urban evil

Chapter 087 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Last year, Li Qihan's score of 669 was 671, and Li Qihan's score of [-] was enough to make all the students envious.

It is not surprising that Li Qihan got such a score. She has always been the No.1 grade in the liberal arts class. When she heard her score, she said to Song Xiaofei at the same table: "Actually, I can do better in the exam. !"

However, no one thought that Luo Lei could get a high score of 712 points. Since the last reform of the college entrance examination, no liberal arts class student has been able to pass the exam above 700, no matter whether it is the preliminary exam or the formal college entrance examination.

The whole class turned their heads to look at him who was sitting at the back.

Once again, everyone is watching, wow haha, fortunately, I have already adapted to this situation, otherwise what would I do?Luo Lei had a faint smile on his face, as if everything was in his expectation.

Li Qihan covered her mouth even more, recalling the bet with Luo Lei last night, she thought to herself that he really scored more than 700 points in the test, so wouldn't she want to be his girlfriend?

Luo Lei is quite satisfied with this score. The Chinese score is 141. It should be that you lost points in the composition and some verbal questions. No matter how good your answer is, the correcting teacher will not give you full marks under normal circumstances. Find out. The judgment of the exam is even stricter than that of the college entrance examination, in order to prevent some students from being overly complacent; Mathematics 146, he thought he did not make mistakes in the subject, it should be that the process of certain major questions was not written clearly and was deducted Score; English 142, the deducted points should also be the writing part; Comprehensive essays...

If it were changed to the college entrance examination marking standard, Luo Lei is confident that his score will be 8 to 12 points higher.

But even with only 712 points, it can be regarded as shocking.

"Not to mention, everyone can guess that when Luo Lei was a classmate, he was the veritable No.1 in this test, and even the highest score in the science class did not exceed 700!" Tian Xi said happily: "Everyone applauds together, to Luo Lei Congratulations to the students!"

"Wow..." There was applause, especially the fat man, clapping hard, as if it wasn't his own hand.

The applause lasted for a long time before it stopped. Tian Xi went on to say: "The other student who will be praised is Pang Kuan. I believe his grades will also surprise everyone, Chinese 109, Mathematics 126, English 119, Wen A total of 226, a total score of 580!"

If Fatty's results were announced first, it might cause as much sensation as when Luo Lei's score was heard, but it's a pity that he stole the limelight first, and the students were very calm about Fatty's score.

Fatty shook his head in joy. Last year, the admission score for a liberal arts department in this province was only 550 points, which means that he was admitted by a college, and it was a piece of cake!

"Fuck you, remember your goal is Huadu University, what was the admission score last year?" Luo Lei asked.

"Above 630 points!" Fatty answered without thinking, but he immediately said confidently: "In the next two months, I will study hard even if I don't eat or sleep, and I must be admitted to Huadu University. University!"

Luo Lei said in his heart, buddy, you can't let me down, I have wasted so much energy to let the old guy help you develop your brain, that's three times the intelligence, if your kid can't get into Huadu University If so, I must have stripped you alive!

Tian Xi signaled everyone to calm down, and said: "The difficulty of this exam paper is not lower than that of the college entrance examination. That is to say, as long as the students work hard, they will definitely get good grades in the college entrance examination two months later. Keep working hard! Next announcement Let's take a look at the rankings, Luo Lei is No.1 in grade and No.1 in class; Li Qihan is No.2 in grade and No.2 in class, hehe, the first and second places are taken by our eighth class..."

Tian Xi's joy was beyond words, and then announced the rankings of other students, and Fatty also got a good ranking of 207th in grade and 36th in class.

Finally, Tian Xi called Luo Lei out again.

Looking at Tian Xi with a smile on his face, Luo Lei was not polite to her, and said with a smile: "Beautiful teacher, my English score is over 140, can the promise of treating me to a big meal be fulfilled?"

Tian Xi didn't intend to play tricks, and said: "After correcting the paper, a teacher showed me a paper with a score of 147, and told me that 3 points were deducted for the writing question. I can’t find any other places where points can be deducted, so let me help! When I saw that it was a handwriting that I was very familiar with, I read it twice carefully, and finally picked out the bone from the egg, hee hee!”

At this moment, Tian Xi's expression resembled that of a little fox who had stolen a hen, with a face of secret joy and a somewhat smug smirk.

Luo Lei was stunned, and immediately said unconvinced: "Mr. Tian, ​​you call this official revenge, are you trying to get my score below 140?"

"Oh, you've seen it all, student Luo Lei, you're so smart!" Tian Xi said in a hurtful tone, "I thought you wouldn't think of this! But I really don't have the ability to Your score was deducted below 140, so I had to give you 142 points unwillingly, the teacher thought it was unlucky, I will host dinner tonight, as you wish, you choose the place yourself, and I will pay for it!"

hey-hey!Luo Lei thought in his heart that no matter how cunning you are as a hunter, you still couldn't beat our good fox in the end... Uh, it seems to be the opposite, she is more like a vixen who is so addictive that she doesn't pay for her life.

"Okay, then the Palace Hotel..." Luo Lei dragged his voice deliberately.

"Ah?" Tian Xi couldn't help exclaiming, she had been there before, and the consumption level was very high.

"...How about the restaurant next door, the Sichuan restaurant with good taste?" Luo Lei said deliberately.

Tian Xi gave her a charming look, not because she was afraid of spending money, but because some people in the family froze her account two days ago in order to force her to submit. Also this is not much.

Tian Xi realized that she had been duped, and said coquettishly: "You student, really! Well, the matter is over, the teacher should go, and find me in the office after school in the afternoon, let's go have dinner together!"

"Yeah!" Luo Lei nodded and was about to go back to the classroom when he suddenly thought of a question and shouted at Tian Xi's back: "By the way, how did you find that bone worth 5 cents from the egg?"

Tian Xi said without turning her head: "Who made your handwriting so ugly, and a few letters seem to be misspelled, so points will be deducted!"

"Uh!" Luo Lei was so angry that he was half dead. If you look carefully, it looks like you spelled it wrong.

Luo Lei returned to the classroom dejectedly, and kept saying in his heart that next time I will take the exam, I must write stroke by stroke to prevent such things from happening.He didn't notice that Li Qihan kept his head down, not daring to look at him.

In fact, Luo Lei had already completely forgotten about the bet with her last night. It was half a joke and half serious.He was thinking about how to continue to improve the relationship between the two when he had dinner with the beautiful teacher at night. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The intestines that must be regretted are all green.


In class one, Ma Bo was complacent about his score of 564 in the exam, when he suddenly received a text message, opened it and saw it was from Fan Tong, the content was only a few words: Luo Lei's score was 712!

wipe!Whether Fan Tong's brain was kicked by a donkey, or he typed the wrong number, even if he is the top scorer in the college entrance examination, it is impossible for him to get such a high score. If he can get 412 points, it is not bad!

He just replied: You typed the wrong number, right? How many points does he have?

The teacher in charge of Class 712 on the podium said: "Tell everyone a news that will surprise you. A student named Luo Lei in Class 21 scored [-] points in this exam! You should all know that Class [-] is The liberal arts class is actually [-] points higher than the highest score in our science class, students, how embarrassing it is!"


Days were like years, and finally it was after school in the afternoon, Luo Lei couldn't wait to rush out of the classroom, Li Qihan lifted his head that had been lowered for a day, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Qihan, what's wrong with you, you seem to be under a lot of pressure?" Song Xiaofei asked.

"Is there?" Li Qihan pretended to be relaxed.

"Yes, could it be that someone surpassed you in terms of grades?" Song Xiaofei tilted her head and analyzed, "It shouldn't be. Wondering! You said that the teacher scored 143 points in the mathematics test, but the student got 146 points, how strange!"

Li Qihan has black lines all over her head, but she is not angry at all. If she was replaced by her before, not only would she have to take the first place in the total score of each exam, but she would also have to take the first place in each individual subject. Let alone being surpassed, even if she is If someone tied her in a single subject, it would arouse her fighting spirit!This time Luo Lei's split was so much higher than hers, she had no idea at all!

She couldn't help asking herself in her heart: Li Qihan, what's wrong with you?

After a while, someone yelled outside: "Look, Teacher Tian got on Luo Lei's motorcycle. What are they going to do? Are they going out for dinner?"

Li Qihan's big eyes immediately looked out the window, just in time to see Luo Lei with an arrogant expression riding a motorcycle towards the gate. On the back seat was a mature beauty with a good figure and appearance, wasn't it? Who else could Tian Xi be?

"I said why I ran out after class, so I went to find a beautiful woman!" Li Qihan said angrily.

Song Xiaofei moved her face closer and looked at her meaningfully.

"Why, is there something dirty on my face?" Li Qihan subconsciously reached out to touch her face.

"I found that you seem to care about Luo Lei very much!" Song Xiaofei said with a smile.

"No way, the devil cares about him!" Li Qihan was stubborn like a dead duck.

"Then why do I smell a strong smell of vinegar!" Song Xiaofei pretended to smell it, smelling it around Li Qihan.

"Damn girl, dare to say that about me, let me teach you a lesson!" Li Qihan stretched out her hands to scratch Song Xiaofei's itch, Song Xiaofei didn't show weakness, the two girls fought together, causing many men and animals to drool.

There is a good song: Whose saliva is flying, is it the **** saliva?

ps: The beautiful teacher invites you to dinner, what kind of sparks can you create with Luo Lei, please continue to pay attention, and wish everyone a happy third day of the Lunar New Year.

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