urban evil

Chapter 1061 The Fairy Appears

The Wang Xingren named Xiaotiangou is really powerful. In terms of speed, he is at least twice as fast as Erlangshen. When he rushed towards Luo Lei, he was like a white shadow.

As we all know, the Xiaotian dog is Erlang God's running dog, but it is rarely used at ordinary times. After all, it is okay for a dog to rely on the power of others, but it is a bit unreasonable for a person to rely on the power of a dog.

Erlangshen is a very face-saving person. He has always hoped that his title as the number one general in the Heavenly Court is well-deserved, and he obtained it entirely by his own ability, not by playing tricks or by some magic weapon. .

If it is said that it is based on some kind of powerful magic weapon, it can be said in the past. Of course, he cannot accept that when the name Erlangshen is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is Xiaotiangou, so unless it is a last resort, he will not Let this dog come out.

It has to be said that Wang Xingren's attack ability is much stronger than that of his owner. This is a powerful dog.

Because of Fairy Ji Xin's reminder, Luo Lei didn't have the slightest intention of looking down on Wang Xingren, he dodged in the past, and the white shadow almost slid past his body.

He could feel the danger coming from the white shadow. If he was bitten by this bad dog, he would probably be seriously injured if he didn't die. Back then, Sun Monkey was chased all over the mountain by it!

Fairy Ji Xin's heart couldn't help but raised her throat. If Luo Lei can defeat Erlang God, she has no doubt at all. It shouldn't be difficult to defeat Xiao Tiangou. Whether it can withstand it is unknown.

Bai Ying rushed towards Luo Lei one after another, he had no choice but to dodge.

Seeing Luo Lei's distressed appearance, Erlangshen laughed loudly, and while helping his right arm regain consciousness, he said: "You don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, you can't even beat my Xiaotian dog, and you want to meet the Jade Emperor, you think you are Who! Xiao Tian, ​​bite him to death for me, and avenge my master!"

Of course, Xiaotiangou worked harder. Luo Lei fought back several times, but all of them fell through because of the speed of this bad dog.

"Xiao Lei, I heard that dog's mouth is very greedy..." Fairy Ji Xin said to him through thousands of miles of sound transmission.

"Okay, I see!" Luo Lei was overjoyed, and immediately threw out a few meat buns.

But Xiao Tiangou was unmoved at all, Yaya, is there any dog ​​who doesn't like meat buns?

Where did the allusion of the meat bun beating the dog come from? Does this guy think there is little meat in it?

Then a few more iron lion heads!

Still unmoved, Luo Lei panicked and threw out two fist-sized spirit jades, taking them as steamed stuffed buns!

He regretted it when he threw it out, it was Lingyu, one piece was worth tens of millions of heavenly coins, and if exchanged for gold bricks, it could be piled up as high as a hill.

What happened in the next second made him dumbfounded, and he saw the white shadow suddenly stop, a big white dog with Lingyu in its mouth, wagging its tail at him!

I wipe, all right?

Let me tell you earlier, what kind of meat buns did you throw just now, no matter how bad they are, they were raised by gods, so of course I am not interested in meat buns.

"Xiaotian, what are you doing, hurry up!" Erlang shouted.

The Xiaotian dog looked back at its master, raised its head and swallowed the two spirit jades into its stomach, the dog's head immediately showed a very useful look, then turned its head and grinned at Luo Lei again.

"I wipe you dead dog, eat Lao Tzu's spirit jade, you still want to bite me?" Luo Lei cursed, while taking out more spirit jade, said: "If you still want to eat, just be more polite to me Son, otherwise, I will turn you into a hot pot of fragrant meat! Hehe, by the way, shake your tail, and shake it again, you are a good kid if you are obedient... For the sake of being so obedient, I will reward you with one !"

Erlangshen couldn't believe that his dog didn't obey orders because of stuttering, and even wagged its tail at the enemy.

He was so angry that the roots of his teeth were itchy, not to mention Luo Lei, he himself had the idea of ​​throwing it into the soup pot.

The heavenly soldiers and generals guarding the gate of the Heavenly Court also stared wide-eyed. It was the dog of Erlang God.

"Come back to me, dead dog!" Erlang's face was livid, and he shouted at Xiao Tiangou: "If you dare to wag your tail at that kid again, I'll take your skin off, and get out of here!"

Xiao Tianquan reluctantly looked at Lingyu in front of Luo Lei, his head drooped, and he ran towards his master listlessly.

"Master Wang Xingren, do you still fight?" Luo Lei asked proudly.

"You, I..." Erlangshen knew that he was not an opponent, and he would only suffer more losses if he continued to fight, but he bowed his head in front of so many people, and felt that he couldn't get down, and he didn't know what to do for a while. good.

At this moment, a loud voice sounded from the palace gate: "The Jade Emperor has a decree, Fairy Xuanjixin and others will have an audience!"

Erlang God can be considered to have found the steps, just now he looked down on Luo Lei from the bottom of his heart, and didn't want him to see the Jade Emperor, but now he wished she could go in quickly!

"Xiao Lei, stop making trouble, let's go in!" Fairy Ji Xin suggested.

"Well, for the sake of kissing you, I don't have the same knowledge as this guy! He is indeed a good uncle to his nephew, and I can't see his nephew suffering a little bit!" Luo Lei rolled his eyes at Erlangshen.

Erlang God wished he could come up and kill this boy who made him lose face in front of everyone. He never felt so humiliated when Sun Houzi teased him.

But he still held back after thinking about it, a group of his subordinates are unreliable, even the most loyal Xiao Tiangou was bought by a one-bit foodie, besides, there is a Fairy Jixin standing next to him, so let's not make fun of ourselves !

Seeing Erlang Shen's deflated appearance, the group of people suppressed laughter, and the appearance of covering their stomachs was very funny.

Luo Lei took the opportunity to grab Fairy Jixin's little hand. The big beauty struggled twice but failed, so she let it go. Fortunately, she was wearing a veil, so no one could see her flushed pretty face.

This surprised everyone, including Erlangshen. Who the hell is this kid? He even teased Fairy Jixin, the beauty of Bingshan, but Fairy Jixin didn't beat him into a pig's head?

There are more than one person in the heavens, and Fairy Jixin never colorizes any opposite sex. She wears a veil all day long as the best proof.

Luo Lei thought arrogantly that when you are even more surprised, when he defeats the Jade Emperor and saves the beautiful Ziluo, he will hug him left and right, you guys who have been fooled by the Jade Emperor, just Wait and see Brother Envy!

The two walked into the heaven, and the place was already in chaos.

The Queen Mother pulled a long face, as if everyone present owed her two hundred but did not pay back. The Jade Emperor had a bitter face, and kept making promises to his wife. The other is the gloating expressions of Huang Long and Meng Tu.

The two turned around together, and Meng Tu whispered to Huang Long, "The one standing next to Fairy Ji Xin is Luo Lei. Since he is here, Yi Kong must be here too!"

Huang Long nodded and said, "You have to introduce me well in a while, that man named Luo Lei is very personable!"

The two people's voices were not loud, but Luo Lei could still hear them clearly. He thought to himself, I'll leave after finishing my brother's business, so I don't have time to mess around with you guys!

Moreover, he has a lot of opinions on Meng Tu's words. What does it mean that the person next to Fairy Jixin is Luo Lei? You should say that the person next to Luo Lei is Fairy Jixin, or the handsome man among the handsome couple who came over is Rolley!

The male chauvinism of this guy has started to flood again, there is no way, probably no man will be willing to be enveloped by the halo of the woman around him, unless this guy is a soft food, or has a mother-child relationship with this woman, apart from these two points No exceptions.

Under the attention of the ministers, the two walked to the parallel position with Huang Long and Meng Tu, Fairy Ji Xin said: "Island Master Ji Xin and the young talent Luo Lei, pay homage to the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother!"

The Jade Emperor involuntarily raised his hand, intending to say hello to Fairy Ji Xin, but when he saw his wife's cold gaze from the corner of his eye, Hun'er was almost frightened, so he quickly put his hand down again, clearing his eyes. He cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Fairy Jixin is exempt from courtesy, the fairy came here, but to prove my innocence to me?"

Nima's innocence, you bastard, apart from being innocent because you are afraid of your wife, what else is there to match the word innocence?

If it hadn't been for the big beauty holding his wrist, Luo Lei would have already cursed at the Jade Emperor.

"No, I'm here to ask His Majesty to comment!" Fairy Ji Xin's voice was still so clear and gentle that many people were already intoxicated by it.

Luo Lei swept the faces of those intoxicated people with cold eyes, which was undoubtedly declaring to them that this girl belonged to Brother, you all should show me some respect.

Most people don't dump him, they probably have the same idea as Erlang Shen - who are you, dare to stare at me, do you know who I am?

"Oh, what's the matter?" Jade Emperor couldn't help being happy when he saw that Fairy Jixin didn't testify against him. And a little mud, maybe you can escape the trouble!

Some people are happy and some are sad. This sentence is so reasonable. The Jade Emperor suppressed his joy, but Li Jing's face was full of sadness. What should come finally came.

Fairy Jixin released her magic weapon, which was translucent, and everyone immediately saw that the people locked inside were the Giant Spirit God and the Four Heavenly Kings.

Many ministers also knew that these five guys went to Jixin Island to make trouble, and it was the Jade Emperor himself who was kept in the dark.

"What's going on here?" Jade Emperor was taken aback.

Fairy Jixin replied: "These five people went to my Jixin Island to make trouble, it is said that it was because of a video that was not good for His Majesty! They thought that the video was leaked from my Jixin Island, although they tried their best to say that it was private. Behavior, but this fairy thinks it's not that simple, they are all famous warriors in the heaven, if they didn't receive orders, would they dare to act so boldly?"

On the surface, Fairy Ji Xin pointed her finger directly at Li Jing, but in fact she was laying the groundwork for pointing at the Jade Emperor.

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