urban evil

Chapter 079 Bet

The two got into a fight in the car, and as for the result... Luo Lei must only take advantage and not lose.

Murong Hanwei pushed away Luo Lei's thieves who were doing evil to her with a red face, even she herself felt strange why she didn't get angry every time Luo Lei took advantage of her, could it be that she was used to it?

If this is the case, it would be too abominable, how can there be such a habit!

Luo Lei leaned back on the seat and said seriously: "Sister Hanwei, what time do you leave at night, I'll see you off!"

"No need, I left to perform an important task, so I need to keep it secret when I leave!" Murong Hanwei said while arranging the clothes that were messed up in the fight before, "Strictly speaking, you are not an outsider, but the system has regulations , I cannot turn a blind eye."

"Okay then!" Luo Lei said disappointedly, then looked at Murong Hanwei's pretty face, and said with concern: "Sister Hanwei, those ghosts are more difficult to deal with than you imagined, you must be more careful , can’t blindly rush upwards, okay?”

Murong Hanwei was startled, then subconsciously nodded.

"Also, if you are not the opponent, quickly withdraw and don't get hurt again. I am not by your side. If others fail to rescue you, the consequences will be disastrous..." Luo Lei continued: "...If you need my help, please do so in time. Call, and I'll be right by your side as soon as possible!"

Murong Hanwei felt her nose sore, she hurriedly told herself in her heart not to shed tears, otherwise this person would be in big trouble.

"Xiao Lei, don't worry, I will remember your words!" Murong Hanwei said pretending to be relaxed.

Luo Lei had already caught the subtle changes on her face, but he didn't make it clear.

After that, neither of the two said anything more, but the atmosphere was not awkward at all, until Luo Lei got out of the car and stepped onto the motorcycle.

Turning his head, he smiled at Murong Hanwei who was still sitting in the car, then extended his right hand and waved vigorously, then Luo Lei started the car and drove towards the outside.

"Tick tock...drip..."

Two crystal clear teardrops slipped from Murong Hanwei's beautiful eyes and dripped on the leather seat. She still failed to defeat herself after all.

"Xiao Lei, you annoying little bastard, you dare to make my sister cry, and I will come back to deal with you after I finish the task, just wait!" Murong Hanwei said while wiping her tears, Luo Lei's back disappeared behind her. in sight.

Shen Anna walked towards the car, saw Murong Hanwei's eyes were a little red through the glass, and asked, "Hanwei, what's wrong with you, your eyes are red?"

"It's nothing!" Murong Hanwei found a very lame excuse for herself, and said, "I didn't close the window just now, and the sand blew in and blinded my eyes!"


"By the way, Anna, I will call you often after returning to the provincial capital!" Murong Hanwei said with a smile: "You have to take care of Xiaolei, this guy is a master who doesn't call Fangjiewa for three days, And his test results this time, you have to tell me as soon as possible!"

Anna Shen nodded in agreement.


In the afternoon math test, before entering the test room, Wu Wen specifically asked Luo Lei why he handed in the papers early in the morning, and he was dubious about his answer.

Li Qihan was much calmer than Wu Wen, because after Luo Lei handed in the test paper in the morning, the two invigilators gave his test paper the thumbs up, which meant that not only was he not handing in a blank paper, but also There must be a good result.

When the preparatory bell rang, the three separated and went back to the examination room.

With the papers in hand, Li Qihan went through the exam questions as quickly as possible. There were only a few questions that she had never seen before. Earlier, even if he was not going to hand in the papers in advance, at least he had to make sure that when he handed in the papers, all his papers were finished.

When the bell rang, Luo Lei picked up his pen and began to answer the paper. Whether it was multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions or application questions, he would write the answers directly. The scratch paper on the table became a decoration.

The exam time is two hours, and Luo Lei is ready to hand in the paper in half an hour.

The tip of the pen slid across the test paper and made a rhythmic sound. All the other candidates in the examination room looked back involuntarily, except Li Qihan who was deaf to any sound.

It's just that when those people saw that the person sitting at the position where the sound came from was Luo Lei, they all looked contemptuous. There was no way, who made him, the very popular No. 2, become a public in the school during this period of time? As for the character, even the younger students know his face with a smirk from time to time.

Just half an hour later, Luo Lei decisively put away the pen and put it in his pocket, then grabbed the paper and walked to the podium.

The two invigilators were stunned again, thinking that this guy is too fast, the Chinese test only took 10 minutes in the morning, and the math test is even more excessive, only half an hour has passed!

Both of them suspected that this guy must be the top student in the liberal arts class, that is, the type of student who would automatically disarm when encountering mathematics. Anyway, there are four exams in total, and it doesn't hurt to be killed in one of them, as long as you don't get a zero score in the exam. , Instead of staring at the test papers and not being able to do it, it is better to choose to hand in the papers after completing the questions of the meeting.

"Hand in the paper!" Luo Lei said flatly, and an invigilator reached out to take it, and he turned and walked towards the door.

Li Qihan gasped. She knew very well that with Luo Lei's ingenuity, it was impossible to leave any questions unanswered before handing in the test paper. As for herself, she had just finished half of the test questions.

In fact, Li Qihan can finish half of the questions in half an hour, which is already the envy of more than 90.00% of the students. Luo Lei's approach is enough to drive everyone crazy, especially after the results come out. Those who handed in his blank papers didn't know how they would feel.

When he passed by examination room 15, Wu Wen was taken aback. She had just finished one-third of the questions.

"It seems that this guy is ready to be the last one!" Almost all the students who saw Luo Lei leave thought so, because even Pang Kuan chose to be honest from morning to afternoon. Answer the questions and never turn in the paper until the bell rings.

It's only 03:30, why go?

By the way, I haven't visited the spiritual earth container for several days, and I don't know what the planted radish looks like. Luo Lei slipped to an unobtrusive corner, looked around, and used the old guy to teach him The method successfully entered the spiritual soil vessel.

"Wow, Kaka, it's so green!" As soon as he came in, he sighed. In the six-foot-square red soil, the clear radish leaves were more than half a foot high, and they were growing gratifyingly.

"Old fellow, come out quickly and see what you have achieved!" Luo Lei danced happily.

The big demon king in a translucent state soon appeared here, pouted and said: "What is the result of your labor? This is the credit of the spiritual soil vessel. Don't stare at me. If you have the ability, try growing some radishes outside." , as long as you can grow a green shoot, I admire you!"

Luo Lei didn't care about the old man's sarcasm at all, he touched the radish sprouts with his hand and said, "Can the ones pulled out now be eaten, and will it help the weak?"

"Of course!" the old guy said: "Although the radish at this moment is not comparable to ginseng, it is still completely okay to be used to nourish the body, especially for the kind of constitution that cannot be replenished. The medicine you gave is very good. Instead, it will have side effects."

Great, then find a chance to dig out a few roots and give them to Wu Tianming to repair his body. As long as he takes good care of his body and pays more attention to it, he will always be able to wait for the day when Luo Lei finds a cure for his stubborn illness.

This spiritual soil dish is really amazing. It doesn't need to be watered or fertilized, and there is no need to worry about pests and diseases. It only needs to dig a hole and sow the seeds, and then wait for the goods to be received.

Back outside, Luo Lei sat beside the flower bed humming a little tune. Those who didn't know would think that this guy picked up the wallet, otherwise how could he be so happy.


The first session of the second day was Wen Zong. Luo Lei handed in the paper within half an hour of the two-and-a-half-hour exam. The students in the same exam room and the invigilator were used to it, and Li Qihan was the same. Everyone was not surprised. .

In the afternoon, the last session - English.

It will not be so easy to hand in the papers as early as the first three games. There is no way, the listening questions alone take up the first 20 minutes. Luo Lei originally wanted to listen to other content while thinking about it. To be honest, if you mess up, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Teacher Tian.

Tian Xi was standing under the examination room building, and she wanted to spend the two and a half hours with her students.

10 minutes of listening, plus the rest of the 10 minutes, Luo Lei was the first to hand in the paper. This time, Li Qihan felt a little relieved, because she only had the last question of writing. .

As soon as Tian Xi looked up, she happened to see Luo Lei walking out of the examination room, beckoning to him, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you hand in the paper so quickly? Are you done?"

Luo Lei made an ok gesture, ran downstairs as fast as he could, and said to the beautiful teacher with a smile, "I've finished everything, and I won't miss any questions!"

"Then why don't you check it several times, there is so much time!" Tian Xi pouted and said.

Luo Lei spread his hands, and said with a wry smile: "Beauty Tian, ​​I checked the paper twice before handing it in! If it wasn't for the seriousness, it should have been handed in 10 minutes ago. Don't worry, I promise I didn't make any mistakes. , because I didn’t find any mistakes when I checked later!”

Hearing these few words, Tian Xi gave a thumbs up happily, and said with a smile: "You bastard, you just don't know how to be calm! Teacher, I have never told anyone that you can finish learning in 3 minutes." It’s a matter of one class, but it’s you, who loves to show off so much!”

"Hey, there's no way! People like us are the kind who are dazzling even standing in the crowd!" Luo Lei said with a smirk: "Teacher Tian is going to treat me to dinner, I will definitely get a good grade in the exam Yes, give the teacher your face!"

"As long as you can score 140 in the exam, I'll treat you to a big meal!" Tian Xi said straightforwardly.

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