urban evil

Chapter 082 The Fierce Battle Begins

In the bar, Lin Kexin looked at Luo Lei with less hatred and more admiration. There are very few people in Jia County who can drink away Liu Meng with just one word.

"Brother, you are really amazing, I admire you so much, little brother!" A little brother bowed his head and said.

"That's right, that guy Liu Meng is very arrogant on weekdays, I didn't expect the big brother to make him fuck off with a single word!" Another younger brother said.

Luo Lei's face is full of favors, and it feels good to be flattered. We used to pat others, and we have never been patted before, hehe!

The fat man didn't know what happened just now. When he looked over, it was already a picture of a group of little kids flattering Luo Lei. What he couldn't understand the most was that these people were obviously looking for trouble in the first place. the guys.

"Let me just say, the one who can take down our eldest sister's head is definitely a man among men!" A younger brother shook his head and said, "Elder sister, you are too uninteresting. When will you find such an awesome character like elder brother? Why don't you say hello in advance!"

"Yeah, yeah! When I came in just now, I was wondering. It turns out that the eldest brother is Sister Xin's husband. As the saying goes, there are fights at the end of the bed and... Sister Xin, why are you staring at me? Am I wrong? What did you say... oops, don't pinch me, I was wrong... woo woo..."

Lin Kexin blushed, thinking back to calling her husband Luo Lei just now, she felt goosebumps all over her body.

Luo Lei also felt very embarrassing, and thought that he had to get rid of these little bastards first, otherwise he would not have a good time today.

"Girl, now you know what it means that a mountain is higher than a mountain!" Luo Lei said earnestly: "Hurry up and go back, I guess that kid Liu Meng won't let it go, it's dangerous to stay here any longer!"

Lin Kexin nodded obediently first, and then asked, "What about you?"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter to me, that kid doesn't dare to do anything to me! Let's go, it's really unsafe after a long time, and you don't come to such places in the future, you know?" Luo Lei acted like a teacher teaching students.

"Well, I got it!" Lin Kexin didn't refute, nor did she show any displeasure, and obediently led the four younger brothers out.

"Fatty, go!" said Luo Lei.

"What?" The fat man didn't understand.

Luo Lei kicked him, pouted towards the table where dozens of bottles of beer were left, and said, "Why are you waiting, bring it here, it's all expensive things anyway, you can't be cheap for people in bars! Our dozen is obviously not enough to drink, unless you still want to be the boss!"

"Okay!" The fat man quickly took all the uncorked beer over!


No matter what the younger brothers think, no matter how unconvinced, the boss has run away, and I really have no other choice but to follow.

At the entrance of the bar, a younger brother asked Liu Meng who was gasping for breath in confusion: "Brother Meng, what's going on, why are you like a mouse meeting a cat? That guy is nothing special!"

Liu Meng was in shock and said: "You know what a fart! If I hadn't reacted quickly, you would have been lying on the ground long ago! He is the one who stabbed me last time. There are more than a dozen people who are not opponents. You think you are better than others. beat?"

The reason why Liu Meng has such a deep impression on Luo Lei is not only because he was stabbed in the leg, but he was so scared that he peed his pants in front of a dozen of his subordinates, which he probably will never forget for the rest of his life.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed his father's number: "Hey, Dad, I'm Xiaomeng! I saw Luo Lei just now, yes, that's the guy who hurt me last time. My sister is drinking together... Well, I see!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Meng said to his younger brothers: "Let's get out of here immediately! That kid has someone to take care of him, maybe we can hear the news that he threw his body into the wilderness tomorrow morning, so hurry up!"

After Liu Shengyi received his son's call, he immediately contacted the leader of the gang, Wang Long. Just in time, Wang Long learned that all the military personnel related to Luo Lei had withdrawn, so he ordered six thugs to set off and wait outside the bar to wait for an opportunity to strike.

These six people are not ordinary thugs. They are all veterans. They are strong and especially capable of fighting. They were invited by Wang Long to join the Dragon Gang with a lot of money. more important.

Six thugs parked outside the bar in a van, each armed with a saber, two three-section clubs, and wearing military combat vests.

"That Yamaha 600 is the car surnamed Luo. Let's do it when he drives out of this street in a while!" The leader was a square-faced middle-aged man with an obvious scar on his face.

"Understood!" The other five nodded together.

Scarred face puts on sunglasses to cover the scar on his face, and puts his right hand on the handle of the saber. The task he receives is to destroy the target person. Even if the tendons in his hands and feet healed, he could only be a useless person in this life.


The two stayed in the bar until 11:30. Since they had to go to class tomorrow morning and the beer was finished, they staggered away from here. Luo Lei rode back home, but the fat man still beat him.

"Come out, start the car!" Scar's face turned towards Luo Leinu, who was just riding outside on the motorcycle, and the person in charge of driving immediately joined forces, and the four sitting behind closed their eyes and rested. Body.


The motorcycle rushed forward, Luo Lei was blown by the slightly cool night wind, and his whole body was quite awake.

The van followed up immediately, and gradually accelerated. Scarface was ready to stretch his arm out of the window and hit Luo Lei with a stick on the back of the head. Small pit, not to mention a helmet made of plastic!

After a while, two cars drove out of South Street one after the other, and the bustling atmosphere stopped abruptly, replaced by dim street lights and deserted streets. Scarface felt that the time had come, and slowly held the swinging stick He stretched out his hand out of the car window, telling the driver to speed up.

"Boy, there is danger!" The old guy reminded in time.

"Understood, I noticed it a long time ago!" Luo Lei said unhurriedly: "From the moment they followed me, I knew it. I bet you that they must be thugs of the Dragon Gang!"

"Is this still a gamble?" The old guy said in a disdainful tone: "Although you kid has made a lot of enemies, the only one who can use this method to retaliate is the Dragon Gang! Just now I checked the situation in the car, and the other party has six Personally, the body is as strong as a person who has received special training, you should pay more attention to it, or you will suffer!"

"Thank you for the reminder!" Luo Lei slammed the gas pedal, and the speed of the car increased instantly, leaving behind the van that had already caught up.

Scarface's plan fell through. In fact, he only needed two seconds to swing the stick. He gritted his teeth and said, "Speed ​​up and catch up with him!"

The van's speed is limited, and one hundred miles on the expressway is already the limit, not to mention on the road in the county town, Luo Lei in front can only speed up to ninety, and they can't catch up.

When passing by the Rose Garden Community, Luo Lei did not stop, but continued to run forward.In his opinion, since the trouble is at hand, it is necessary to hurry up and solve it to save other accidents.

Besides, if you get rid of them today, will they stop?Certainly not, maybe they will use other unexpected tricks, instead of letting things develop to that point, it is better to get rid of them now.

Continuing to run forward, Roy came to the open space where he fought the low-level werewolf Harlans last time. After a beautiful tail flick, he turned off the engine.

The driver subconsciously slowed down, and said to Scarface: "He seems to have found us and deliberately led us here. Could it be a trap?"

"Impossible!" Scarface said confidently: "Since he came out here, he hasn't used his mobile phone to contact anyone, and the information shows that he has been alone all the time. Without those soldiers following him, he couldn't find anyone else. Help! Listen to me, let’s go together!”

"Yes!" The five thugs still maintained the habits they had when they were soldiers.

There was a loud brake sound, and the van's tires left several black lines on the ground, and then the door opened, and six people quickly jumped down from it.

"Shua la... Shua la..."

Immediately there was the sound of swinging sticks, two sticks for each of them. Their strategy was to knock Luo Lei down first, and then break his tendons.

"Yo, the equipment is good!" Luo Lei saw at a glance that the sticks in their hands were of real military quality, not even worse than those held by members of the Ninth Division.

Scar took a step forward and asked, "Are you Luo Lei?"

"Ask even if you know!" Luo Lei said very shamelessly.

"Boy, you're crazy, I'll make you pay for it later!" Scarface turned his head slightly and said, "Knocking out all his teeth is a free gift outside the scope of the mission!"

"Yes!" The five shouted loudly at the same time, and then surrounded Luo Lei together.

Luo Leiyi stood still on the spot calmly, watched them surround him, and asked before making a move: "Are you venting your anger for Ma Bo, or Liu Meng?"

Scarface grinned grimly and said, "I can't see that you are a smart person. Since everyone is a smart person, I won't hide it from you. On the surface, we are for President Ma's son Ma Bo, but in fact we are for Liu The son let out a bad breath! Brothers, go!"

As soon as the word "up" was uttered, the six people launched an attack in unison. Luo Lei's front, back, upper, middle, and lower areas were all covered by the opponent's attack.

So fast!It can be seen that these six guys are good at combining strikes, and they must have done this kind of training frequently.

Luo Lei used the serpentine technique to dodge, and at the same time raised the Nine Yin White Bone Claw, and grabbed the two people in front of him with his pale hands.

ps: It will be New Year's Eve in a while, Xiaolei wishes everyone a happy reunion and good health!

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