urban evil

Chapter 089

Just like the previous situation, Tian Xi's appearance immediately attracted the attention of all the men, which caused the girls around them to cast vicious glances.

The guests at one of the tables were all dressed in black, casual or business attire, and looked like gang members. As for which faction they belonged to, it was unknown.

Luo Lei and Tian Xi walked to the bar together, and the bartender asked, "You two, what would you like to drink?"

"Let's have beer!" Luo Lei suggested. The fat man told him last time that the foreign wines in bars, KTVs and other places are basically all fake, which is the so-called special wine for nightclubs. People who don't drink often can't drink it at all. If it is true or false, the purchase price of dozens of yuan a bottle, sold to customers for hundreds of yuan, the profit is more than ten times, why not do it?

Therefore, smart people only drink beer in such places, even if it is fake, so what, it doesn't hurt.

"No!" Tian Xi shook her head, pointed to a bottle of wine on the wine cabinet and said, "I want that bottle of dark blue!"

"Okay!" The bartender took out the bottle of vodka in a dark blue slender bottle, plus two glasses, and said, "A total of one hundred and sixteen!"

Luo Lei let out a long breath. He thought it would cost several hundred, so the two found a table and sat down.

Dark Blue is not a vodka produced in Russia or Europe. It is produced in country m. The taste is not as bad as that of Russians, but the price is much cheaper. The reason why Tian Xi wants this vodka is because she drank it twice when she was in country m.

Although Luo Lei has never drank vodka, he also knows that Europeans need to add ice or soda water when drinking this kind of spirits, but Tian Xi has no intention of these two things at all. look.

Opening the bottle cap, Luo Lei first poured Tian Xi a half cup, and then poured it for himself, but Tian Xi drank it down before his cup was poured.

"Don't drink so fast, this wine is quite strong!" Luo Lei just glanced at the label on the bottle, the alcohol content was 40.

"Roy, why are you..."

"Call me Xiaolei, everyone close to me calls me that!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

Tian Xi nodded, gestured to pour her another glass, and said, "Why don't you ask me why there is such a big change?"

"Don't ask, because I can guess!" Luo Lei drank the wine in his glass and said, "Of course, if you are willing to speak, I will listen faithfully, although I already know that you want to What kind of story is it telling!"

Tian Xi gave a thumbs up and said, "You are worthy of being the smartest student in No. [-] High School, come and do it with my sister!"

She took the initiative to touch Luo Lei's glass, and Yi Yang drank it again. After two glasses of wine, Tian Xi's pretty face had already turned a blush, and she was slightly drunk.

Then, she poured out all her troubles.

Just as Luo Lei thought, the elders of Tian's family arranged a political marriage for her. In the eyes of the elders, the most important thing is being in a good family, being able to help and support each other, and they don't consider young people's ideas at all.

This is also the reason why Tian Xi finished her doctorate abroad in one go. If she could not withstand the pressure from her family, she would not come back at all.

"What do they think of me? As a tool!" Tian Xi said angrily: "I have my own ideas and my own way of thinking, do they think that my elders can arrange my future life? It's too much !"

Luo Lei said with a smile: "Sister Xi, I have to say that you are a little bit unaware of your blessings! I am an orphan, and I have fantasized more than once that I can have a family member who controls me, but unfortunately, I have never had one!"

"Hehe, if you put it this way, the two of us are exactly at two different extremes!" Tian Xi raised her glass and said, "I hope that I can be my own master, and you hope that there is someone who can control you." , do one!"

Do it again?

Luo Lei was also a little bit drunk, so he just did it, he doesn't care about a woman, what should we care about, besides, no matter how much alcohol he drinks, he just needs to let his true energy circulate in his body, and he will immediately return to sobriety.

Just like the night before yesterday, after drinking so much beer, he was fine. It took the fat man almost a whole morning to recover after falling asleep.

The men in black at the table not far away pointed at the two of them all the time, and the leader said, "Brothers, here's the opportunity! Let's take advantage of the opportunity to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman to provoke a dispute with the Tiger Gang. What do you think?"

"I think it's a good idea!" A younger brother said with a smile: "But any man will not stand by and watch his girl being molested by others. If we make such a fuss, the tiger gang boys who watch the scene will come out and hit the girl right in the middle of the scene." Our arms!"

The task of these guys is to stir up disputes in the place of the Tiger Gang, and then the Dragon Gang can justifiably attack the Tiger Gang and embezzle their business and territory.

Not only this group of people, but several other tiger gang venues also arranged such guys, waiting for an opportunity to provoke disputes.

"However..." Another younger brother looked at Luo Lei who was drinking and said, "That kid looks like a guy with no hair. What if we are scared and dare not resist?"

The leader said with a sly smile: "It would be even better if he is a softie. Let's take his horse away, and we brothers will have a good time! Anyway, it's not our gang, as long as a team succeeds , the mission is complete, haha!"

Hahaha... Several people laughed together.

The leader, nicknamed Liuzi, is a small leader of the Dragon Gang Viper Hall, and is usually responsible for collecting accounts for others. Since he rarely appears in the generation of South Street, this task was entrusted to him and his people. do it.

The six men winked, and a younger brother understood, stood up and walked towards that side.

Luo Lei and Tian Xi were chatting happily, when an annoying voice sounded from behind: "This beauty, my elder brother would like to invite you to sit down and have a glass of wine!"

Tian Xi said impatiently, "I don't know him!"

"Hehe, we'll get to know each other after just sitting in the past!" The guy didn't give up, he gritted his teeth and said, "Beauty, do yourself a favor!"

Tian Xi waved her hand, meaning to roll as far as possible, don't mess with me.

Luo Lei squinted his eyes and glanced over there, thinking that this group of people are quite kind, how dare they take advantage of the woman next to me, let alone me, the flower protector, just those few from the Tian family A famous general can scare the crap out of you!

"It seems that I really don't want to lose face, so I have to let my elder brother invite me in person!" The guy spread his hands towards the sixth son, making an expression that I couldn't figure it out.

The six sons pretended to be very angry, and brought the five younger brothers over, shouting and shouting, and the seven immediately surrounded Luo Lei and Tian Xi.

Luo Lei felt that these people were looking for trouble on purpose. Although the bar was a smoky place, there were gangsters watching the scene. The purpose was to create a relatively safe environment for the guests. He dared to do such a thing blatantly. They are not decisions made on a whim.

"You guys look very fierce!" Luo Lei said with a smile, his eyes naturally fell on the leader of the six sons, he wanted to see what this group of people would do next, to show their bravery in front of the beauties, He couldn't wish for it!

Liu Zi sneered: "Let your horse accompany us to drink, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!"

"That's right, it's an honor for you to take a fancy to your horse, not everyone can take a fancy to our Sixth Brother!" A younger brother echoed.

Luo Lei was about to stand up and slap that kid when a mid-spirited voice sounded from behind: "I mean, who would dare to make trouble in the place of Tiger Gang? Is it itchy?"

Liu Zi looked back and saw a 30-year-old man approaching, followed by a dozen younger brothers, all holding rubber batons in their hands.

"Hey, isn't this brother Xiong from the Tiger Gang! Why do you, a great god, come back to such a small place to watch the scene? Isn't it an overkill?" Seeing that there are many people in the other party, and they are all holding things in their hands, the six sons couldn't help their tone. Become "nice".

Li Weixiong, one of the Tiger Gang's Four King Kongs, and the right-hand man of the gang leader Lin Yang, appeared here by accident. A group of younger brothers happened to "patrol" here.

"Li Weixiong, our boss is just messing around here, don't care about your business... smack... ouch..."

Li Weixiong slapped the mighty little brother of the Dragon Gang across the face and scolded: "What the hell are you? You have the right to speak! Let me tell you six, don't think that I don't know what you want to do, just come here if you want to die!" , I will accompany you to the end!"

The six sons quickly apologized with a smile on their faces and said, "Brother Xiong, children are ignorant, don't take it to heart, let's go now, let's go now!"

After finishing speaking, he left the bar in despair with a group of younger brothers. Li Weixiong noticed that Luo Lei, who had been sitting all the time, had no fear on his face, and couldn't help feeling a little fond of him. It is rare to see such a courageous teenager.

Not only Luo Lei, but Tian Xi also showed no fear.

"Little brother, I'm really sorry!" Li Weixiong said with a smile, "I surprised you two!"

"You're welcome!" Luo Lei stood up and said, "Thank you for helping me drive away a bunch of nasty guys!"

"This is what I should do!" Li Weixiong pointed to the wine on the table and said, "This bottle of wine is on my head, I am a treat!"

"Thank you very much!" Luo Lei was not polite to him. Since they are so forthright, he doesn't need to be hypocritical with them. She is good!"

Li Weixiong, who had already turned around and was about to leave, immediately turned around and asked in surprise, "Are you Luo Lei who helped Xiaoxin out the day before yesterday?"

Li Weixiong was also present when Lin Kexin "reported" the situation to Lin Yang the day before yesterday, so he is no stranger to the name Luo Lei.

"Yes, it's me!" Luo Lei nodded.

Li Weixiong slapped his fingers towards the bar, and said to the bartender: "In exchange for a bottle of Royal Salute, all the expenses of Brother Luo's coming here will be charged to my account!"

ps: Please continue to support this book, flowers, collections, VIP tickets, and even clicks, Xiaolei will never refuse anyone!

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