urban evil

Chapter 224

At 11:30 in the evening, Fatty and the three of them were already sound asleep. Luo Lei tiptoed out of the dormitory, slid around the wall, specifically looking for a blind spot for the camera, and left the dormitory area without anyone noticing.

Then, following the same pattern, he went to the outskirts of the mud pit training ground, where he had made an appointment with Fang Yin during the day.

He raised his wrist, and the watch with luminous function showed that it was 37:[-]. He looked around, but he didn't see Fang Yin, and he couldn't help saying to himself: "Women, it's customary to be late for appointments! Female soldiers are too Women, understand, understand!"

"Who said I'd be late!" A loud shout sounded from behind Luo Lei.

The person who came was Fang Yin, wearing a black tight-fitting t-shirt, her tall breasts were ready to show, and under her slender waist was a beautiful t-shirt that was also upright. On her long legs, she was wearing dark gray camouflage pants, and she was wearing short black shorts. Army boots.

Luo Lei was taken aback, and quickly turned around and said, "Beautiful instructor Fang, you don't know the saying that people scare people and scare people to death, right? It's so early in the morning that people who don't know it think they've met a female ghost." Woolen cloth!"

"You are a ghost, your whole family is a ghost!" Fang Yin said angrily.

Luo Lei shrugged and said, "I only refute the first half of your sentence. As for the second half, I don't even know what my family members look like, let alone whether they are dead or alive. Let's assume they are all dead!"

Fang Yin immediately thought of the fact that Luo Lei was an orphan, and whispered: "I'm sorry, I forgot about your life experience, I take back what I just said!"

"It doesn't matter!" Luo Lei waved his hand and said with a smile: "How we compare, you have the final say! The beautiful instructor will not be so stupid as to use her own weaknesses to challenge my strengths. You are not my opponent in a round of fighting. !"

"Of course, my aunt isn't that stupid! Let's run a mountain!" Fang Yin pointed to a towering mountain not far away, and said, "Whoever can reach the top of the mountain in the shortest time wins! The loser must be unconditional." How about doing one thing at the behest of the winning side?"

Luo Lei nodded and said, "It's fair! I'm stronger than you in terms of physical strength, and you must be more familiar with the way up the mountain than I am. It's no one's advantage. I really want to know if the beautiful instructor wins, will she propose to me?" What kind of request? Could it be that I was asked to quit the training camp on my own, I can see that you don't like me very much!"

"Of course I don't like you!" Fang Yin showed a winner's expression early on, and said with a smile: "Drive you away? Don't you have another chance to abuse you? I won't do such a stupid thing." It’s something. If you want to know, then follow behind and eat the dust!”

It's not that Luo Lei looks down on Fang Yin, but he doesn't believe that anyone in this training camp has stronger endurance than him. We can recover our strength while running, can you?

"Boy, don't underestimate the enemy!" The old guy's voice sounded: "This girl is not an ordinary person!"

"Brother is not an ordinary person!" Luo Lei said in a disdainful tone: "How much physical strength a woman can have, the one who eats the dust must be him and not me!"

The old guy said: "I advise you to be more careful. The fact that he appeared behind you without making a sound just now shows that he still has a certain strength. If you don't pay attention, you will soon capsize in the gutter." Already!"

"I know, I know!" Luo Lei didn't listen to the old guy's words. He thought that he knew Fang Yin very well. Apart from her beauty and cruelty, she really found out other advantages. It can be regarded as one of the three-legged cats.

"Then let's start, please!" Fang Yin signaled that he could start.

"Hey, ladies first!" Luo Lei said very gentlemanly: "I'll run after you run out of the camp. I have to convince you today!"

"Arrogance!" Fang Yin was not polite to him, raised her legs and ran towards the side of the camp, which was also a blind spot for cameras, so no one would notice.

When she successfully climbed out of the wall, Luo Lei slowly walked over there. When he was standing outside the wall, Fang Yin had already run hundreds of meters away.

"I'll let you know what an iron-blooded man is!" Luo Lei then ran after him with both legs. According to his judgment, the distance from here to the top of the mountain is more than [-] kilometers. Since it is the way to climb up, it will be relatively short Lang was time consuming, but he was still confident that he could reach the top of the mountain within two and a half hours.

The reason why Fang Yin was allowed to run ahead was because Luo Lei had a purpose. After all, he was not familiar with the terrain, so following behind would save a lot of effort.


The fat man sat up from the bed with sleepy eyes, and was about to go to the toilet, when he suddenly saw that Luo Lei's bed was empty, he quickly shook Chen Yunfei on the bed next to him: "Huiguo, Huiguo, wake up, the fourth child is gone!"

Chen Yunfei said without opening his eyes, "I guess he went to the bathroom!"

"Oh, then I'm going to the bathroom too, do you want to come together?" the fat man asked.

"No!" Chen Yunfei continued to sleep.

After the fat man came back, he shook him awake again, and said, "There is no one in the toilet, and his bed is still empty! He sneaked out in the middle of the night, and Wolf Pot must be engaged in the great career of prostitution!"

Chen Yunfei and Liu Chenggang sat up together, Gang Guo shook his head and said: "This guy is too brave, there are hundreds of cameras outside, if he is discovered, he will be eliminated on the spot!"

Chen Yunfei echoed: "That's right! This guy must have had the guts to play with his ambition! But if he can successfully harm a female soldier, it will be worth getting eliminated!"

The fat man asked worriedly, "Which female soldier do you think he will harm?"

The two were silent, but they knew that it must be Mi Yan, the lover of everyone's dreams, and no matter how bad it was, it must be the beauty teacher Yin. No matter who was harmed, many people would be sad.

"Stop talking, go to bed!" Liu Chenggang was the first to lie down.

"Sleep!" Chen Yunfei pulled the towel over his face.

The fat man shrugged his shoulders and said to himself: "God bless, leave one for us, don't let it all be cheap Fourth, Amitabha!"


Before they knew it, the two had been running for an hour. Fang Yin could clearly hear footsteps coming from behind him. Luo Lei kept biting him hard, and the distance between the two never exceeded 120 meters.

Fang Yin adjusted her breathing while running. Up to now, she hadn't panted heavily. This alone is enough for the envy of the male soldiers. You must know that she has run nearly ten kilometers, and it is the way up the mountain. It takes about 6 minutes per kilometer, which has greatly exceeded the average cross-country armed special forces.

Luo Lei said to the old guy while running: "Beauty Fang really has some tricks, but this is not in line with the rules, do you see something?"

"I'm not sure yet!" said the old guy, "I suspect that she is a supernatural being, and has the ability to quickly recover physical strength in the dark. However, she doesn't seem to know that she has supernatural powers, but feels that her energy at night It should be more abundant!"

"Wow Kaka, let me say it!" After being surprised, Luo Lei said with a smile: "Isn't it the legendary female Daredevil? Even so, she is no match for our practitioners. I want to start speeding up." Now, let go of all your sensing abilities, so as not to cause a tragedy of slipping and falling into the ditch."

"Don't worry!" said the old guy.

With the old guy's assurance, Luo Lei didn't have to worry about anything, and started to quicken his pace, catching up after a distance of about one kilometer.

"Hey, the beautiful instructor has good physical strength!" Luo Lei deliberately stared at Fang Yin's ups and downs with lecherous eyes, and said with a smile: "But, you are not my opponent yet!"

"Arrogance!" Fang Yin cherished words like gold, she knew very well what consequences would be caused if she spoke while running, so she only said these three words.

Luo Lei didn't care at all, and said with a smirk, "Aren't you arrogant? The result will come soon! I've been following you for more than an hour, and it's time to change places, Beibei!"

After speaking, he continued to accelerate, and soon left Fang Yin behind.

Fang Yin rushed to catch up, but couldn't catch up, and could only watch helplessly as the distance grew further and further away.But she didn't think she would lose, on the contrary, she became more confident. She felt that Luo Lei's sprinting too early would waste a lot of physical strength, and he would have to show signs of exhaustion in a short time, and he would definitely overtake easily by then.

As for Luo Lei, he intentionally ran fast and slow at times, always speeding up suddenly when Fang Yin thought she could overtake him, making her wish come true again and again.

Two hours passed, and the top of the mountain could be seen clearly when looking up, Luo Lei turned his head and shouted at Fang Yin: "Beautiful instructor, you will arrive at your destination soon, or you can admit defeat in advance! Facts have proved that you have not surpassed Take the initiative with my ability, I will never ask you too much, hehe!"

"Dream!" Fang Yin couldn't help speeding up her steps after being stimulated.

"I really don't want to give up until I reach the top of the mountain!" Luo Lei pretended to hate iron but not steel, and said, "Brother, I will force you to convince you, and continue to eat dust!"

After saying this, Luo Lei didn't use the way of running wildly, but deliberately slowed down, so that Fang Yin behind him felt that he was infinitely approaching, but in the end he couldn't succeed.

Soon, the distance to the top of the mountain was less than one kilometer, and the distance between Fang Yin and Luo Lei was only a short ten meters away.

Sprinting, Fang Yin quickened her pace, while Luo Lei in front still maintained the original speed.

Finally caught up, and the two went hand in hand.

Luo Lei still had the previous smirk on his face, no matter how fast Fang Yin accelerated again and again, he could only keep parallel with it and could not overtake it.

Fang Yin felt that Luo Lei did this on purpose, that is to say, he deliberately concealed his strength, and he still couldn't surpass it at the last moment!Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel so anxious that she couldn't concentrate on the rough road.

"Ah!" Fang Yin stepped on a stone the size of a fist, and when the stone rolled, she lost her balance and fell towards the steep side of the mountain!

No, if this falls, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving, Luo Lei flew forward without thinking.

ps: It’s the holidays, I wish the female laces a happy holiday!

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