urban evil

Chapter 115 The speed of life and death

The purpose of Gu Hanyan looking for Luo Lei was actually to keep him from participating in anything related to the Dragon Gang for the time being. Unexpectedly, the brakes failed.

"Beep..." The indicator lights up on the display, indicating that the brake system is abnormal.

Pit dad, I only remind you now!

Gu Hanyan slammed on the brakes a few times, but it was useless. The speed was still very high, and it was about to enter the central street with a lot of traffic. Whether the car that lost control hit a person or another car, will have serious consequences.

"What should I do? Grab the gear!" Gu Hanyan suddenly thought of a trick taught by her coach when she was in the driving school, using the method of gradually lowering the gear and using the principle of engine braking to gradually slow down the speed of the car.

But when her hand touched the gear lever, she felt like crying. She learned the manual shifting method, but now it is an automatic car, what should I do?

"Luo Lei, what should I do?" Gu Hanyan went to the doctor in a hurry.

"How would I know, I've only been in a car, I've never driven a car before!" Luo Lei also panicked, and wanted to ask the old guy for advice, but he didn't have a deep research on cars, and he was only able to catch up with the alarm system just now. It is already very good to find anomalies before the ringing.

"Why don't you turn off the fire?" Luo Lei came up with a bad idea.

"No, it's more difficult to control the car after the engine is turned off! Come to think of it, there is another way to brake, pull the handbrake!" Gu Hanyan still knows some common sense. She grabbed the steering wheel with her left hand, held the handbrake with her right hand and pulled it up .


The handbrake controls the rear wheels, but the driving wheels are the front wheels. The rear wheels are suddenly braked, and the front wheels are still spinning rapidly. The rear tires leave two black marks on the road.

"No, quickly release the handbrake!" Luo Lei said, "The brake line is about to lose its hold. If it is broken, it will really be impossible to stop!"

As soon as Luo Lei's words came out of his mouth, Gu Hanyan hadn't come to react in a hurry. At the same time, the two heard a muffled "pop" from the car when they sat down, and then the handbrake failed.

Wow grass!Luo Lei suddenly discovered that sometimes he has the potential to be a crow's mouth, and often bad things happen right after he finishes a sentence.

This kind of situation in the car was caused by human beings. The Dragon Gang has a younger brother who is responsible for repairing the car. Since they can repair it, they will destroy it. They not only destroyed the brake pumps of the four wheels, but also adjusted the sensitivity of the alarm system to the lowest level!

Including the handbrake, cut off part of it with wire cutters, it can be easily ripped off.

The speed of the car was still around [-] mph. Luo Lei said to Gu Hanyan who was in a hurry: "The most important thing at this time is to be calm. Things like brake failure are relatively common. As long as you calm down and deal with it, you will definitely save yourself from danger!"

Gu Hanyan took a deep breath, looked ahead with both eyes, and concentrated on avoiding the passing vehicles.


He almost collided head-on with a car coming from the opposite direction, which was extremely thrilling, but fortunately, Gu Hanyan's driving skills were good, and he managed to avoid it.But going on like this is not an option. No one can guarantee such good luck every time they can escape once.

"This car should be equipped with a siren, the loud one commonly seen on police cars?" Luo Lei asked.

"Yes!" Gu Hanyan said towards the storage compartment in front of Luo Lei's seat: "It's inside, just take it out and put it on the roof of the car. There is a button under it. Don't forget to press it up, and it will be opened after pressing it." !"

Luo Lei quickly found the alarm, flipped the switch and stretched his hand out of the car and pressed it on the roof.

"Wow... woah..."

The alarm sounded loudly, and the nearby vehicles gave way one after another. In this way, even if they ran a red light, the cars in other lanes had to give way.

The speed of the car gradually decreased, and there was a hint of joy on the faces of the two of them at the same time, but they refused to slow down again when they reached about fifty miles. Such a speed is not fast, but it is still very dangerous.

"Fasten your seat belt!" Luo Lei suggested.

"No need, this car is equipped with airbags, front and side..."

"This car is also equipped with an abnormal brake alarm, what's the result?" Luo Lei reached out and pulled Gu Hanyan's seat belt out, inserted it into the buckle, and then put it on for himself.

Gu Hanyan couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion in her heart, if it wasn't for the critical situation now, she would definitely express her gratitude.

A guy wearing sunglasses stood on the side of the street, looked at the Audi car that was obviously out of control, took out his mobile phone, dialed Wang Long's number, and said with a smile, "Boss, guess what's in the car except for the policewoman?" ,Who else?"

On the other end of the phone, Wang Long was in a bad mood and had no time to guess the riddle, so he asked, "Who is it, tell me quickly!"

The man in sunglasses smirked twice, and said, "It's Luo Lei. He was dragged into the car by the policewoman. This is killing two birds with one stone! They are performing a real speed of life and death on the road, which is very exciting!"

Wang Long was in a good mood when he heard this, and said: "It's great to be able to get rid of these two annoying people at once. I'll be rewarded with a lot of rewards when I come back. I will definitely keep an eye on them and notify me as soon as there is a car accident. !"


Although Luo Lei didn't know the concept of grabbing gears, he came to a conclusion from the research on the gearbox just now that this is a feasible method!

"Officer Gu, although this car is automatic, it can also be operated manually, right?" he asked.

Gu Hanyan slammed the steering wheel and passed a speeding private car, she said casually, "Okay, why are you asking this?"

"Since it can be operated manually, the method of grabbing files is feasible!"

"Yes, why didn't I think of it!" Gu Hanyan nodded, stretched out her right hand to pull the gear lever to manual mode, and after the mode was successfully switched, downshifted one by one.

The car decelerated steadily. In order to reduce the possibility of accidents, Gu Hanyan changed direction during the process, turning from the bustling Central Street to a road that had just been repaired and not officially opened to traffic.

Forty miles, thirty miles, twenty miles...

"Great!" Gu Hanyan yelled excitedly, the danger was out of the way.

When the speed of the car dropped below ten mph, she decisively shifted the gear to neutral, and the car continued to slide slowly until it stopped on the side of the road.

"Huh..." Luo Lei let out a long breath, half lying down and half sitting on the seat.

Gu Hanyan turned off the engine in time, but she still felt uneasy. After pulling out the key, she made the same action as Luo Lei, and said with a long breath: "It was really dangerous just now. Fortunately, no accident was caused. It was a false alarm. False alarm!"

From the corner of his eyes, Luo Lei caught sight of Gu Hanyan's slightly trembling chest, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. From this angle, it's really big and very straight!

The man in sunglasses who had been following them frowned. In his opinion, no one could control the car in such an emergency, but Gu Hanyan did it.

This is inseparable from Luo Lei's help. If he hadn't reminded and placed the alarm several times in time, it would have caused an extremely tragic car accident long ago.

Although it was already safe, but recalling the previous scene, Gu Hanyan untied the seat belt with slightly trembling hands, opened the car door and walked out, opening her arms to breathe fresh air!

With her pretty face, tall and perfect figure, coupled with her actions at the moment, and the police uniform she is wearing, Luo Lei couldn't help being stunned looking at the beautiful picture in front of him.

It wasn't until Gu Hanyan turned around to look at him that he realized that he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

"Thank you!" Gu Hanyan said sincerely.

"Hehe, it's too polite to say thank you. I'm also in the car, and I don't want any accidents just like you!" Luo Lei was really humble once, and he pointed to the car and said, "Obviously, someone has tampered with it. Believe it or not." Can you imagine who would have done it!"

Gu Hanyan frowned slightly, and asked, "How do you know it's man-made, not an accident?"

Luo Lei smiled and said, "The four brake pumps are leaking at the same time, how could it be such a coincidence!"

"Really?" Gu Hanyan squatted down, put her hands on the ground and looked under the chassis of the car. Indeed, there were hydraulic oil dripping down beside the four wheels, forming four pieces of oil stains.

It must have been done by the Dragon Gang, Gu Hanyan immediately thought.

"Dragon Gang, they actually want to put me to death!" Gu Hanyan stood up and patted the dirt on her hands, her face sank and said: "It seems that they were too kind to them before, so that they have such courage!"

Luo Lei shrugged and said, "It's not only you who are going to die, but also me! If you say it this way, we are like grasshoppers on the same rope... It's not very nice to say it this way, so let's put it another way—— Comrades in a trench, since this is the case, I think we should join hands to deal with the Dragon Gang!"

Gu Hanyan looked at him strangely for a few seconds, and said, "Cracking down on gangsters is a matter for the police, what can you do to help?"

In fact, her words have another meaning, that is, don't make trouble for me.

"Hehe, you are looking down on people when you say that!" Luo Lei pouted towards the place where the man in the sunglasses parked, and said, "That guy must be following us. inside!"

Gu Hanyan was taken aback for a moment, needless to say, she was wondering how you knew this.

"I'm not just an ancient warrior!" Luo Lei put on a posture that he thought was cool but not at all pretentious, and said, "I'm also a cultivator! At the same time, my personality determines that I'm not a person who likes to sit back and enjoy what I get. If I come forward to deal with some matters, it will speed up the destruction of the Dragon Gang and reduce casualties on your side. Of course, if you insist on not letting me intervene, I will be happy to stand by and watch!"

Luo Lei himself didn't believe the latter sentence. If Gu Hanyan insisted, he would superficially agree, and then deal with the Dragon Gang in his own way.

In fact, when Gu Hanyan heard the words "cultivator", he was eager for Luo Lei to help. The reason why he hasn't launched any action until now is because there are a few difficult guys in the Dragon Gang who rushed to attack The result must be huge casualties.

However, if he is simply agreed to join, he will definitely refuse to listen to my schedule, and he must find a way to restrict him!Gu Hanyan narrowed her big eyes slightly, making Luo Lei feel a little creepy.

ps: The 1st update, thanks to the qq group that the book friends really troubled about the exam, everyone, come and join, give your opinions and chat, group number: 210441577.

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