urban evil

Chapter 211

Luo Lei was extremely excited, and returned to the dormitory with his own set of individual equipment, including a saber, a domestically produced Type 95 9mm self-defense pistol, a new Type 05 assault rifle, and a water bottle, A big killer like an engineer shovel, plus a big military backpack.

"I said wolf pot, why are you so happy?" the fat man asked.

"Nonsense, brother, I've only seen these things before, and I haven't even touched them, let alone owning one!" Luo Lei couldn't put it down, picked up the Type 05 assault rifle, and assumed a shooting posture that he thought was very cool.

"That's not so happy!" Chen Yunfei put his equipment on the bed, sat up on it, and said, "This thing is only two days old, haven't you seen that they only fire guns but not bullets?" , these things will become our accomplices in being abused, and the weight of dozens of catties is no joke!"

"Fresh for two days is fine!" Luo Lei put down his gun and asked a question that made the three of them want to complain: "Brothers, how can this thing be used? Don't look at me with such admiring eyes Well, it's my first time!"

Liu Cheng, who has the most stable personality, just started to explain the structure and usage of Type 05 to him. Luo Lei learned it very quickly, and he was able to disassemble it proficiently in a short while, and then reassemble it skillfully.

Half an hour of rest, followed by breakfast.

There is a strict time limit for meals. For example, there is only three and a half minutes for breakfast. The most extreme thing is: the soup is boiling hot and can reflect people's shadows, stir-fried vegetables can kill pickled vegetables, and steamed buns can be eaten when thrown out. Knock the dog out!

The most classic is steamed stuffed buns, you can’t find any fillings in one bite, but you are sure to bite your finger in the second bite.

Luo Lei couldn't help wondering: the master steamed bun must be a high-achieving psychology student who graduated from a certain university, otherwise, how could he study the human heart so thoroughly, you won't be able to bite the stuffing in the first bite, and the second bite will definitely be ruthless He took a big bite, and then the tragedy happened.

Li Dawei's eating behavior made everyone feel ashamed. One bun, one bun, the hard steamed bun was torn open and thrown into the soup, and a chopsticks of fried radish with cabbage, which was ten times saltier than pickled vegetables, was put into his mouth. After stuffing it, he picked up the soup bowl and poured thick and thin into his mouth, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and it was quickly sent into the stomach palace.

Luo Lei gave a thumbs up. Such a speed probably wouldn't be able to hold even a cute animal like a pig.

"What's the matter? As an excellent military medical officer, I have received harsh training!" Li Dawei said while continuing to stuff his mouth, "It can be said that our military doctors dealt with the most tragic Therefore, the superiors often create some horrible scenes artificially, and let us eat, sleep, etc. in it, we have already done it as if nothing happened! You all hurry up, although the taste is not very good, Filling the stomach is the most important thing, otherwise, what will be used to support the next non-human training subjects!"

Liu Chenggang and Chen Yunfei also speeded up, only Luo Lei, although he grew up in an orphanage and suffered a lot, but when faced with such food, he really couldn't get up the energy to eat and drink.

As soon as the 3 minutes are up, someone starts to count the seconds loudly, and before that, it is announced that those who are still sitting in the seat at the last second will be eliminated.

nnd, Luo Lei was extremely dissatisfied with this, even if the food was poor, he even stipulated such a strict time, at worst, I would not eat it, anyway, there are good things in the spirit earth vessel!

"Four...three, two, one..."

The instructor with a frosty face looked at the student soldiers lined up in two columns, and said, "In three minutes, go back and prepare your equipment, and gather on the playground. Anyone who fails to arrive within the stipulated time will be eliminated." !"

In just one morning, the word "elimination" was unknown to Luo Lei for the first time. He didn't think much of it, and rushed to the dormitory with the team.

One minute later, the students rushed out of the dormitory one after another and went to the playground to receive the next training.

Luo Lei had just run to the edge of the playground when suddenly a gust of wind blew sandy soil, accidentally, a few grains of sand were blown into his eyes.

Grass, bad luck!

He started to rub his eyes, but the more he rubbed, the more the sand drilled in, and the eyeballs were extremely uncomfortable. A little water would be fine. He began to look around, but he couldn't find a faucet.

A dazzling light flashed not far from the opposite side. It was the reflection of the glass on a window. He was struggling to find water. He had a flash of light. It would be nice to have a mirror!

Why is it a mirror instead of glass? That is because every window in the training camp is covered with coated glass. On the one hand, it is to enhance the strength of the glass and achieve the effect of bulletproof; on the other hand, it is to ensure a certain degree of privacy. , People cannot see what is inside from the outside, but they can clearly see the outside scene from the inside.It is precisely because of this feature that coated glass is widely used in architecture and decoration; because this kind of glass can block the line of sight from the outside, it has some characteristics similar to mirrors and can clearly reflect the appearance of people. .

Reckoning that there was at least one and a half minutes left, enough to run back and forth by himself, Luo Lei ran towards the glass window, which should be the instructors' locker room, as stated on the door plate, but it was a pity that he didn't look up.

Using both hands, stretched the upper and lower eyelids, and finally found the sand at the innermost end, and carefully picked it out with his nails. Luo Lei took a deep breath. If it was left in the eyes, it would take less than half an hour for it to become inflamed , Seriously affect his next training.

It stands to reason that he should leave after finding the sand, but out of curiosity, he continued to look towards the glass window, and while drawing closer, he said to himself: "This thing is amazing, why can't you see the inside from the outside... ...Uh, I actually saw it..."

It has to be said that the quality of the coated glass used in the construction of the training camp is very problematic. When the distance between the eyes is less than ten centimeters, the things inside can be clearly seen.

The reason why Luo Lei was so surprised was because there was a beautiful woman changing clothes with her back to the window!

With two snow-white arms raised high, she took off her shirt skillfully, and then her hands went down vertically until she touched the buckle of the bra. Immediately afterwards, the bra was taken off, and the beauty's extremely smooth back was exposed to Luo Lei. in sight.

Turn around, turn around!Luo Lei began to shout slogans in his heart, and he was short of a word like God bless.

After yesterday and today's understanding, he learned that there were at least a dozen or more female soldiers in the training camp, and many of them were beauties.

If the estimate is correct, it should be the little beauty Mi Yan who met yesterday. This is what Luo Lei judged from the skin color. Girls who have served in the army for a long time usually have a healthy wheat complexion, and it is rare for them to be so fair. The ultimate kind.

Tsk tsk, the figure is really good, although I haven't seen the true face of "Lushan" yet, but from the bra she took off, it can be seen that it is at least a 35d number, for a girl with a height of 1.6 meters [-] In terms of size, this size is enough to make most people jealous.

She took out a light gray bra from the closet opposite and put it on, followed by a dark gray short-sleeved t-shirt, then took off her pants, and finally her underwear, Luo Lei's saliva was about to flow out, her snow-white upturned t-shirt, He was so naked in front of him. He thought the training camp would be a temple for monks. He was already very happy to have female soldiers. He never thought that he would be able to see such a beautiful scenery on the first day of training. Heaven and earth ,thank you!

That's right, it's Mi Yan!

When Mi Yan was wearing underwear, she stepped on the ground with one foot, so that her center of gravity was unstable. In the process of trying to control her body slightly, Luo Lei saw half of her face.

"Bada..." Mi Yan, who was pulling up her trousers, slipped her right hand, and the armed belt fell off. She bent down to pick it up. At this moment, she accidentally saw a pair of sneaky eyes outside the window, looking straight into it. look!

"Ah, there is a ****!" Mi Yan yelled.

Royce ran away, his speed was comparable to that of a missile on fire.

After Mi Yan put on her armed belt, she rushed out of the room. There was still a shadow of a voyeur outside. She stomped a few times on the ground angrily, her small mouth pouted high.

"It's like coated glass, you can't see anything!" Mi Yan stared at the window glass for a while, she was far away, of course she couldn't see inside, and it was because of this that she didn't see it when she changed clothes just now. Pulling the curtains, she felt that it was unnecessary.

"So I didn't get seen by the mother, hee hee, that's great, this girl's innocence is preserved!" Mi Yan began to be complacent, and when she was about to turn around and re-enter the room, she suddenly thought of a question-why was she so big? Did that person run away immediately when he yelled?

If he didn't see anything, was there any need to run?

Thinking of this, her heart started beating wildly, and she walked towards the window.

Two meters, one meter, still couldn't see, she began to pray in her heart, sixty centimeters, thirty centimeters, ten centimeters... I saw it!

"Ah!" Mi Yan exclaimed, because she could clearly see everything in the room, that is to say, the process of changing clothes was completely seen by the woman just now.

Fang Yin heard the sound and rushed over, seeing tears in Mi Yan's eyes, she hurriedly asked: "Xiaoyan, what's wrong with you, who bullied you, my sister will help you vent your anger!"

Mi Yan recounted what happened just now, Fang Yin trembled angrily, and said: "Don't worry, I will help you find him out, whether it is an instructor or a student, he will be beaten up first, and then kicked out of the training camp! It's really lawless to peek at the female soldiers changing clothes!"


Luo Lei, who had just stood in the queue, sneezed, and he couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the instructor's locker room, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

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