girls, picked up the red wine bottle on the small coffee table, and looked back and forth. Several times, pretending to be very disappointed, sighed and said: "It's too shocking. During this time, I have worked hard to learn English from Teacher Tian. I think I have made great progress, but what about the words on it?" Can't understand any of them?"

"Hehehe..." Shen Anna laughed and said, "It's all in French, of course you can't understand it!"

"Really?" Luo Lei turned his gaze to Murong Hanwei, looking at her with a questioning look.

"Of course!" Murong Hanwei nodded and said, "I brought this when I went abroad to perform a mission. It's authentic French red wine. It tastes very pure. Would you like some?"

Why are you being polite!Seeing that there was no third glass here, Luo Lei directly picked up Shen Anna's glass, drank the remaining red wine in one gulp, and poured half of it into the glass with a "grumble".

"I said, red wine is for drinking, not for drinking, do you understand?" Murong Hanwei said angrily, while Shen Anna lowered her head shyly, who told Luo Lei to use her glass.

"Anyway, I drank it into my stomach, why are there so many rules!" Luo Lei said unconvinced, then deliberately took a big sip, smacked his lips and said: "This taste is a bit strange, but since Sister Hanwei brought it from France I’m back, I can’t go wrong! To be honest, this is my first time drinking red wine, I will remember this taste as the standard for judging red wine, hehe!”

The second girl was completely defeated, and she almost raised her hands to surrender!

Seeing that the timing was almost up, Luo Lei said, "Sister Hanwei, I need your help with something!"

"what's up?"

"Help me teach the annoying person a lesson, an old woman, my former English teacher and homeroom teacher!" Luo Lei said lightly.

The two women's eyes widened together, and they thought to themselves that this guy finally stopped for a few days, what kind of moth is going to happen, and he is dealing with his teacher, what is the deep hatred between you?

"I originally wanted to ask Sister Anna for help, but I was afraid that someone would recognize her, so I had to think of you, Sister Hanwei!" Luo Lei first made a aggressive move, as if to say that Murong Hanwei was just a second-best. s Choice.

"This matter is not what you imagined. Although the previous English teacher was very bad to me, it is not the reason for me to deal with her. This time it is not for me! Forget it, I don't want to tell you anymore. God and man are all angry. If you say it, you will definitely be furious!" Luo Lei hesitated to speak, and used a trick of trying to get him.

"I beg Sister Hanwei to help with this. I promised you before that I will not cause trouble again. It is even more inappropriate to ask others to come forward. I don't want to hide it from you!" This is a trick to reveal my true feelings.

If you use these three tricks together, even a hard-hearted person will be overwhelmed.

"I can promise to help!" Murong Hanwei Hanwei said without thinking, but she added a condition: "You have to tell me the truth of the matter, I can't be confused!"


Luo Lei almost jumped up for joy, thinking that I have spent so much time digging holes for you, hehe!

Shen Anna also showed a righteous look and said, "I also ask to participate!"

This was unexpected. Luo Lei told the two daughters what he had carefully planned.

The second daughter listened very carefully, and no one noticed that most of the bottle of red wine had entered his stomach at some point, not a single drop was left.

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