urban evil

Chapter 1063 It's No Coincidence

Seeing that the Jade Emperor had no time to talk to him, Li Jing walked over respectfully, and said to Fairy Jixin, "I'm really sorry, but my subordinates keep going to Jixin Island to make trouble again and again. Please fairies don't hold grudges against them, give Ben Shuai some face and let them go!"

Fairy Ji Xin saw that he was so sincere, and her goal had been achieved, so let him go.

"No!" Luo Lei spoke first, and said to her with a smile, "This is not appropriate!"

Only then did Fairy Ji Xin notice that Li Jing didn't have Luo Lei in his eyes at all, since he walked up to now, she hasn't looked at Luo Lei.

Obviously, Li Jing looked down on him from the bottom of his heart.

Fairy Ji Xin's originally amiable expression has changed. Looking down on Luo Lei means looking down on her. No matter how good you are, Li Jing, you should have the minimum respect for the people around me, right?

But Li Jing didn't. He had put Luo Lei, Huang Long and Meng Tu into the same category.

"People can't be let go!" Fairy Ji Xin said in a cold tone, "The Jade Emperor hasn't spoken yet, and I haven't gotten a reasonable explanation. Marshal Li, don't force others to do what they want!"

Li Jing was furious immediately, gritted his teeth and said, "Fairy, I advise you not to go too far, if you make a concession, we will see each other better in the future!"

"Marshal Li, can I understand your words as a threat?" Fairy Ji Xin said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone: "First of all, I am not threatened, so I am not afraid of threats! Second, you sent them to find me Trouble, don’t I have the right to resist and pursue responsibility? Even the Jade Emperor can think that those five guys have accepted your order, so now, don’t you dare to admit it?”

"So what if it's my order?" Li Jing was already planning to tear his skin apart, and said, "You know why I did this! If it wasn't for the sake of the Jade Emperor, I would have treated the person next to you a long time ago. The brat is on the move!"

"Welcome!" Luo Lei answered, "Just now at the door, I haven't had a good fight with Erlang God, so I just need some skills!"

Li Jing's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, did this kid play tricks with Erlang?

He knew very well what kind of character Erlangshen was. If Erlangshen was willing to take second place in bullying newcomers, no one would dare to say that he was the number one.

They had a fight, and this kid was not injured at all. Could it be that he has the ability to fight Erlang Shen?

It's not that Li Jing is afraid of Erlang God, but because of his rigorous personality, he has to re-examine this unremarkable boy.

Like Erlangshen, Li Jing found out that he couldn't know his level after some probing, so he couldn't help but gasped. Could it be that this kid is above the second level to immortal?

Looking at Fairy Ji Xin again, she has no intention of persuading a fight at all.

She wasn't worried at all. It seemed that this boy named Luo Lei was really not an ordinary person.

"Let's do it now?" Luo Lei is good at taking advantage of your illness to kill you, seeing Li Jing's complexion changing one after another, knowing that he has no idea, he immediately said: "They quarrel with them, let's beat us, don't delay! "

"Boy, don't be complacent!" Li Jing hummed: "This is the heaven, not the arena! You can fight as you say, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"That's good, then please ask General Li to tell us what it means to be tall and strong, and what is called courtesy, righteousness, honesty and shame!" Fairy Ji Xin confronted her.

Li Jing was speechless, especially the four of them, the Jade Emperor had just been exposed for his dirty tricks against Zi Luo, so it seemed so inappropriate to bring up this topic now.

"Hmph, wait and see!" Li Jing waved his hands and was about to leave.

"A guilty conscience!" Luo Lei laughed, and said, "Unless there is a reasonable explanation, the five bastards who are locked in the magic weapon will never come out!"

Li Jing's body trembled, the matter was already like this, there was no room for redemption, he could only swallow this bitter result.

He would never bow his head, the Jade Emperor was already in a state of distress, and his own troubles were still unfinished, so how could he help Li Jing to solve the troubles.

Huang Long saw that he had said so many inflammatory words, which were of no use to those ministers in power. It seemed that he was going to fail today!

Of course he was not reconciled, rolled his eyes, and started the second plan.

"The queen mother is strong, I think it is necessary to set up a special supervisory agency!" Huang Long turned to the Jade Emperor's wife and suggested: "The drawback of the centralization of the monarchy lies in the excessive power of the monarchy. , most people dare not speak out! The remaining small part is even more excessive. Instead of helping the ruler correct mistakes, they do even more things against their will for the sake of the master's face. These are already facts !"

The Queen Mother nodded. In comparison, she was more kind than the Jade Emperor. She was right and wrong, unlike the Jade Emperor, who would not admit her mistakes even if she was beaten to death.

"So, I think it is very necessary to establish a supervisory organization that can impeach the ruler!" Huang Long continued his high-spirited speech: "In addition to supervising the ruler, the ministers of the heaven also have the same right to correct their mistakes in certain matters." Wrong approach, maintain the fairness and justice of the Heavenly Court!"

After Luo Lei heard this scene, even if he hated Huang Long, he still had to admire the power of this politician. The queen mother was furious, and the only thing left in her mind was how to prevent her husband from having the idea of ​​cheating again. Isn't the supervisory department exactly what she needs?

Therefore, the queen mother will probably agree to Huang Long's suggestion, order him to set up a supervisory department, and give him a lot of power. In this way, even if Huang Long has a firm foothold, it is up to him whether he follows the heavenly court or opposes it. He alone has the final say.

The Jade Emperor was not a fool. If the Supervision Department was really established, it would be a curse on his head, so he strongly opposed it.

"I say yes!" The Queen Mother thinks that the Jade Emperor still doesn't want to give up the idea of ​​stealing fish, so she strongly opposes it, and the old lady who you object to supports it!

The Taishang Laojun wants to avoid suspicion, and Li Jing also wants to avoid suspicion. The leaders of civil servants and generals don't object, so what's the use of Jade Emperor's opposition alone.

Huang Long got what he wanted, and his face was full of unconcealable excitement. Looking at Meng Tu again, he was a little disappointed.

"I have something to say!" Luo Lei knew that if he didn't add a handful of firewood, the pair of fires might go out by themselves. He said loudly, "I have two conditions, and I ask the Jade Emperor to approve it!"

The Jade Emperor almost hated him to death, it was this kid who captured Yi Kong and joined forces with the rebels to deal with me, and I will never spare you, the chief culprit.

"What do you think, tell me!" He asked in a cold tone, with murderous thoughts already in his heart.

Luo Lei cleared his throat, and waited for the officials to calm down before he said: "First, abolish the rule that gods should not have emotions and desires; second, let Ziluo's parents go, and promise not to pester her again!"

"Boy, who do you think you are?" The Jade Emperor behaved exactly the same as Li Jing before, plus the Erlang God at the beginning, it really seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

"Why, can't you?" Luo Lei snorted.

"Of course not, the rules of heaven are sacred and unalterable, how can you allow a brat to make unreasonable comments!" The Jade Emperor shouted: "I am high above the heavens, and I am the supreme ruler of the heavens. It is impossible to release a pair of sinners who violated the rules of heaven. Will not promise anything to you or others, because you are not qualified!"

"Jade Emperor, I think the second matter can be promised to him!" The queen mother began to poach her husband again, after all, this matter involved other women, and she wished that her husband and Zi Luo would get rid of their relationship immediately.

The Jade Emperor turned his head back with a dark face, and shouted at the Queen Mother: "These people have bullied me, which side are you on? Why don't you come to be the Jade Emperor? If you give me a cuckold, I don't even fart!"

The queen mother was stunned, and Luo Lei saw that she was about to explode, and he couldn't help praying for the Jade Emperor in his heart.

Unexpectedly, she took a deep breath and said nothing.

Not only Luo Lei, everyone was surprised.

The Jade Emperor instantly regained his No. 1 aura in the heavenly world. As for whether he was a strong outsider but a middle-aged man, it is unknown, but this point is indeed very doubtful, because until now he has only been cold-hearted at Luo Lei, and his wife had previously decided to give up. There was no mention of the establishment of the Ministry of Supervision.

"Jade Emperor, today you have to agree if you promise, and you have to agree if you don't agree!" Luo Lei said in a cold tone, and at the same time glanced at Jade Emperor, his eyes were full of disdain.

"Hahaha, boy, you have to figure it out first!" The Jade Emperor laughed loudly, pointed at Luo Lei, and said, "This is my one-acre three-point land, and it's not your turn to be arrogant! Where are the heavenly soldiers and generals? Catch this brat who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, anyone who dares to be disrespectful to me will be sentenced to death!"

With a cry, hundreds of heavenly soldiers and generals appeared in midair, surrounding Luo Lei and Fairy Ji Xin.

Among them was Erlang Shen, who wished to kill Luo Lei immediately and save face for himself.

"Jade Emperor, do you really want to do it?" Fairy Ji Xin asked.

With a sinister smile on his face, the Jade Emperor said: "Fairy, I know you must have been deceived by that kid. I don't blame you! As long as you don't stand by him, I can pretend that nothing happened. You Continue to train talents for Heaven!"

"Thank you for your kindness, I'm on Xiaolei's side!" Fairy Ji Xin said without thinking, since it's a fallout, there's nothing to say.

"You are looking for death!" The Jade Emperor waved his hand and shouted, "Take it down for me!"


An incomparably weird laughter sounded, shaking the eardrums of these heavenly soldiers and generals, and they all involuntarily began to look for the direction of the laughter.

Taishang Laojun's face changed again, he winked at Li Jing, and said in a low voice, "Why do I feel that such a voice is familiar, as if I heard it somewhere?"

Li Jing also felt the same way. He completely forgot about the little misunderstanding he had with Taishang Laojun before. He frowned and said, "Could it be that the big devil came back? Impossible, he was wiped out 3000 years ago!"

ps: Outside the number, Lei Ge’s new book has already opened, because it has to pass the review, it is estimated that it will not be displayed on the webpage until the morning, the title of the book is "Drunk Lying Qunfang", ISBN 434507, what are you waiting for, lace, hurry Go onlookers, don't forget to support Lei Ge, flowers, VIPs, stamps are all fine, don't forget to collect!

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