urban evil

Chapter 104 Counterattack

Sun Changtao and Li Jiwei looked at each other again and nodded together.

Li Jiwei said: "What search warrant do you want? We are sure that the thing is on you. If it is found, the truth will be revealed. Don't you think so?"

Many students nodded their heads. In their opinion, things should be like this. It is completely legal for the police to search a person, and there is no doubt about it.

Tian Xi held a different opinion, but she hesitated to speak. After all, most of her legal knowledge is from country M, and she doesn't know much about the laws of China. If there are differences in the regulations of the two countries in this regard, one Wouldn't it be a joke to speak.

Luo Lei said with a smile: "The police searched a citizen's personal property without showing a search warrant and lacking the necessary legal procedures. The search is also illegal and not just. Illegal procedures cannot be forgiven. The correct result should be Yes, the evidence obtained by the police is invalid, and it cannot be used to accuse citizens.”

"Nonsense!" Sun Changtao said in a threatening tone: "If you dare to mess around and obstruct the normal law enforcement of the police officers, we will arrest you first!"

This is an express provision in the Constitution of China, but most of the time the police turn a blind eye to it. Most of the parties involved are unaware of such a provision, and habitually think that the police have the right to search anytime and anywhere.

Luo Lei slapped the table with a slap and shouted sharply: "Presumptuousness, this is a clear stipulation in the Constitution! You actually said that you are nonsense, everyone here can hear you clearly. And I saw that many students have already used their mobile phones. Record what you just said, how about it, do you want to post it on the Internet for the people of the whole country to comment on?"

Sun Changtao immediately became wilted. As a policeman, how could he not know that there is such a law? He is usually used to law enforcement against suspects without a search warrant, and the parties rarely resisted. Just get used to it.

Li Jiwei is a person who has just been a policeman for a short time. Seeing that Sun Changtao was taken aback, he quickly winked at him, meaning what should he do next?Don't go back and get a search warrant. When we come back, they have already hidden the things, so it's no wonder you can find them.

Tian Xi saw the doorway, and said, "One bite at a time is normal law enforcement. Is this your normal law enforcement? I want to sue you for abusing your power and threatening my students before you find evidence!"

The students also expressed dissatisfaction one after another, so Sun Changtao had no choice but to say to Li Jiwei: "Go back and get the search warrant, I will watch here, hurry up! Students, it's not that we don't have a search warrant, but we forgot to bring it. How can the police who are evil and promote good will enforce the law violently, and you will see the search warrant in a while. Please delete those students who recorded the video with their mobile phones, please?"

Who cares about you, a group of classmates headed by Li Qihan not only did not listen to Sun Changtao, but also encouraged more people to pick up their mobile phones and start recording videos.

Fan Jian, who was standing at the door, did not expect such an accident. He had never heard what Luo Lei said. How could a high school student know such a law?

There is no way, it can be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, and Luo Lei really knows this provision in the constitution.

In more than 20 minutes, Li Jiwei took back the search warrant with the red seal. This guy's work efficiency is quite high, but I don't know if it is the same when handling cases.

Sun Changtao took the search warrant and asked Luo Lei to read it first, then showed it to the whole class, and then said, "Now we can search you, right?"

"Yes!" Luo Lei raised his hands very cooperatively, and Li Jiwei immediately searched from top to bottom, except for a gel pen in his jacket pocket, dozens of small change and a mobile phone in his trouser pocket, there was nothing else. nothing else.

"How about it, do you want to search again?" Luo Lei asked.

Fan Tong stood up, winked at Sun Changtao first, and then pouted at Luo Lei's desk.

Sun Changtao understood, pointed to the desk and said, "There is still here!"

Li Jiwei directly put Luo Lei's desk on the ground, poured out all the books inside, and then searched carefully, refusing to let go of any piece of paper.

Still finding nothing, Li Jiwei shook his head at Sun Changtao.

Sun Changtao muttered, he and Li Jiwei were waiting outside the school gate early in the morning, and immediately came in to find Fan Jian after receiving the information, and then came to Class [-], the process was extremely smooth, it can be said that there was no languor for a second fee!And after Li Jiwei left, he kept staring at Luo Lei, and didn't see him doing any tricks, so why couldn't he find it?

"Brother Tao, I searched very carefully, and there really isn't one!" Li Jiwei whispered.

Sun Changtao smiled wryly, then changed his friendly face, turned around and said to Tian Xi and Fan Jian: "It seems that there was a misunderstanding, since we haven't found the stolen goods, then we will leave first!"

After finishing speaking, the two of them raised their legs and walked out, forgetting about the embarrassment on their faces.

Fan Jian frowned and looked at Fan Tong. Fan Tong didn't understand why it happened. He put it in Luo Lei's desk and pressed it with a stack of books. How could it not be there?

"Wait!" Luo Lei said.

The two stopped together, and Li Jiwei turned around and asked, "Why, do you have anything else to do?"

Luo Lei nodded and said with a smile: "I know some clues about the robbery of the jewelry store last night. Since someone reported me, can I also report others?"

"Of course!" Sun Changtao replied, "However, you'd better not retaliate maliciously. If we find out that you reported maliciously, you will also be sanctioned!"

"Oh? Then what kind of sanctions will be imposed on the person who reported me? This police officer might as well tell us, let us students learn more!" Luo Lei asked them a difficult problem.

"Well...it's inconvenient to say now, we have to study it before we can make a decision!" Sun Changtao quickly changed the subject: "Don't you want to report it, then tell it quickly, if the situation is true, we will enforce the law impartially! "

"Okay!" Luo Lei stepped out, walked along the corridor to Fan Tong's side, stretched out his right hand and tapped on his desk a few times, smiled at him who didn't know why, and said, "Stealing jewels He is the one who loves you, and that priceless ring is also with him!"

Fan Tong's expression changed, and he pointed at Luo Lei's face and said, "You're spitting blood!"

Fan Jian's face also changed, and he scolded: "Luo Lei, you are maliciously retaliating, I advise you to be honest, don't make trouble for nothing!"

Tian Xi and Li Qihan didn't understand why he did this. When he was about to ask questions, Luo Lei smiled and nodded at them, which meant that I knew it well, so don't worry.

Luo Lei raised his head slowly, and said with a sneer, "Is it malicious revenge? Let the two police officers search and find out! Two big police officers, what do you think?"

"This...isn't appropriate?" Sun Changtao said with a smile.

Tian Xi took a step forward and said sharply: "Inappropriate? Why was it so appropriate when you searched Luo Lei just now? The person who reported him claimed to report with his real name. Now that Luo Lei is also reporting with his real name, it seems inappropriate. What exactly do you want to do?"

"That's right, I think you must be colluding with some people with bad intentions to frame classmate Luo Lei!" Li Qihan raised her mobile phone and said, "Not only do I want to post this video on the Internet, but I also want to Report to your higher authorities, accuse you of violent law enforcement, random intimidation of the parties, and unfair law enforcement!"

"So do we!" Several colleagues also raised their mobile phones.

Sun Changtao was in a cold sweat, and Li Jiwei had lost his mind. When the two were indecisive, Fan Tong took the initiative to say: "In order to prove that Luo Lei framed me and restore my innocence, I will do it myself!"

After finishing speaking, Fan Tong lifted up the two corners of the desk, and all the things in the desk slid out.

A small red box among the books caught everyone's attention, including Fan Jian, and the box rolled down to his feet.

Fan Tong was taken aback, that box looked very familiar... Isn't it the one that he secretly put in Luo Lei's table, why did it appear here?

Fan Jian was also surprised. He was no stranger to this box. He gave it to his son last night. It was bought by Ma Haitao at a high price from a jewelry store.They colluded with Xiong Xijian, deputy director of the police station, and Fan Tong planted the frame. Two police officers reported on the spot, and then took Luo Lei away for theft, and then handed it over to the judiciary for sentencing.

It has to be said that this is a very poisonous plan. Once Luo Lei is taken away by the police and charged with theft, Ma Haitao can immediately announce his expulsion from school and deprive him of the right to take the college entrance examination.

So, when Fan Jian saw the red box rolling to his feet, he was stunned.

Under the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes, Li Jiwei bent down to pick up the box, and then slowly opened it. The diamond reflected white light, and the students who were close to him couldn't help squinting their eyes.

"May I ask the two police officers, is it this diamond ring that was stolen from the jewelry store?" Luo Lei said with his hands behind his back, "The matter has been revealed to the world, should you enforce the law impartially? People take it away!"

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Fan Tong yelled hysterically: "I put the ring on Luo Lei's desk, how could it appear here..."

Everyone suddenly realized that it was really a blame game!

Fan Jian walked over quickly and gave Fan Tong a big slap in the face, and shouted: "Shut up, you did such a thing, I am so disappointed! Two police officers take him away, I will pretend it is not His son!"

Sun Changtao and Li Jiwei understood, set up Fan Tong on the left and right, and walked out. Their purpose of doing this was nothing more than not wanting the matter to continue to expand. If this silly boy continued to quarrel here, maybe they would reveal the behind-the-scenes plan of all this. The Lord made it all available.

That was the end of a farce, and the old guy's voice rang in Luo Lei's mind: "Your luck is really good, you just learned to use another function of the spiritual soil vessel, and it has played such a big role!"

That is, who made our character good, Luo Lei smirked arrogantly.

[The 4th explosion, ho ho ho!Recommend an old friend's new book "Urban Invincible Special Forces"! 】

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