urban evil

Chapter 196

Meng Yun thought that his hard work this time would definitely be affirmed by the old lady, and he might decide to marry his daughter to him right away. Looking at the smiling Luo Lei and Gu Hanyan, he wondered whether he should blow up again Let some oil and water come out.

"As long as we pay, we'll be fine, right?" Raleigh asked.

Meng Yun just smiled and didn't answer. The purpose of doing this is to lay a good foundation for the next turnaround. If you are not satisfied at that time, what can you do? I didn't promise you anything personally.

"One more thing, are the words of those witnesses really recognized as testimony?" Luo Lei asked again.

Meng Yun nodded and said, "So many people agree, so of course they will be recognized as testimony!"

"Then, what if they are in the same group?" Luo Lei's words are very meaningful, and the meaning is that they have already started to fight back from here.

"Impossible, those people don't know each other!" Meng Yun said firmly.

"That's strange, how could Director Meng find so many witnesses within ten minutes!" Luo Lei continued to attack: "You must know that the incident happened on the street, and there are very few people who can see a certain scene. Most people will not wait in place after seeing it, but keep walking, how did you find them?"

"Well..." Meng Yun began to make up nonsense: "There are many reasons... Generally speaking, there are two. The first is that our police officers have a high ability to handle affairs. We naturally have our own set of handling methods, high-tech methods, Of course, these are kept secret from ordinary citizens. The second thing is that the quality of our Huacheng citizens is high, and they respond to everyone..."

Luo Lei acted like he had suddenly realized, and turned to Gu Hanyan, "Is that so?"

"No!" Gu Hanyan shook her head and said, "Looking for witnesses is a very troublesome thing. The process is extremely complicated. Sometimes it takes a long time to find a witness, and most of them use The most common methods, such as posting notices, arranging police officers to go deep into the residents to understand the situation, placing TV advertisements, and so on!"

Cold sweat broke out on Meng Yun's face. He thought he would easily evade it. There is nothing more embarrassing than exposing a lie on the spot.

"So that's how it is!" Luo Lei turned his head to face Meng Yun again, and said, "Those so-called witnesses were not arranged by you personally, right? Why do I think they belong together!"

"Nonsense, you are still quibbling before the evidence!" Meng Yun turned his face completely, and said harshly: "For you guys who don't repent, throwing them into the detention center is the most direct way. I'll send you there immediately and wait Let's eat prison food!"

Gu Hanyan finally spoke, and said coldly: "I'm afraid you don't have the right!"

"What, I don't have this right?" Meng Yun pointed to his nose with his thumb and said with a smile: "What a big joke, how can I not have such a right before the evidence? What you have violated is the "Public Security Management Punishment Regulations." ", you can be sentenced without going through the judiciary at all!"

"Your so-called evidence is nothing more than perjury!" Luo Lei continued, "Would you like to hear what the witnesses we found have to say?"

"You also have witnesses?" Meng Yun murmured in his heart.

"Of course, if you have it, why can't we have it!" Gu Hanyan said.

Meng Yun laughed, still wanting to play tricks, even if you find out that those are perjury, so what, the arms can still twist the thighs?

"Why, are you scared?" Gu Hanyan asked disdainfully, and looked at Meng Yun even more disdainfully.

"Joke, I will be afraid?" Meng Yun said in an arrogant tone: "Then let your witnesses come over! But I still want to remind you, don't add a charge of perjury to yourself and be called by you People will also be dragged into the water."

"Thank you for the reminder!" Gu Hanyan said this very "sincerely", then took out her mobile phone from her pocket, dialed a person's phone number, and said, "Boss, I was arrested and taken to the police station... Don't be surprised, I'm not joking with you, it's true! They said that I bumped into someone, and the other party was just touching..."

The person on the other end of the phone was none other than Hou Yufeng, chief of the Huadu police station. He was shocked when Gu Hanyan said that she had been arrested: "Say it again? Come out? Didn't you reveal your identity?"

"No! I think it's not that they can't see it, but they don't want to see it!" Gu Hanyan continued: "Someone said that they want to throw me into the detention center. The boss will trouble you to come, if you don't come , It is estimated that I will really be imprisoned for half a month!"

Hou Yufeng said in a deep voice, "Did you lie to me? Aren't you in the hospital?"

"It's hard for me to come out and encounter such a thing, I'm so unlucky!" Gu Hanyan said the last sentence before hanging up the phone: "You have to come here quickly, I'm at the police station on xx Road in the south of Xinshidai Otherwise, you will be sent to the detention center to find me!"

After hanging up the phone, Gu Hanyan said to Meng Yun: "Then please wait for a while, our witness will be here soon!"

There was a trace of fear in Meng Yun's heart for no reason, but it disappeared quickly. He snorted and said: "Wait, just wait, I'm afraid you won't succeed! It's not bad, it's not bad to have a few more companions when you enter the detention center." alone!"

Meng Yun had just returned to his office when the director hurried over and said, "Xiao Meng, Director Hou called just now and said he wanted to come to our place!"

"Director Hou is coming, is he here to inspect the work?" Meng Yun asked quickly.

"I'm not sure!" the director said, "Director Hou hasn't come down to inspect the grassroots police station this year, so he will inform everyone immediately to tidy up his grooming and cleanliness in the station, and he must appear in front of the leaders in the best condition!"

"No problem!" Meng Yun said with a smile: "I'm good at this. Within 10 minutes, I will guarantee that we will have a new look, and all of us will stand at the door to meet the leader, and we will honor you, the director!"

The director laughed, you, Meng Yun, are really good at making these superficial articles!

After a while, more than a dozen policemen stood at the gate, wearing uniforms without a single wrinkle.

An off-road vehicle cleared the way, followed by an Audi A8 sedan with obvious police car stripes. The two cars parked at the gate together. A group of policemen couldn't help but get nervous. They all recognized this Audi as Hou Yufeng's car.

The director quickly trotted over, opened the door of the rear seat of the car, and nodded to the people inside.

Hou Yufeng came out from inside with a dark face, which made all the policemen shudder. Director Hou is usually very kind, but what happened today? His face is almost comparable to the big iron pot used for stewing vegetables in the restaurant next door!

"Director, why do you have time to come here?" The director asked with a smile.

"I really don't want to come! But if you've caused trouble, what if I don't come?" After saying this, Hou Yufeng walked in.

"Director, please!" Meng Yun hurriedly made a gesture of invitation, Hou Yufeng didn't even look at him, he didn't care at all, and followed behind with a smile, acting like a follower.

Hou Yufeng walked straight into the hall, and the director was about to let him into the conference room, when he first asked, "Where is Captain Gu who was captured by you?"

"Ah?" The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"It's the one who was threatened to be locked up in the detention center!" Hou Yufeng explained angrily, "Girl, in her 20s!"

The director looked at Meng Yun with proving eyes. He knew about the few people he brought back just now.

Meng Yun was dumbfounded at the time. He didn't expect that the so-called "witness" turned out to be the boss of the Huadu Police Department—the Chief Hou Yufeng!Wait, Director Hou called her Captain Gu just now. There are not many policemen with the surname Gu in Huadu City, and she is a woman... My God, it can't be Gu Hanyan!

At this time, he finally understood why he always thought that woman looked familiar, but why he didn't recognize her!

"This is a misunderstanding..." Meng Yun was completely stunned, he couldn't think of anything else to say except this sentence.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is he?" Hou Yufeng asked in a voice that sounded like a roar.

Meng Yun was so frightened that he lay down on the ground and pointed to the office not far away.

The arrival of Hou Yufeng brought the truth to the surface quickly. A group of perjury guys confessed to what they had done. Seeing that the situation was over, the five sons very "generously" confessed their "brother-in-law". He honestly admitted that he was the first to provoke what happened last night, and he also admitted that he was a member of the underworld.

Seeing that Meng Yun's situation was gone, the old lady immediately bit back, saying that it was all because of his benefit that she went to the street to touch porcelain. Such an outrageous act.

Gu Hanyan and Luo Lei sat on the chairs as if nothing had happened, beside Hou Yufeng with a dignified face, in front of them was the trembling director, and Meng Yun, who had already turned pale from fright.

Gu Hanyan glanced at Meng Yun with contempt, and said: "Some people even boasted that they would convict the person I called. What crime is it? By the way, perjury, isn't it? "

Hou Yufeng's face was ashen, pointing to the two people in front of him, he said: "You really have thrown into the face of the police! You have done such a thing, Director Li, from today onwards you are no longer the director here, go to the headquarters to be a Ordinary policeman! As for you, Meng Yun, you should be fired on the spot, the police world cannot tolerate you as a god! In order to please your girlfriend and mother-in-law, you will not hesitate to lay hands on kind citizens, you are not worthy of being a policeman!"

Meng Yun's body swayed and he fainted on the ground. It was all over for him now.

Gu Hanyan was very satisfied with this, she stood up and said with a smile: "Boss, thank you for your hard work. If there is nothing else, I will leave first! By the way, I ran out of the hospital secretly. If you don't want my father If you know that the quality of our colleagues here is so low, don't tell him, haha!"

After finishing speaking, she grabbed Luo Lei's hand and walked out, leaving her boss with a wry smile on her face.

ps: more exciting next!

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