urban evil

Chapter 171

The complete resolution of the ghost ninja matter made Luo Lei heave a sigh of relief, he can finally live a stable life, and by the way, talk about love and love with the girls around him.

Xu Jing quickly admitted that he had been an undercover agent of the island country's Secret Service ten years ago. With their help, he climbed up to his current position step by step. In return, he revealed the secrets of the bureau to the island country again and again. people.

This is also the reason why the Secret Service has always suffered in front of the islanders for several years, and the entire Ministry of National Security was shocked.

The only fly in the ointment is that Nao Kobayashi's mouth has not been pried open, and this guy still has a disdainful expression when facing Xu Jing's confession.

The Nine Departments were elated. Zheng Nan issued the military order at the beginning, but now it seems that there is no danger. Murong Hanwei was promoted very quickly, from major to lieutenant colonel. With her merits, she can at least be a colonel.

In addition to the promotion of the military rank, she also received two medals of the Medal of Courage and the Third Class Merit.

Zheng Nan simply mentioned in the report that Luo Lei assisted in the operation. Of course, this was a decision made after consulting Luo Lei himself. According to Luo Lei's own thinking, he did not want his name to appear in the report at all. .

From the beginning to the end, this mission was highly confidential, so there was no grand celebration banquet at the end, and there was no media rush to report.

Then, except for Murong Hanwei and the team that originally belonged to her who stayed here to continue the investigation and evidence collection, the others left Jia County one after another.

Before leaving, Zheng Nan still didn't give up, and chased Luo Lei for a while, insisting that he join the Nine Offices. In the end, Luo Lei really had no choice but to agree to officially join the Secret Service after he was admitted to university. .

Zheng Nan left happily.

Watching the convoy heading towards the entrance of the highway, Murong Hanwei touched Luo Lei's arm and said, "Now you can relax, I have to continue to do the investigation work! Didn't you always want to join the organization? You can't stand it anymore." Director's flicker?"

"Joining is one thing, working hard is another!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "At that time, I will tell him that studies are the most important thing, and it's fine to refuse the task, hehe!"



Sun Lianyou thought about it carefully, and it was better for him to leave Jia County for a while, because the killer hired by Chi Shi was about to start his operation soon, and he could stay out of it by hiding far away, so as not to arouse Tian Xi's suspicion.

When Luo Lei died, she would appear as a friend and patiently persuade Tian Xi. At that time, her psychological defense must be the weakest, and she would definitely be able to successfully capture the beauty's heart.

Thinking of this, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Chi Shi's number: "Boss Chi, I will leave Jia County in a while! There is something in the group that needs to be dealt with. Don't worry, I will come back after I finish it!"


Luo Lei was sitting in the classroom. On the surface, he was closing his eyes and resting his mind, but he was actually practicing Qi. There was an empty seat in the class, which belonged to Fan Tong.

Fan Tong didn't dare to come to class. The reason for asking for leave was to help with his uncle's funeral. After Ma Haitao's death, the vice-principal will act as the principal, and the new principal will arrive before the next semester begins.

Ma Haitao's death did not cause much sensation among the students. This is because the Ma and Fan families tried their best to cover up the real cause of his death. At the same time, they spent money to bribe the police chief Jiang Zhengyang and political commissar Chen Qian. Of course, Xiong Xijian was also involved. Son, let them help keep the secrecy and the honor of the dead.

Luo Lei didn't bother to announce Ma Haitao's scandals to the public, as long as Ma and Fan were not bothering him, he was willing to maintain a peaceful situation with them and live through the last days of high school with peace of mind.

Opening her eyes and stretching her waist, Li Qihan happened to look back, smiled at her, and nodded.

Li Qihan took out her mobile phone and sent him a message: Treat me to lunch, I'm too lazy to go home at noon.

Luo Lei replied: No problem, it is my pleasure!By the way, did the cultivation work work?

Li Qihan: Very little!

Raleigh: Keep up the good work!

After school at noon, Luo Lei took Li Qihan to the student cafeteria talking and laughing, the intimacy between the two made others jealous.Finding a seat to sit down, Luo Lei made two trips to buy three dishes, two rice dishes, and two egg drop soups.

Outside the gate of the student cafeteria is an open space that extends all the way to the playground without any buildings to cover it. Outside the fence is also a low-rise residential area. There is only a small four-story building 600 meters away.

On the roof of the small building, there was a person wearing a black tights and a hood lying on his stomach, holding a telescope in his hand and looking towards the restaurant.

Soon, his eyes fixed on Luo Lei who was eating, and after careful comparison with a photo in his trouser pocket, he was sure that the person in the restaurant was the target person.

Take out the sniper rifle that has been disassembled into several parts from the gray suitcase, and quickly assemble it. This is an m25 sniper rifle produced in country m, with a caliber of 7.62mm and a maximum range of 900 meters. Comes with a bipod.

After loading a magazine full of twenty bullets, the man in black began to adjust the multiple of the scope, pointing the muzzle at the entrance of the restaurant, and then pulled the bolt skillfully, and a bullet entered the chamber of the gun, waiting to be fired.

In order to achieve the effect of killing with one shot, he was going to wait for Luo Lei to shoot at the moment he walked out of the restaurant. Although he could also shoot at him through the glass window now, the bullet would be more or less affected after passing through the glass. If one shot is missed, there will be chaos in the restaurant, and the opportunity for a second shot will be lost.

Such a long distance has long been beyond the sensing range of the old guy.

Luo Lei's sixth sense was extremely keen, and while he was eating, he felt a dangerous signal in his heart for no reason.

He raised his head and looked around, but didn't find anything abnormal.

Seeing that his expression had changed a little from before, Li Qihan asked, "What's wrong?"

"Hehe, it's okay!" Luo Lei said with a smile, and then continued to eat with big mouthfuls.

"Oh, this tastes good, eat more!" Li Qihan enthusiastically helped him pick up food, which annoyed a group of boys around.

Soon, the food was swept away, and he wanted to take this opportunity to "revisit old things", but when the danger appeared, he lost the mood for this, and just wanted to finish eating and return to the classroom go.

"Let's go!" Luo Lei stood up.


The two walked out together. The sniper immediately put his finger on the trigger, took a deep breath, and then held his breath. The muzzle of the gun moved with the movement of the target, and he calculated the amount of advance in his mind.

The danger became more and more obvious, and Luo Lei couldn't help frowning.

Li Qihan's attention was all on his face. Seeing his expression, she hurriedly asked, "Are you feeling unwell? Do you want me to accompany you to the infirmary?"



"Really!" Luo Lei squeezed out a smile, stretched out his hand to open the restaurant door, and let Li Qihan go out first.

After closing the door with his hands back, he inadvertently raised his head and glanced into the distance. At this moment, a light flashed a few hundred meters away and dazzled his eyes.

not good!

He realized that the danger came from there. Although he couldn't see it very clearly, it was certain that the light came from the glass product - the sniper scope!

"Qiqi, run away!" Luo Lei's first reaction was to protect Li Qihan from harm, how could he know that the other party's goal was not Li Qihan at all.

Pulling Li Qihan to hide aside, the sniper has already pulled the trigger.


The high-speed spinning bullet flew out of the gun barrel, aiming at Luo Lei's head.

The speed of the bullet was very fast. Fortunately, Luo Lei reacted in time. The bullet almost flew past the scalp, leaving a small crater on the restaurant floor after penetrating through the glass of the gate.

A few broken hairs fluttered down, and he hugged the panicked Li Qihan and hid towards the pillar next to him.


The sniper fired a second shot, hitting the post.

The restaurant has long been in chaos, some hid on the table floor, some rushed out, and some even peed their pants in fright.


The third shot rang out, and Li Qihan successfully hid behind the pillar. Luo Lei, who was a step behind, was shot in his left arm, and blood flew across his body. His arm, with a trembling voice, said: "How about you, leaving so much blood, woo..."

"It's okay, you hide here, I'll deal with him!" Luo Lei nodded heavily at her, meaning I can handle it!

"Then be careful!" Li Qihan said.

Luo Lei smiled, and then jumped out from the other side of the pillar.


Luo Lei changed positions while running, and the sniper fired again and again, most of the bullets hit his feet, and the bullets immediately ran out.

The sniper was horrified. Every time he shot, he clearly aimed at the target and increased the lead, but why couldn't he hit it every time?He must have encountered a master, he put away his gun without thinking, and ran downstairs as fast as he could.

Throwing the gun and the box into the back seat of the car, the man in black started the car and drove away.

After all, there were hundreds of meters away, and when Luo Lei got downstairs, the man in black had long since disappeared.

He climbed to the top of the building angrily, picked up a bullet casing with temperature, looked at it, and immediately dialed Murong Hanwei's number: "Sister Hanwei, I'm Xiaolei! Someone shot me coldly just now, you Come over here! I'm fine, I suffered a little injury, the gunman ran away, you can help me find clues. I believe someone has already called the police, and I can't trust those policemen!"

Although Xiong Xijian has always been very polite to Luo Lei, after all, he is only leading a group of county-level police officers. Some people have never had the opportunity to participate in the investigation of shooting cases in their entire lives. I don't know what kind of gun the opponent is using.

nnd, don't let me live in peace even for a day!

"Let me find out who did it, and I will definitely not spare him lightly!" He said with hatred.

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