urban evil

Chapter 161 Mu Xue Takes the Initiative to Invite

Sun Lianyou was so angry that he was about to explode, but he still had a modest and gentlemanly look on his face, and said with a smile: "Xiao Xi, you really impress me! Since this is the case, why don't you two perform a song for everyone?"

Tian Xi still turned her head to look at Luo Lei first, as if she would listen to him no matter what.

A group of uncles are almost envious. A girl with such excellent conditions is so obedient to her boyfriend. This is simply the best in the world. When we look at the women around us, we know that we need money Flowers, a house, and a car are so different, why don’t we have such good luck!

Luo Lei spread his hands and said, "Sorry, I can't dance!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Sun Lianyou felt ashamed, and couldn't help but glanced at Tian Xi with vicious eyes. What's the point?Only dance with your boyfriend, but this boyfriend of yours can't dance!

"Hehe, there's no way, Xi'er has always been obedient!" Luo Lei said in a frivolous tone, "I'm a traditional person, and I really don't like seeing my girlfriend have too close contact with other men. An art is also a normal activity of mutual communication, but I still don't think it's appropriate! Who can guarantee that I don't have any unhealthy thoughts when facing beautiful women? How can a girl as pure as Xier be with her? Dancing with a person who is full of bad thoughts in his heart, Wu will never allow such a thing to happen!"

This has gone beyond the scope of accusing Sang and scolding Huai, it is basically saying that Sun Lianyou is a guy with ulterior motives.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting awkward, Secretary Pang hurried over to make a rescue, and said with a smile: "Mr. Sun, there are so many beauties here, you can't favor one another and only take care of the people you know. You haven't seen people who want to have in-depth communication with you." Is there a chance? Ladies, don’t you think so?”

A group of resentful women immediately regained their spirits and rushed forward one after another, hoping that they would be the lucky one.

Sun Liancheng smiled slightly. To be honest, he really didn't have any interest in these vulgar fans. Except for Tian Xi, only Mu Xue, who was full of youthful vigor, could attract his attention.

In any case, the local parent official has to save face, so he might as well ask his daughter to dance a song.

"Secretary Pang is right!" Sun Lianyou passed among the women who tried their best to express themselves, and slowly bent down towards Mu Xue, making an inviting gesture.

Secretary Pang winked at her daughter, and Mu Xue was a little unhappy. After all, Sun Liancheng came to invite her after Tian Xi had a problem with her. Who wants to be the one who is the second best!

However, looking at the situation here, it seems that many people are willing!

Also considering her father's face, Mu Xue slowly stretched out her hand.

Sun Lianyou was overjoyed. Mu Xue's beauty was only slightly inferior to Tian Xi's. In fact, the two people's looks were comparable, but Mu Xue was a little more immature, and couldn't compare with Tian Xi who was full of maturity. , given time, she must be a rare beauty.

"Miss Pang, can I invite you to dance?" There was nothing wrong with Sun Chengli's words, even more sincere and humble than when he invited Tian Xi just now.

However, the expressions of the two of them changed immediately.

One is Secretary Pang, who secretly screamed in his heart that something is wrong, his daughter knows best, Sun Lianyou, Sun Lianyou, you are very likely to meet another big thorn!

The other one is Mu Xue. When she heard the words just now, the hand she just stretched out immediately retracted like an electric shock. Her face that was not too happy was covered with clouds, and she said in a cold tone: " Sorry, I feel a little unwell, I need to go to the bathroom, excuse me!"

After speaking, Mu Xue turned and left.

Sun Lianyou froze on the spot, the rhythm changed so fast that he, who is known as the business elite, couldn't keep up!

Secretary Pang shook his head helplessly and let out a helpless sigh.

Thunder rolls!

Everyone looked at each other, and no one could understand what happened today. Sun Lianyou, the protagonist, was rejected twice in a row, and in front of so many "celebrities", this was a big blow.

Luo Lei's stomach hurt from laughing, as a friend, Tian Xi couldn't bear it.But she is very aware of Sun Lianyou's character. Whenever you give him a glimmer of hope, he will chase after him fiercely. When dealing with such a person, he must be ruthless when he should be ruthless.


Palace Hotel, room department.

Feng Yushan swallowed several dark brown pills in one gulp, then sat quietly on the bed, intending to take a good rest, but within 10 minutes, the phone rang.

The incoming call showed that the caller was Fan Jian. He pressed the connect button and said, "Mr. Fan... don't worry, I said three days, today is the last day! So, the task will be completed tonight, please inform Mr. Ma to prepare Well, the rest of the money, I want cash!"

Fan Jian at the other end said with a smile: "No problem! We will prepare the cash right away, and the transaction location will be set at the construction site at the west entrance of South Street. Wait for your good news! By the way, let me remind you of one thing, Luo Lei is not at the moment Not at the school, according to the security guard at the gate, he left with a teacher of the school in the afternoon, you have to find the exact location by yourself! Goodbye!"

He already knew that Luo Lei was not at school. The reason why he didn't follow him was because he was sure that no matter where Luo Lei went, he would definitely come back before the evening self-study and school, and it would not be too late to follow him.

Feng Yushan hung up the phone, slowly raised his palm and patted his chest, followed by a violent cough, and his internal injuries were less than [-]% healed. To be honest, he was not so confident.

He took out an iron rod about [-] centimeters long from the password box, weighed it with his hand, and said to himself, "In order to make money, I have to come up with a trick!"


Sun Lianyou grew up in a honeypot since he was a child. After graduation, he directly entered the management of the family business. No matter where he went, he was sought after by thousands of people. He couldn't imagine that he would be in Jiaxian County, which is a no shit. place, fell a big somersault.

He no longer had the desire to dance, and turned his head to stare at Chi Shi.

Chi Shi was so frightened that he was trembling all over. He was groping around in the shopping mall and beating people. Needless to say, his ability to read words and expressions made him feel bad. Maybe the big tree of the Sun family could no longer be relied on. up.

"I'm a little tired, go up and rest for a while, everyone have fun!" Sun Lianyou said this, and walked towards the second floor regardless of everyone's persuasion.

Chi Shi hurriedly followed, nodded and bowed, and said, "Mr. Sun, don't be angry! It's not worth it to get angry because of such a trivial matter. Don't worry, I will definitely think of other ways to help you." Out of this bad breath!"

Sun Lianyou gritted his teeth and said, "If you have that ability, would I be humiliated like this? Let me tell you, my surname is Chi, I will leave Jia County early tomorrow morning, and I will never come to this poor place again in my life. Regarding the agency right And some other investment matters, you can talk to my department manager, I will not take care of this matter anymore!"

Chi Shi began to cry and beg: "Mr. Sun, give me another chance! I will definitely do things beautifully..."

Mu Xue came out of the bathroom, facing everyone's "admiring" eyes, she felt very uncomfortable. She wanted to leave early but couldn't talk to her father. After all, today's protagonist couldn't get off the stage in front of everyone, and she was thinking about how to deal with it. After the remaining difficult time, I suddenly saw two people sitting in the corner talking and laughing.

That's right, they are Luo Lei and Tian Xi.

It can be regarded as fighting the same enemy in the same trench, and it is a good choice to find them, Mu Xue smiled slightly, and walked over there.

"Hey, isn't this Xiaoxue, please sit down, please sit down!" Luo Lei was extremely excited, just like Mu Xue's thoughts, since everyone has dealt with the same "enemy", from a dialectical point of view, they are already friends .

Mu Xue graciously sat beside Tian Xi, took a glass of red wine from Luo Lei, and said thank you.

"Mu Xue, why didn't you go to high school in Jia County?" Tian Xi asked, the reason why she called her so affectionately was because she felt that Mu Xue hated people calling her "Miss Pang".

"I grew up in Huacheng City, and I have been studying there!" Mu Xue replied, "Later, when my father became the secretary of the county party committee, he also asked me to come back and want to learn this matter, and he was worried that I might not adapt to the new environment. Didn't come back!"

"Hey, the conditions in the county are still not comparable to those in the city!" Luo Lei said, "Although Jiaxian No. [-] High School has a reputation as a provincial key, it doesn't even have the chance to be recommended by the principal, unlike you Xiaoxue, You don't need to take the college entrance examination to be admitted by the top ten universities!"

Mu Xue waved her hand and said, "Actually, I'm not very satisfied with this arrangement! By the way, Luo Lei, which school is your dream school?"

"It's not a dream, I just think that university is an indispensable journey in my life!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "My hope is not high, Huadu University is fine!"

Mu Xue nodded, and said with a wry smile: "A guy I know has been talking about Huadu University all the time! Now I finally know the reason. It seems that there are many people who like this school!"

The three continued to chat about some interesting topics. Secretary Pang saw that they were chatting happily, so he didn't come to bother them.

For some reason, Luo Lei has a faint feeling that he seems to be a person who has no secrets in front of Mu Xue. You must know that this feeling is very scary.

Could it be that this girl is really what Tian Xi said - she is an extremely wise girl.

The dinner gradually came to an end, Mu Xue stood up, smiled and said to the two of them: "It's a pleasure to meet you today, if time doesn't allow, I'd like to continue chatting with you! By the way, believe me It won't be long before we meet again!"

When she said the last sentence, Mu Xue's eyes were looking at Luo Lei, which meant that "we" did not include Tian Xi.

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