urban evil

Chapter 222 Jumped into the Women's Restroom

After a brief period of difficulty breathing, Luo Lei gradually adjusted his mentality, at least he was not as panicked as when he first got out of the cabin.

In fact, there is a reason for the panic. Anyone who was kicked off the plane would probably be nervous. The only difference is the length of time it takes from nervousness to calmness.

Recalling the precautions Liu Chenggang said about parachuting, he began to try to control the direction of landing, pulling the control rope on the left hand, and it floated to the left, and pulling the control rope on the right to float to the right, which was quite interesting.

After playing alone for a long time, he realized a very serious problem just after the novelty was over. Before, he could still see other people's parachutes, but now, none of them are there!

Did they descend too fast, or did we deviate from the correct "channel"?

Let the old guy let go of his sensing ability to look for it, but he found nothing. There is no one within his sensing range.

"I'm stupid!" Luo Lei looked around a few times, but still didn't notice anyone, and said to the old guy: "I guess we went off the track, those guys have parachute experience, no matter how bad their grades are, It is also better than us, what direction do you think you should float now?"

"I don't know either!" The old guy said, "It's been too long since I went to the sky, and I really can't get used to it when I come up suddenly. Now I can't even tell the difference between the south, the north, and the north. You can do whatever you want. If you deviate from the meeting place, you can use yourself." Running back on two legs, you kid is very good at this!"

"Uh!" Luo Lei had nothing to say, since this is the case, it's better to let him go down, so as not to miss a longer distance.

Time passed by, and after passing through the last clouds, he finally saw the long-lost ground. The mountains, rivers, grasslands, and small rivers complement each other, and the scenery is very good.

Suddenly, Luo Lei saw a small black dot appearing in front of him, and there seemed to be a small red dot in the middle of the small black dot.


Could it be the red flag on the assembly point? He blinked and looked carefully.That's right, it must be a red flag, and there are some dark green military tents scattered around. At first glance, they look like black things, but of course they are small black spots after a long distance.

"Wahhaha, my brother's luck is really great!" Luo Leile danced and danced, and could hit the right direction with the flow. Where can I find such good luck!

Now that you've seen the red flags, go ahead go go go go!

He controlled the landing direction with both hands, and the scene below became clearer and clearer. This should be a camp. In addition to dozens of military tents of different sizes around the red flag, there were also dozens of military vehicles parked. The car has a red cross on it, and it looks like a special vehicle for the medical team.

"Hey, why isn't there a parachute down there?" Luo Lei looked at it for a long time, wondering if I was the first person to land in the correct position?If this is the case, everyone will be surprised once again. Lao Tzu, who has no experience in parachuting, is actually the first person to land directly at the assembly point!

Wahaha, Cheng Guilin, didn't you want to mess with me? It was self-defeating, and I accidentally gave my brother another chance to express himself!Red flag, here I come!

"Huh..." A gust of wind blew up for no reason, and it blew away Luo Lei, who was about to land on the flagpole, a lot. He tried hard to control it, but the distance to the ground was getting closer and closer, and the parachute was no longer under control.

It's about to hit the flagpole, this is not a joke, if one accidentally rides on it, wouldn't it be the death of children and grandchildren?Luo Lei yanked the control rope with both hands, the parachute was pulled up a lot, and successfully flew over the red flag.

What a thrill!

Before he could take a deep breath, he realized that he was rushing straight to a military tent that seemed to have no roof, and pulling the control rope was useless.

Hurry up and protect your face, other positions are not important!

"Hula... Gulu... Ding Bang... Pu Tong..."

After a loud noise, Luo Lei felt an impact coming from his legs. He knew he had landed. According to Liu Chenggang's explanation, he sat on the ground in the direction of the impact, which could effectively alleviate the impact of the impact. The damage caused by the legs, many people break their legs because they did not grasp the posture at the moment of landing.

What is the taste?

When he let go of his hands, Luo Lei was dumbfounded. At the same time, there were more than a dozen silly eyes looking at him. The owners of the eyes were squatting on some kind of white porcelain, and their trousers were all pulled back to their knees, revealing the whole body above. Thighs!

Looking at the owner of the gaze, it is clear that they are all women, ahem, strictly speaking, they should be female soldiers, and they all have red crosses on their right arms.

My God, this is the women's restroom!

"Ah!" Luo Lei yelled in shock first, why did I fall into the women's toilet in such a bad manner?


"Ah - there is a fuck, hit the fuck!"

"It's not good, there is a bomb falling from the sky, help!"

Shouts comparable to a soprano rang out one after another, and Luo Lei ran out of the women's room, scrambling and crawling. In a hurry, he forgot to release the buckle of the parachute. The parachute happened to be wrapped around the keel of the tent, and he was like a bison. As if rushing out, the result... very tragic!

The tent fell, and more than a dozen female soldiers crawled out of it in a panic, many of them were still naked!

Luo Lei hurriedly released the buckle, not in the mood to continue admiring the beautiful scenery, and ran towards the direction of the red flag, muttering in his heart, "This is a misunderstanding, it's just a small deviation!"

The entire camp exploded. Dozens of female soldiers with military doctor armbands armed with engineering shovels, mops, and brooms immediately surrounded Luo Lei. The female soldiers lead!

"Everyone, this is a misunderstanding!" Luo Lei cupped his fists and said to the female soldiers who were about to attack, "Sisters, I didn't mean to! It's our chief instructor who took the place where the red flag was placed as the parachute site , The facilities here are so dense, it’s easy to hurt people! I’m a victim, I really didn’t mean to peek at you guys going to the toilet, it’s a misunderstanding, it’s definitely a misunderstanding..."

"You must have done it on purpose. There are so many tents here, but why did they fall in the toilet? It's clearly a whore!" A group of female soldiers refused to let go.

Luo Lei took a closer look. Among these female soldiers, there are a few good-looking ones, but they are still incomparable to Mi Yan and Fang Yin. How could there be so many female soldiers here?

An aunt with a two-cent epaulet came over and asked, "What happened?"

The female soldiers chattered about the incident of the heavenly suicide, and when they finished speaking, Luo Lei hurriedly explained for himself.

It turned out that this was the training camp of the field hospital, and these female soldiers were all nurses in the hospital, and they came here for field training.

The aunt with the rank of major is their head nurse. After listening to Luo Lei's words, she looked him up and down suspiciously, and asked, "Are you really from the Raptors training camp?"

Luo Lei quickly took out his ID card and epaulettes from his pocket, and said, "Report sir, I'm a student in the training camp of the Raptors Brigade. My original unit belongs to the Ministry of National Security, and I'm a captain!"

When the epaulettes of three stars were displayed in front of all the female soldiers, many of them looked enviously, and a few female soldiers who had shown hatred just now began to discharge at Luo Lei.

Just like the male soldiers, there are very few men in the female soldiers' camp. After a long time, all of them have become little nuns who can't bear to be lonely. The idiot soldier pulled her into her tent to cultivate her relationship!

Now it seems that the red flag misled Luo Lei in the sky. This is not a parachute location at all, nor is it the southeast of the military control zone, but the southwest, at least [-] kilometers away from the assembly point.

"It won't be so miserable, right?" Luo Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The head nurse glanced at the faces of the female soldiers, and said meaningfully: "It doesn't matter, I can send someone to take you back to the assembly point! Girls, which one of you is willing to complete this difficult task?"


"I go!"

"Where are you going, you don't know how to drive, how can you send someone home?"

"Can't drive and can't sit in a car, it's fine for me to sit in the back row with him, at worst, you are responsible for driving!"


Luo Lei was frightened by the enthusiasm of these female soldiers, and couldn't help wondering when Lao Tzu became a Tang monk?


Chen Yunfei landed smoothly on the edge of the red flag, and just after he landed, he heard a "plop" sound behind him. Looking back, it turned out that the fat man Li Dawei was responsible for the violent movement.

Li Dawei got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his ass, and said with a smile, "Hey, how about the pot, our umbrella skills are not bad!"

"So-so!" Chen Yunfei raised his head, pointed at Liu Chenggang who was about to fall to the ground, and said, "The steel pot is also down! No, where is the wolf pot? I remember that he seems to be in front of the steel pot, right?"

Li Dawei squinted his small eyes and looked up at the sky for a while, then shook his head and said: "There is really no sign of the wolf pot, he must have deviated from the landing site, right?"


As a result, in an open military vehicle, a female soldier sat in the driver's seat and the co-pilot respectively. Luo Lei sat in the middle of the back row, with a female soldier on each side. When the vehicle drove out of the camp, they failed to get on the vehicle. The female soldiers all had disappointed expressions on their faces.

The female soldier in charge of driving deliberately found a very rough road, and started the car very fast, so that the car and the people in the car started to bump together, and the female soldiers on both sides of Luo Lei justifiably collided with him. .

I will endure!

The most exaggerated thing was that after the car traveled a certain distance, the two people in front switched places with the one behind.

Woohoo, it is said that the soldiers are hooligans, today I have deeply realized that the male soldiers are honest, and the female soldiers are the hooligans!

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