urban evil

Chapter 076

Glancing at the middle-aged uncle lying on the ground, Luo Lei casually picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau: "Hello, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau? I want to report. There is a small shop in xx Lane on xx Road. They are all fake and expired, send someone to investigate and deal with them immediately!"

Wu Wen asked cautiously: "Is this a bit too much, after all, we are all neighbors."

"Does he treat you as a neighbor?" Luo Lei pointed to the grandson on the ground and said, "Thinking about his attitude just now, it's a shame that he didn't break his leg! Let's go, don't let this matter affect your mood Appetite, someone will come to clean him up in a while!"

"En!" Wu Wen nodded, hugged Luo Lei's arm unconsciously, and the two walked back together. An idea came to her heart: As long as Luo Lei is around, she will never have to worry about being bullied.

It doesn't matter if there is no drink, the important thing is to eat. The food is delicious and the boiled water is the same. The three of them continued to eat while talking and laughing. he is worried.

"Uncle Wu, I will find some good medicine for you to nourish your body in a few days!" Luo Lei said while eating. They should have grown very tall. Before they become ginseng, dig a few and give them to Wu Tianming to replenish his body.

"Thank you so much, Xiaolei!" Wu Tianming was not as polite as he was at the beginning. He had already designated Luo Renei as his son-in-law. Since he was his own, there was no need to be polite.

While the three of them were eating, two vans roared past and stopped at the door of the small shop.

A young man in his 30s wearing the uniform of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau got out of the first car, and said to the middle-aged uncle sitting in the "ruins", "Brother-in-law, what's going on, didn't I ask you to greet me?" Why was it so accidentally reported? Didn’t I tell you that these are shady things, and you have to be strategic when deceiving people. You said that people have already called to report, and the operator did it immediately Registration, I'm just a small deputy director, and I don't have the right to delete records, but I can't deal with it!"

The middle-aged uncle, surnamed Yang, saw him as if he had found his backbone. He got up from the ground and said, "A kid beat me up and almost demolished my shop. Brother, it's because of your sister." In terms of face, you have to give your brother-in-law a hand!"

The young man's name is Li Hui, a deputy director of the Jia County Industrial and Commercial Bureau. The goods here are all obtained from him, that is, fake or expired items that have been confiscated everywhere.

That is to say, the small store surnamed Yang did business without capital, and secretly sold the things confiscated by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and shipped them at the market price, and even many things were higher than the market price. Nothing to gain.

"Fortunately, I'm on duty today. If it's someone else, it won't be long!" Li Hui said in an unhappy tone, "Not only will your place be sealed off, but I will also be implicated! By the way, what did you just say?" , you were beaten?"

"That's right!" The surname Yang pretended to be pitiful and said, "That kid beat him up without reason. If he hadn't knocked him to the ground, how could he have made a report call later? You have to call your brother-in-law I'm so angry!"

Li Hui gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you attack someone? I'll take care of it! Where does that kid live? Take me to find him, beat him up first, then turn him over to the Public Security Bureau, and set him up for damage." For crimes of law and order and wounding, we must be detained for [-] days!"

"Yeah!" The self-director surnamed Yang said bravely: "That kid is with the Wu family's daughter, and he must still be in the Wu family now. I'll take you to find it!"

Just when a group of people were about to come, Luo Lei drove Wu Wen out of the alley on a motorcycle and headed for the main road.

"It's that kid, stop him!" shouted the man surnamed Yang.

Luo Lei looked back and saw that the person surnamed Yang was standing with a few people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and they had no intention of sealing up the small shop or detaining his products. Wo, if I knew this, I should have called the police directly.

"Boy, stop!" The man surnamed Yang ran in front, and Li Hui and several of his men followed suit.

As soon as he arrived on the main road, Luo Lei made a beautiful flick and parked his motorcycle next to the two military vehicles responsible for protecting him. It's time to deal with these guys.

As soon as Luo Lei stopped, the people behind chased him here.

"Boy, you actually smashed up a normal store and reported it maliciously. Come with us to the police station!" Li Hui said arrogantly, and winked at several of his subordinates, telling them to prepare for beating .

Several team members nodded, rolled up their sleeves one after another, gearing up.

Wu Wen, who was sitting in the back, couldn't help hugging Luo Lei's waist tightly. Although she knew that he was good at fighting, she was still subconsciously worried about him.

"Hehe, I'm talking about a few, and you have to speak with your conscience!" Luo Lei didn't care at all about the number of people on the other side, and said with a smile: "For stores that are still open, I say whether you are blind or your conscience has been dogged." Eat it, don't care about the sale of fakes, but come to trouble me, what a bunch of people in dog skins, you don't feel sorry for the national emblem on your head!"

Li Hui gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, you asked for it yourself, fuck him and send him to the police station!"

Several subordinates know, what is twisting?It means to beat them first, and then send them off. They have done a lot of work on this matter, and they are familiar with it.

"I'll see who dares!" With a loud shout, the doors of the two military vehicles opened at the same time, and four burly members of the Ninth Division came down from above, glaring at the members of the Industry and Commerce Bureau who were about to come up to beat someone up.

When Li Hui saw that he was a soldier, his arrogance immediately dimmed. He didn't know that these people were with Luo Lei, so he said with a smile: "Who are here? We are performing official duties, so I am sorry to disturb you You are here, please cooperate!"

"We are also performing official duties!" The leading major officer took out his ID, opened it and showed the silver badge inside to Li Hui, and said in a cold tone: "This young man is the key protection target of our Ministry of State Security. Whoever dares to touch his finger, I guarantee that he will spend the rest of his life in prison! A small industrial and commercial bureau, what a mess! I warn you that your actions have threatened the security of the country, and I advise you to be real Enforce the law impartially, otherwise this matter will never end, and your time in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau will be over!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Hui's face was covered with cold sweat. He knew exactly what the Ministry of State Security was. These people had more power than the police and the army. They had the right to directly intervene in government affairs. In a word, if you say you are threatening national security, just wait until you can’t afford it!

"Hehe, it's a misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding! What the officer criticized was that we must handle it fairly!" Li Hui hurriedly nodded and bowed, then turned to his subordinates and said in another tone: "What are you still doing? There are so many fake and expired items in that store just now, immediately seal them up and revoke their business license, hurry up!"

"Oh, good, go right away!" Several people hurriedly turned and trot away.

The major officer sneered and said: "I will continue to pay attention to this matter. If you can't give me a satisfactory result, you will bear the consequences!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Hui nodded quickly, and the person surnamed Yang was dumbfounded, unwilling to speak, but dared not speak.

Luo Lei glanced back at the person surnamed Yang, and said, "Don't let me catch your braids again. Also, if you dare to take revenge on the Wu family, I will make you die a miserable death!"

In fact, that's all that the major officer said, so he didn't have time to continue to pay attention to this matter. The key is that Li Hui had already believed it, and chose to attack his brother-in-law without thinking.

This was not over yet, and later Li Hui told Yang that he should go back to his hometown to hide for a while, and never do anything out of the ordinary again.

Back at school, the news that Luo Lei came back with the beauty Wu Wen spread like wildfire. Wu Wen's return also made her sit on the top of the top four beauties in the first high school again. She felt no pressure in her heart. Exuding a youthful atmosphere, when he came back, he compared Meng Xiaohui who was wearing heavy makeup all day long.

Meng Xiaohui hated Wu Wen deeply, and even sneered at Luo Lei, saying bad things about him everywhere.

Luo Lei turned a deaf ear to this. From his point of view, Meng Xiaohui is no different from a clown at this time. He thinks it's great to find a gangster's son as a boyfriend.

Luo Lei was reprimanded by Murong Hanwei again, but before she could say a few words, she was given the upper hand by this common sense, and she described the person surnamed Yang as a master who was trampled on by everyone. It's doing good deeds for heaven.

"Xiao Lei, I'm leaving here soon, and we'll see what you can use as a shield when the time comes!" Murong Hanwei said earnestly, "Be calmer when dealing with things in the future, and don't act rashly. Final goal!"

"Understood, Sister Hanwei! Why are you leaving here soon? Have you found out about Ghost Ninja?"

Murong Hanwei nodded, and said: "The director called me today and said that the ghost ninja is rampant in the provincial capital, and they have already used it as a base. The Ninth Office decided to increase their manpower to catch them all and take back the ghosts that were robbed by them." Going treasure!"

Luo Lei has no doubts about killing all the ghost ninjas!Finding the treasure is a fool's dream, the treasure already belongs to my brother, and I don't even want to leave when the king of heaven comes, hahaha!

A week passed quickly, and the preliminary exam was about to take place. When the beautiful teacher Tian Xi announced the schedule of the exam, Luo Lei clenched his fists and said to himself: This time, I must impress everyone. Ranking will become history forever!

The fat man was also full of confidence, and he assured Luo Lei that he would get good grades in the exam.

ps: Ask for flowers, tickets, collections, and support!

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