urban evil

Chapter 120 Joint Action

Seeing Luo Lei rushing straight towards her, Gu Hanyan subconsciously raised a slender thigh to move sideways.

"Don't move!" Luo Lei yelled, and Gu Hanyan immediately withdrew his leg in fright, and the attention of the two school guards who were guarding the gate was also attracted.

The reason why Luo Lei didn't let Gu Hanyan move was because if she moved, he wouldn't be sure to throw her to a safe position once, so that the gunman hiding on the opposite side would immediately adjust the shooting angle. In that case, the bullets fired at her would It will be difficult to escape.

Gu Hanyan's eyes widened, and she couldn't help raising her hands to protect her chest. As soon as she finished this action, she was hit by Luo Lei who was rushing towards her vigorously.

In the process of falling to the ground, Luo Lei twisted his waist and padded underneath. His back landed first. The moment his body touched the ground, a bullet hit the rear door glass of the police car, leaving a bullet behind. The hole is exactly where Gu Hanyan was standing just now, and it is where the heart is.

After the two fell to the ground, the danger was not eliminated. The gunman missed the bullet and immediately pressed down the muzzle of the gun, ready to fire the second shot.

From the shooter to the place where Gu Hanyan put the car, there are no obstacles in between, and the field of vision is very wide.

Luo Lei didn't care about the pain coming from his back, and he didn't have time to appreciate a soft body pressing on him, and the owner of this body was so beautiful, and the distance between the two faces couldn't be closer. A little movement will stick together.

Turning over suddenly, Luo Lei rolled to the side with Gu Hanyan. The second bullet hit the concrete floor, and the warhead bounced aside after leaving a small crater.

Continue to scroll until the two reached the back of the police car together, and then Luo Lei let out a sigh of relief.

Until now, Gu Hanyan was still kept in the dark, seeing that her clean police uniform was covered with dust, she was so angry that there was a knee on Luo Lei's left leg.

"It hurts..." Luo Lei couldn't help but hugged Gu Hanyan, who was still moving, and said, "There is a gunman on the opposite side, and he has already fired twice. I said aunt, how can you treat your savior like this?"

"Ah?" Gu Hanyan was startled, temporarily forgetting that she was hugged tightly by Luo Lei. At this moment, the two were lying on the ground in a very ambiguous posture. Luo Lei couldn't help it because of being hit on the leg pressed against Gu Hanyan's leg.

Luo Lei pointed his mouth at the crater on the ground and said, "Don't tell me you can't see what caused it!"

Gu Hanyan's heart began to beat wildly, and her well-informed way of nature was the trace left by the bullet, and it was very new, and the surrounding air was also filled with dust stirred up by cement.

"Who is so bold?" Gu Hanyan gritted her teeth and asked.

Luo Lei said with a wry smile: "Beautiful police officer, you should know better than me who did it. This is the second time I saved your life. I really don't want a third time. It's too frighteningly dangerous. Two days a day Come back, I don’t know how many brain cells were scared to death! My poor brain cells, how many bottles of big walnuts do I have to drink to make up for it, and you have to pay for this money!”

In the room 300 meters away, seeing that the operation failed, Heizi not only failed to hit Gu Hanyan, but also did not kill Luo Lei by the way. He said hurriedly: "Mission failed, retreat quickly!"

The gunman was not reconciled and said: "Wait a little longer, I still have a chance!"

"Don't wait, we will be the ones waiting to die!" Heizi snatched the shooter's gun with his gloved hand, threw it on the ground, and said, "This time the task is to assassinate and frame blame. If it can be completed, the blame must be completed, listen to me and hurry up!"

"Okay!" The gunman nodded, and the two quickly walked out of the room together and retreated separately.

The old guy promptly told Luo Lei about the evacuation of the dangerous people.

But this guy kept holding Gu Hanyan and refused to get up, and even pretended to be extremely cautious, as if the danger was still there.

The old guy has always sneered at this guy's actions, but he is too lazy to say anything, people are not flirtatious!Besides, it is a bastard not to take advantage of the advantages, in order not to be a bastard, we have to avoid taking advantage of beautiful women because of it, hehe.

Gu Hanyan didn't know what was going on, and asked cautiously: "Is the shooter still there? Where is it?"

Luo Lei turned towards the front and said, "It's hidden 300 meters away. There are two people in total. They are equipped with professional double-snipers. One is in charge of shooting and the other is in charge of observation. Fortunately, I found it in time, otherwise you are beautiful." A bloody hole has been shot through his chest! These people are cruel enough to shoot a beautiful girl like you, what a sin!"

"Why can't you shoot me?" Gu Hanyan asked, blinking her big eyes.

Luo Lei replied confidently: "The reason why life is so beautiful is because there are beautiful things, such as beautiful flowers, clear running water, etc., and of course beautiful beauties. What is it not a crime to deliberately destroy these good things with your hands?"

"Unreasonable!" Gu Hanyan gave him a blank look, but felt extremely comfortable in her heart, but it seemed inappropriate to be hugged by him all the time, so she couldn't help asking: "Is the sensory ability of you cultivators particularly sharp? 300 It’s unbelievable that you can detect the danger from meters away, isn’t it?”

Luo Lei shrugged and said, "Not every cultivator possesses such abilities. I'm pretty good at this, ha ha!"

The two guards were terrified, and immediately called the police. The sound of a police car came from a distance. Luo Lei began to scold these guys in his heart. He is usually slow. How could he be so timely this time? I thought It's not okay to hold a beautiful woman for a while!

If you keep hugging it, it will always reveal your secrets. He took the initiative to let go of his hand and said, "The danger is over, we can get up!"

"Okay!" Gu Hanyan stood up first, walked around to the front of the car and drove away, her eyes widened in fright, and a shocking bullet hole was left on the car window. In my memory, the moment Luo Lei rushed over, she Really stand here.

Luo Lei also followed, patting the dust off his body.

"Luo Lei, thank you!" Gu Hanyan said sincerely: "You saved me twice in one day, I really don't know what to say, how about this, I will treat you to a big dinner tonight!"

"Let's go and see if the gunman left any clues in his hiding place first. We can discuss the treat anytime!" Luo Lei smiled.

Several police cars stopped around, and Gu Hanyan's soldiers split into two groups, staying here for investigation on the one side, and followed her and Luo Lei to the place where the shooter fired on the other side.

Picking up the 56-type assault rifle that was abandoned in the room, Gu Hanyan said with a dark face: "This is a weapon that only the gangsters in Huadu City have. , it seems that the evil forces in the city are retaliating against me!"

"Not necessarily!" Luo Lei sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, and said with a smile, "Want to hear my opinion?"

"Of course!" Gu Hanyan nodded.

Luo Lei pointed to the assault rifle in her hand and said, "Since they had plenty of time to retreat calmly, why did they only keep this gun? Could it be because they couldn't hold it when they retreated?"

"What do you mean?" Gu Hanyan reacted quickly, and immediately understood the meaning of Luo Lei's words.

"That's right, it's intentional!" Luo Lei stood up from the sofa and said, "It's intentional to make you think that it was done by the gangsters in Huacheng City. The real purpose is to cover up themselves! In fact, they don't have to do this, because they opened I fired two shots, and the warheads can be found from the scene! Moreover, a double-sniper team can not only take away the guns, but even pick up the shell casings when they have time. If they do this, it is possible that they were sent by the city killer."

"It makes sense!" Gu Hanyan nodded and said, "This was done by the Dragon Gang. They tried to tamper with my car in the morning, but they failed. They sent killers in the afternoon, and they wanted to blame others. The people behind me are spreading their anger on the heads of Huadu gangsters!"

The gun was handed over to the subordinates to take it to the technical department. Gu Hanyan asked them to withdraw after taking pictures.

She and Luo Lei were left in the room.

"What do you think should be done?" Gu Hanyan asked.

Luo Lei stared at her big eyes for a few seconds, then smiled slightly and said, "It can be seen that you are not only a hot-tempered policewoman, but also a vigorous and resolute person, and you will never bow to the evil forces. When someone provokes you, you can only do one thing, blood for blood and tooth for tooth, right?"

Gu Hanyan was startled for a moment, then nodded.

"Hehe, since that's the case, why do you still need to ask for my opinion?" Luo Lei continued, "They have already killed twice, if we don't do something, don't we feel a little timid? ?”

"However, the evidence hasn't been fully collected yet!" Gu Hanyan said worriedly.

"Once he is arrested, there will be no evidence!" Luo Lei said lightly.

That's right, Gu Hanyan wondered why I forgot such a direct move, always thinking about enforcing the law impartially, and only when the evidence is complete can people be arrested. Since these people have been identified as engaging in underworld activities, they have the right to arrest them , and then interrogated slowly, digging out the evidence bit by bit.

Just do it!

From Gu Hanyan's expression, Luo Lei knew that his suggestion was approved, so there was no need to stay here. Before leaving, he asked: "Do you have bullets for your pistol? Get me some, I will I snatched a gun from the Dragon Gang, but unfortunately ran out of bullets, an m9 pistol!"

"Small idea!" Gu Hanyan said generously, "I will prepare enough ammunition for you before the action!"

"Thanks, let me know before you act!"

It wasn't until after Luo Lei left that Gu Hanyan remembered what her purpose of coming to him was, she gritted her teeth and said to herself: "I said, I walked so fast, how could I give him a lesson? I forgot, no, I must make it up next time!"

Then, she sent a text message to all the team members who came to Jia County: All units are ready to act!

[3 The update is over, please ask for all kinds of support, flowers, subscriptions, stamps, VIPs, ordering, Xiaolei will always come!Fuck, I didn't pay attention, and I fell from the 3rd to the 6th place on the new book subscription list. It feels really miserable to be raped one after another. Brothers, stand up! 】

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