urban evil

Chapter 1008 Brother wants to visit relatives

Fairy Ji Xin looked at Luo Lei with a smirk on his face, and asked angrily, "What the hell did you come up with?"

In the past few days, Fairy Ji Xin has really gotten to know Luo Lei. Not only is this guy unwilling to be lonely, but he also dares to flirt with any fairy other than her.

What made her most distressed was that her subordinates were taken advantage of by others, and they all chose to say nothing at the same time!

Since she didn't say anything, as the owner of the island, she had no chance to use this as an excuse to punish Luo Lei.

You are pampering him, he will get worse in the future, you know?

In this case, I don’t know how many times Fairy Ji Xin has told her subordinates. Every time the fairies listen to these words, they will show a very agreeable look, but no one is willing to "report" Luo thunder.

Fairy Ji Xin was even thinking that you're all going to have sex, could it be that what you're thinking in your heart is that you want that pervert to take advantage of you?

Jixin Island belongs to the Heaven Realm, but not under the jurisdiction of the Heaven Court, so many times, the rules and regulations of the Heaven Court do not work here, and the fairies here are naturally much more courageous than the people of the Heaven Court.

But after all, this place is still under the jurisdiction of the heavens, and everyone dare not go too far.

Of course, Luo Lei is not brave enough to fuck a fairy, the main reason is that he hasn't seen the real face of Fairy Ji Xin, if she is a big beauty, brother here is not going to fuck her but Fucked her maid first, didn't she pick sesame seeds and lose watermelon!

Besides, although these fairies are all beautiful, compared with Zi Luo and the girls at home, they are all ugly ducklings.

No way, who made brother have a high taste!

Today, Luo Lei was promoted to a third-level Shangxian. He used this as an excuse to find Fairy Jixin, and said with a smile: "Sister Fairy, you see, I have been promoted to the third level in such a short period of time, which means that I have been You are working hard, do you think you can give me a few days off and let me go back to my hometown to visit relatives?"

"Visiting relatives, hahaha!" Fairy Ji Xin seemed to have heard a big joke, and said with a smile: "What do you think the heaven is, can you leave now that you have come? Let me tell you the truth, if there is no order from the heaven, anyone Don't descend to the mortal world, this is the first rule of the heavens, don't you know?"

"Hey, I don't belong to the heavens yet, or the heavens?" Luo Lei said with a smile, "I'm from Jixin Island now, and sister Fairy, you are the boss here. As long as you say a word, I can't help you." leave!"

Fairy Ji Xin was taken aback, Luo Lei's words made some sense.

"Even if I am allowed to leave, do you know how to return to Earth?" Fairy Jixin certainly didn't want him to leave here, and said earnestly: "Once you leave Jixin Island, there will be all kinds of dangers outside! Even if you are already a third-level Shangxian It’s hard to protect yourself! You’d better stay here honestly, when you have the ability to protect yourself and take up a position in the Heavenly Court, there will be plenty of opportunities to go down to earth!”

Come on, it's okay to deceive others with these words, do you think brother is a three-year-old kid?If you want to go down to earth, the Jade Emperor must nod. Brother has already made a dispute with him because of Ziluo's matter, so it's no wonder he agrees!

"Sister Fairy, as long as you approve, you don't have to worry about returning to Earth and my safety!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

"I don't believe it!" Fairy Ji Xin shook her head and said.

"Hey, how about we make a bet, as long as I can do it, you will be allowed to leave, okay?" Luo Lei said hastily.

"Okay, if you don't have that ability, just stay with me honestly and don't talk about visiting relatives again!" Fairy Ji Xin also had her own request.

"Deal!" Luo Lei clapped his hands, and then Tiansuo appeared, and he said with a smile: "Sister, sister of this magic weapon, should you know?"

Dun Tiansuo, the magic weapon of Taishang Laojun, how could Fairy Jixin not know it.

She just couldn't figure it out, how could this thing be in Luo Lei's hands?Taishang Laojun is a god of Chinese origin, but he has ascended for thousands of years, and his friendship with Chinese people is already weaker than plain water. How could this Chinese ascendant hold his magic weapon?

Taishang Laojun is a famous stingy guy, so it is absolutely impossible for him to give it to him.

There is a basis for saying that the Taishang Laojun is stingy, who made him know how to make alchemy.As a result, everyone asked him for pills. As time went by, he found a problem, that is, the non-stop alchemy every day was not enough for these people to ask for, so he became more and more stingy.

If it wasn't a gift, then it was stolen!

It's also very unlikely that it can be stolen from the Taishang Laojun, and Sun Houzi has only done it once since ancient times.

"Where did you get this Sky Shuttle?" Fairy Ji Xin asked.

"Hey, don't worry about it!" Luo Lei said with a smile, "With the Sky Shuttle, do you still have to worry that I can't find my way back?"

"Don't worry about it...

"Thank you, bye! I will come back as soon as possible!" Luo Lei jumped into the enlarged Sky Shuttle and disappeared in a flash.

Fairy Ji Xin hadn't finished her sentence yet, even if Luo Lei had Tian Shuo, she would still have to explain a few words, who would have thought that little monkey was so anxious that he just ran away!

Looking at the Duntian Shuo that has turned into a small black spot, she shook her head helplessly, and said to herself: "You are really impatient! Huaxia people, Huaxia people, you must not go to other places in the heaven to cause trouble, otherwise Otherwise, even Tiansuo won't be able to save you!"

Then she took off her scarf, revealing that pretty face that shocked the world, and lightly parted her red lips: "Come here!"

"Island Master, what are your orders?" A fairy walked over and asked.

Fairy Ji Xin confessed: "Go and inquire about Duntian Shuo right away, and then report to me as soon as possible!"

"As ordered!"

Luo Lei didn't know exactly where the heavens were. He only knew that the Sky Shuttle flew for a long time before he saw the planet he was familiar with.

It took longer than the last time to return to the earth from the unknown Kuruk garbage star, which means that the heavens must be at least tens of billions of light-years away from the earth!

These are not important anymore, he hasn't seen his girlfriends for more than two months, and he is very anxious.

Flying directly to his manor on the outskirts of Huadu City, Luo Lei shouted in his signature voice: "Wife, come and greet your husband!"

No one responded, is there no one at home?

According to the time calculation, they should have returned from the Little Demon Realm long ago. After some searching, they came to the conclusion that there was no one there.

It should be to help the military deal with the Kuruks. These girls are usually very strong, and they just came back from the Little Demon Realm. Their level has risen, and their chivalrous hearts must also be bursting.

He guessed right, the girls were divided into several small groups, and went to different places to search for the enemy's headquarters.

As of today, more than [-] Kuruks have died in their hands, and even more Minotaurs have been dealt with easily, which is simply countless.

The 79 Kuruks are the headquarters of [-] thousand-member regiments. In addition, the four-person team composed of Nivena, Alyssa, Haiya and Ziluo has been abroad for a week and is carefully looking for them. The enemy's general headquarters.

Just as he was about to call Tian Xi and the others, a car engine sounded suddenly. He turned around and saw that it wasn't brother's Hummer military vehicle!

It must be a certain girl who came back, he smirked and stepped on the flying sword to meet her.

The driver was Mi Xiaomei Mi Yan, who was fighting in the south with Fang Yin and Xia Qi, and went to the capital after receiving a call from her grandfather.This is just coming back from the capital city, passing by Huadu city, thinking of taking a bath in the manor and getting a good sleep, and then go to the south to find Fang Yin and the others.

Just as she was slowing down, she suddenly saw a person floating outside the front windshield, clearly it was Luo Lei!



First there was a scream, and then the sound of rapid braking. The huge body of the Humvee stopped suddenly, and the four tires left four dark marks on the ground.


The car door was opened from the outside, and Luo Lei said with a smile: "Mi Xiaomei, you shouldn't be so excited to see your husband, you thought you saw a ghost!"

Mi Yan covered her mouth in surprise, shrank back on the seat, and said, "Xiao Lei, didn't you ascend, why did you come back so soon?"

"Hey, I missed you guys, so I'm back!" Luo Lei couldn't help saying that he stretched out his arms to wrap around Mi Xiaomei's willow waist, and carried her out. Is it easy to face a group of fairies?

Mi Yan was a little skeptical before, but after being hugged by Luo Lei, she smelled the unique masculine smell on him, and she immediately believed it, her pretty face even turned red.

"Hehe, let me taste the sweet lips of Mi Xiaomei first!" Luo Lei lowered his head, pressed his big mouth directly, found the little sweet tongue with ease, and kissed wantonly.

As early as this time last year, Mi Xiaomei, who was still serving as the medical officer of the Raptors, had already been snatched by Luo Lei for her first kiss, and even peeped at her changing clothes. I didn't expect that a year would pass so quickly up!

Strict calculations, Luo Lei stayed in Little Demon Realm for one year, and Mi Yan also stayed for one year, adding up to three years!

While tasting the fragrant lips of Mi Xiaomei, Luo Lei thought that brother is really the best. After three years of such a beauty by his side, brother did not eat her!

Mi Yan responded to his kiss enthusiastically. The girls never stopped thinking about him during the year in Little Demon Realm. When they came out and heard that he had ascended to the ascension, they were all happy but with a hint of melancholy.

This is also the main reason why they shifted their energies to the side of fighting against the alien race as soon as they came back. If they had nothing to do all day, they could only do one thing all day long, and that was to miss Luo Lei.

After a long kiss, Miyan turned into a cute little kitten in Luo Lei's arms, with sparkles in her big watery eyes. She kept asking herself in her heart, isn't this a dream?

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