urban evil

Chapter 202 Comeback

Seeing that someone came out of the examination room so quickly, a group of parents began to speculate, wondering if the invigilator discovered that this guy was cheating, and then cleaned it up.

Faced with all kinds of guesses from a group of uncles and aunts, Luo Lei didn't take it to heart at all, and he didn't even notice that someone took a picture of walking out with his mobile phone and was going to post it on his Weibo. The name had already been named—— This year's college entrance examination is the first person to walk out of the examination room.

No one expected that the click-through rate of this video would hit a record high on the Internet a few days later, that is when the college entrance examination scores came down.

Tian Xi had been sitting in the Humvee military vehicle across the road, when she saw Luo Lei coming out, she lowered the window glass and waved at him.

Tian Xi didn't wait for him to get in the car, so she asked, "Why did you hand in the test paper so quickly? Didn't I ask you to check it carefully?"

"I've checked it!" Luo Lei said solemnly, "Before I start the next question, I will carefully read the answer to the previous question, be careful!"

Gu Hanyan asked: "How many points do you think you can get?"

"About 140, it mainly depends on the teacher correcting the paper!" Luo Lei gave Tian Xi a deep look.

Tian Xi snorted softly and turned her attention outside. They still had to wait for Li Qihan and Wu Wen to come out.

One hour, two and 10 minutes, Li Qihan walked out of the examination room confidently. Ten minutes later, Wu Wen also came out, also full of confidence. At this time, there was still a full hour before the stipulated time for handing in the paper.

"It seems that the three of you have done well in the exam. Today I will treat you and reward you!" Tian Xi said generously, but immediately changed the subject: "It's just that I'm a little cash-strapped recently. When I went home, a group of stubborn old people agreed. Unfreezing my account, but before the exam, I tried and it still didn’t work! Then, Xiaolei, please help me pay for it first, and when the teacher has the money, I will definitely pay you back!”

Luo Lei shrugged his shoulders, thinking that this is a matter of meat buns beating dogs and never returning. You are all rich people, why do you kill me every time?

"I think it's okay!" Murong Hanwei expressed her opinion before Luo Lei complained.Li Qihan also nodded. Although Wu Wen didn't make a statement, three of the four girls agreed. Can he still say "no"?

However, he is not very worried about money now. The ginseng planted in the spiritual soil vessel has tended to mature, and if you take out any one, you can sell it for tens of thousands of yuan. Please, please, whoever is afraid of others!

After eating and drinking a lot, several people went home to rest for a while, and rushed to the examination room again.

Same as in the morning, Luo Lei was the first to hand in the paper. When he walked out of the gate this time, the surprise on the faces of the uncles and aunts was much less.


In the evening, a bus stopped in front of a hotel in the southeast of the county seat. Tong Jiahao was the first to jump off the bus. He stretched out his hand to support Tong Dafang who got off the bus second. Then came Tong Chucheng, Wang Shangbiao, Ke Weiguo and others. The last one to come down was Li Jiu, who had a mischievous eyebrow and a mouse eye.

"Master, before we act, should we say hello to the Guwumeng to avoid trouble in the future?" Ke Weiguo asked.

Tong Da showed disdain, and Tong Jiahao said: "The Ancient Martial Arts League? It's just an organization that exists in name only. Apart from a few government officials who are doing nothing, they are a few little-known gangsters. Why bother?" Waste your time talking to them!"

Tong Chucheng wanted to say something, but seeing Tong Da's displeasure, he swallowed what he was about to say.

Wang Shangbiao took out his own ancient warrior badge from his arms, and said proudly: "As long as you have this badge and the token of our sect, even if the police come, you can only help from the side and don't interfere with us. thing!"

What Wang Shangbiao said is correct, but there is a prerequisite, that is, ancient warriors are not allowed to commit crimes, otherwise the police will never sit idly by.

"Tomorrow afternoon is the last session of the college entrance examination!" Tong Dafang scanned everyone's faces with sharp eyes, and said, "Everyone, get ready, the Secret Service has given you enough face, let's do it tomorrow night! There is something I want to say something in advance, that is, whoever dares to disclose these things to outsiders will never be forgiven lightly!"

While saying these words, Tong Dafang kept looking at Ke Weiguo.

Ke Weiguo nodded heavily, indicating that that person must not be him.

A group of people walked into the hotel, shouting and drinking, and checked into the room that had been booked in advance.


In the next day's exam, Luo Lei was still the first one to come out, and the uncles and aunts were already familiar with it.By the time of the last game, everyone even had an idea - if he wasn't the first to come out, it would be too unreasonable.

After the exam, he felt relaxed. It wasn't just Luo Lei who felt this way. Li Qihan, like Wu Wen, was just as everyone was discussing where to go for fun, when Fatty called.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Lei smiled and said to the four girls: "Fatty wants to be the host, please let's go to the bar and have fun, are you beauties interested?"

"I'd better go home and get a good night's sleep!" Li Qihan was the first to express her refusal: "After the exam, the big stone in my heart has fallen to the ground. My biggest wish now is to have a good sleep without any pressure! "

"Me too!" Wu Wen said.

"I have something to do at night, so I won't go!" Murong Hanwei said with a smile.

"I want to practice hard, I don't have time to go crazy with you!" Tian Xi's words didn't sound right, and Luo Lei even had an illusion, who was the one who pestered me to go to the bar all day long ago?

"Well, I'll go by myself. The fat man is not someone else, and he still has to give face!" Luo Lei took the initiative to get out of the car and said, "You guys go home first, I'll go there by myself!"

"I didn't intend to see you off!" Murong Hanwei said something that could choke someone to death, then stepped on the accelerator fiercely, and the car roared away.

"It's good to drive a bus, and you never have to worry about rising gas prices, and you don't have to think about saving fuel!" Luo Lei looked at the Hummer military vehicle leaving in the dust, shook his head and muttered: "This step on the accelerator is enough for us." Motorbike runs several kilometers, prodigal!"

The two found a bar and drank two dozen beers in one breath. The fat man didn't hold much alcohol, and soon he was too drunk. He took Luo Lei's hand and kept saying thanks. This guy showed great performance in the two-day exam Extraordinary, he will definitely get a result that will surprise everyone.

After sending the fat man to a taxi, Luo Lei left South Street on his motorcycle. From the moment he stepped out of the examination room, he was already being watched by more than one pair of eyes.The most important thing is that the owners of these eyes are very careful. They never get close to the place within 300 meters of Luo Lei, and each person's tracking time does not exceed 3 minutes, and they will change immediately when the 3 minutes are up.

These people contacted by mobile phone. When Luo Lei drove out of South Street, two cars from different directions went to his only way.

While driving, Luo Lei circulated the zhenqi in his body to speed up the volatilization of alcohol. At this time, he was quite sober. A car suddenly blocked in front of him. Before he could react, another car rushed up from behind. It also blocked the road behind.

The visitor was not friendly, Luo Lei narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the people in the two cars with great interest.

"Old man, who are these people?" he asked.

Home Hui quickly gave the answer: "They are all ancient warriors, and their powers range from the sixth level of the earth level to the third level of the mysterious level. From the aura emanating from their bodies, it can be judged that they are people from the Xingyi Sect."

"Huh..." Luo Lei let out a long breath, and said, "As long as it's not an island ninja, if I'm really surrounded by dozens of ninjas, there will definitely be a tragic fight waiting for me!"

In his opinion, people from Xingyimen are all from China anyway, at least when they start their hands, they won't make killing moves like Daoguo Oninnin, such as killing a pig with a single knife.

"Don't be careless, in addition to their strong personal combat power, they must have worked hard in the art of joint strikes!" The old guy said earnestly: "Don't be careless, and it will be too late to regret it!"

"Understood!" Luo Lei made an ok gesture and lifted his leg to get off the motorcycle.

In addition to these two cars, there were more people coming. The task of the people in the car was to trap Luo Lei and prevent him from getting away. They didn't realize that Luo Lei had no intention of escaping at all.

On a tall building in the distance, a beautiful woman with an excellent figure grew on the top of the building. She was wearing a black tights, which set off her perfect figure with unevenness. She held a high-magnification electronic telescope in her hand and looked towards the Looking at the street kilometers away.

The pretty face of the beauty turned around, and it was clearly Murong Hanwei. With the other hand, she picked up the communicator and said, "Director, Xiao Lei has already been surrounded by the other party. I'm worried that with so many people, he will suffer a lot!"

It was Zheng Nan's voice that came out of the intercom: "Haha, the people from Xingyimen are fast enough! Don't worry, that kid is very slippery. If he can't beat him, he will definitely run away. At worst, you can help him when it's critical. It’s okay if you don’t. However, there is one principle to follow, that is, you can’t reveal your identity, remember?”

"Understood, I will be careful!" Murong Hanwei nodded, put down the communicator and touched the pistol in the holster.

Luo Lei just stood on the street carelessly, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and shouted to the people in the car: "Get down, is it comfortable to sit in the car? It turns out that the well-known Xingyimen is a person who likes to The sect that bullies more and bullies less really disappoints me!"

The doors of the two cars were opened at the same time, and four people got off from each car. The one in the front was led by Wang Shangbiao, and the one in the back was led by Tong Chu. The fighting power of these two people was firmly ranked among the top three in Xingyimen.

"You are Luo Lei?" Tong Chucheng asked, "You killed my junior brother Feng Yushan?"

"It's not me who kills, I've said it many times!" Luo Lei sneered and said, "There is one more thing I have to be honest with you, you like to bully the few with the more, but I prefer to bully the more with the less, haha !"

"Arrogance!" came a voice like a tiger's roar, and Tong Dafang led Tong Jiahao and others from the road ahead.

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